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Internal Data Sharing Plan


A) Project overview

This agreement is between all the members of the Health and Value of the Brian Booth Wetlands. Throughout this document we will refer to it as the Project.

This project is a collaboration between five groups, each creating a different dataset. The five data sets are:

D1. Meteorological Data,
D2. Bird Census,
D3. Water Quality Records,
D4. Use of Wetlands Survey
D5. Map Generation

B) Data Management Plan (DMP)

The data management plan for the Project can be found in the shared R drive at "R:\projects\BrBoMaster\DMPMaster\DMP_latest.doc".

C) Data Description

The aim of the project is use a wide range of disciplines to look at function and health of the Brian Booth Wetlands which lies along the Central Oregon Coast. To do this, 12 people from 5 departments and one government agency will collect five datasets looking at different aspects of the same area. The datasets are as follow:

  1. Meteorological data
    • Readings from a station set up for the duration of the project (temperature, wind speed, humidity, ect)
  2. Birds Census
    • Spreadsheets with counts of migratory birds
    • Photographs and videos with geo-location tags
  3. Water quality
    • instrumentation (dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, temperature, nutrients, etc)
    • lab data: phytoplankton and zooplankton species identification
    • spreadsheet, physical samples, photos and microscope images
  4. Use of the wetlands as a recreational site
    • Interviews of visitors on how they use the wetlands and its value
  5. Maps
    • Maps of the area that provide context for the project


A) Role definitions:

Principal Investigator (PI):
Bethany Barnard is the PI and will coordinate with all of the separate parts.

Faculty Investigator: Three OSU faculty members are assigned to three of the subprojects:
Rogers, Rick is responsible for the Meteorological Data
Singer, Sam is responsible for the Birds Census
Williams, Wallace is responsible for the Water Quality Data

Dunning, Diane is Parks and Recreation Department employee and is responsible for the Wetland Interviews dataset.

Team member:
Martha Marien is a technicians in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at OSU and will work on the meteorological dataset. Patrick Pullman is a Postdoc in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at OSU and will work on the bird survey dataset.

Five Oregon State University Students will be working on various projects. Arthur Chapman will work on the bird census. Cathy Thompson will work on the water quality data. Barbra Hubble and Henry Cortez will work on the wetlands survey. Julie Reynolds will work on the creation of the maps of the area.

B) Responsibilities

The responsibility below will be broken down by subproject.

Rogers, Rick is responsible for the Meteorological Data
Singer, Sam is responsible for the Birds Census
Williams, Wallace is responsible for the Water Quality Data
Dunning, Diane is responsible for the Wetland Interviews
Bethany Barnard is responsible for the Maps dataset

DMP Implementation: responsible for ensuring Data Management Plan and the Internal Data Sharing Plan move from planning into implementation; ensure that any practices, responsibilities, policies outlined in the plan are followed; ensure that new members of the Project will receive data management training; responsible for maintaining the Data Management Plan and the Internal Data Sharing Plan up to date, and making sure that all members of the Project understand and are prepared to apply the changes.
Responsible Parties: Bethany Barnard will make sure all the subprojects are coming together and abiding by the DMP

Access control: responsible for regulating access to data based on the roles of the authorized user, whether from the project or not. Access is the ability to perform a specific task, such as view, create, or modify a file. Responsible for granting access to data by members outside of the project when requested during the duration of the project.
Responsible Parties: Rick Rogers will control access to the meteorological dataset, Sam Singer will control access to the bird survey, Wallace Williams will control access to the water quality dataset, and Diane Dunning will control access to the wetland interviews, Bethany Barnard will control access to the maps.

Protection of sensitive and protected data: responsible for complying with applicable laws and regulations, institutional policies, and ethical principles governing the conduct of human subjects research, sensitive and protected data.
Responsible Parties: Diane Dunning will protect the identifiable version of the wetlands survey dataset. The OSU IRB approved protocols are listed in the R drive in the admin folder. Questions about these protocols or the protection of sensitive data should be directed to Diane Dunning. The other datasets do not contain sensitive data that needs protecting.

Software creation and maintenance: responsible for the creation, design, and installation of a software products and maintenance of the system (software update, error correction, enhancement of existing features).
Responsible Parties: Martha Marien will produce and maintain the software associated with the meteorological dataset.

Instrumentation maintenance: responsible for conducting tasks related to instruments such as installation, calibration, testing, and performing maintenance of instrumentation equipment.
Responsible Parties: Martha Marien will maintain weather station which collects the meteorological data.

Data collection/ data generation: responsible for data collection and creation, data entry, information processing, manipulation, and data generation.
Responsible Parties: Martha Marien will make sure the meteorological data is generating from the station. Sam Singer will conduct the bird survey on the northern bank, Arthur Chapman will conduct the bird survey on southern bank. Patrick Pullman will collect water samples at sites 1-7 and Cathy Thompson will collect water samples at sites 8-17. Barbra Hubble will conduct all in person interviews about the use of the Brian Booth Wetlands.

Data organization: responsible for maintaining the data in an organized data structure so that it is easy to find by creating consistent and defined folder structure and naming conventions. Responsible for saving the data in the appropriate formats.
Responsible Parties: Martha Marien will organize the meteorological data. Sam Singer will organize the bird survey. Patrick Pullman and Cathy Thompson are each responsible for their samples and Patrick Pullman is responsible for merging the data. Barbra Hubble will organizes the wetlands survey.

Metadata generation: responsible for generating metadata (data description), documentation, using the metadata standards or templates specified in the Data Management Plan.
Responsible Parties: There are different conventions depend on the specific dataset. The metadata standards for each dataset are defined below.

Meteorological Data: All metadata will be recorded using a metadata standard in the field (EML Ecological Metadata Language). Martha Merien will be responsible for documenting the data in this format.

Bird Survey: A plain text read me file documenting the spreadsheet will be created by Sam Singer and Arthur Chapman. Sam Singer will be responsible for the methods part, Arthur Chapman will be responsible for the rest (variable definitions, defining acronyms, etc).

Water Quality Data: Data will be documented with a lab specific template found in the shared folder "R:\projects\BrBoMaster\WaterQ\Documents\Lab_standards.txt". Lab notebooks should follow all of the specifications for the lab. Patrick Pullman and Cathy Thompson will generate metadata for samples.

Wetlands Survey: Documentation about the interviews, including consent forms, will be created and managed by Diane Dunning.

Maps Data: Julie Reynolds will be responsible for documenting the maps using FSGC metadata standards.

Quality control: responsible for performing quality assurance and quality control. It involves testing, reviewing, cleansing of data, calibration, correcting errors, data remediation, and documentation of quality control on the data points.
Responsible Parties: Rick Rogers will manage the meteorological data, Sam Singer will manage the bird survey data, Patrick Pullman and Cathy Thompson will manage the water quality data, Barbra Hubble is responsible for the wetlands survey dataset, and the map data will be managed by Julie Reynolds.

Data analysis: responsible of various activities related to data analysis such as examining, analyzing, sorting, aggregating, transforming, modeling, visualizing, validating, presenting, to answer research questions.
Responsible Parties: Julie Reynolds will be responsible for the creation of the maps, Rick Rogers is responsible for the meteorological data analysis, Sam Singer and Arthur Chapman will work on the bird survey data, Patrick Pullman and Cathy Thompson will work on the water quality data, Barbra Hubble and Henry Cortez will work on the wetlands dataset.

Archiving and preservation: responsible for assuring archiving and storage, preservation and access to data (and associated metadata) long term (e.g. in a repository or managed internally).
Responsible Parties: Rick Rogers will preserve the various meteorological dataset versions, Sam Singer will preserve all of the bird survey data, Patrick Pullman will preserve the water quality data, Barbra Hubble will preserve the identified and de-identified wetlands surveys, Bethany Barnard will preserve the map data.

The table below provides a compact summary of everyone's responsibilities.

Bethany Barnard Rick Rogers Sam Singer Wallace Williams Diane Dunning Martha Marien Arthur Chapman Patrick Pullman Cathy Thompson Barbra Hubble Henry Cortez Julie Reynolds
DMP Implementation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No
Access Control Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No
Protection of Sensitive Data No No No No Yes No No No No No No No
Software Creation and Maintenance No No No No No Yes No No No No No No
Instrumentation Maintenance No No No No No Yes No No No No No No
Data Collection/ Generation No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Data Organization No No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No
Metadata Generation No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Quality Control Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No
Data Analysis No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Archiving and Preservation Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No


All members of the Project involved in roles related to data management will be acknowledged in some way. Specifically:

Members of the Project that were involved in data generation will be offered co-authorship to papers that make use of their data. This offer is required for any publications with data that is formally unpublished. After the first publication of a dataset this convention is not mandatory but is highly encouraged for the two years following the project's completion. Co-authorship will require participation in the interpretation of the data, writing, or critical review of the manuscript, approval of the final manuscript. The offer for co-authorship may be accepted or declined. When students (PhD or masters) accept co-authorship, the initiators of the article will commit to provide support and mentorship to the student, so that their role can be meaningful.

Datasets will be published separately from the research in a repository on OSU's Scholars Archive. Members of the Project with a significant data management contribution will be listed as co-authors in the data publication. Every member of the Project that makes use of the published datasets will cite the dataset and list it in the reference list in their publications.

When possible, publications will be made in journals that use the CRediT authorship taxonomy ( or similar. The roles of each of the members of the Project involved in data management will be documented using the appropriate roles. Members of the Project involved in data analysis will be acknowledged in the acknowledgment section in papers and publications. 󠄀


A) Data access, permissions, and restriction

Datasets will be shared internally at minimum with all people listed in this document. The meteorological data, bird survey, water quality data and maps will be shared with all members on the shared drive. Remote access to the server will be provide to Dianne Dunning so that she can access the data on her work computer. All tabular data will be shared as comma separated values (csv) files. The maps will be available as shapefiles as well as a geodatabase. Any image or video files should be shared in their original format (jpeg and mp4 are preferred).

The meteorological dataset will be made available continuously through out the project. This dataset will be updated with the latest calibration versions available. There will be updated quality control information, based on defined quality levels (L0 raw data, L1 has passed tests A and B, L2 has passed all tests. Description of protocols and tests are in the R drive ("R:\BrBoMaster\Metero\tests\testdescriptions.txt"). Updates will be regular and no notifications will be sent for each version. The latest version will always be on the top level of the meteorological folder along with the version number.

The bird survey data will be made available within two weeks of surveys conduction. Any versions after the raw data should be clearly denoted and available in the same location. If any substantial changes are made to the dataset an email should be sent to all members of the project outlining the changes. The version and changes should also be clearly indicated in text file associated with each dataset.

The wetlands survey will only be shared as a de-identified dataset to everyone except Diane Dunning and Barbra Hubble. This dataset will be shared after all the surveys are complete and processed. The raw data will only be available when it is deemed appropriate through special request from Diane Dunning. Diane Dunning will send an email to only those people using the survey dataset if there are changes after the initial upload and provided documentation in the wetland survey's readme.

The water quality dataset will be made available periodically as the water samples are processed. The raw results and the processed data will both be available on the shared drive. The collection and processing dates will be clearly indicated on the files.

The maps are available for any members to access on the R drive. This data is also available to the public via Scholars Archive ( No additional maps are planned for this project.

B) Data storage

Datasets will be shared with the OSU faculty, team members, and students through the R-drive (R:\BrBoMaster). Remote access to this drive will be provided to Diane Dunning and to any other member upon request. The identified wetlands survey dataset will not be on the R drive and will only be made available by Diane Dunning if she deems it appropriate.

C) Confidentiality

The measures for establishing safeguards to protect the confidentiality of the data among the researchers in this Project are contained in the IRB approved document which was submitted by Diane Dunning. These measures were only necessary for the wetlands dataset and can be found on the MasterAdmin folder on the R drive.

D) Other workflows

The file structure of the R drive should maintain the following general structure. It is the responsibility of the uploader to move the data from the current to the outdated folder before uploading the new dataset.

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A) Duration of Agreement

This internal data sharing plan is effective from 2019-01-20 through 2020-05-31.

B) Internal Data Sharing Plan update

This plan may be amended, modified, or updated. While Bethany Barnard will make the ultimate decision about changes; Rick Rogers, Sam Singer, Wallace Williams and Diane Dunning will be consulted. All members of the teams should be informed and trained (if applicable) on changes.