Android-x86_64 [v9.0-r2] running on a Toshiba Encore 2 [WT8-B] tablet.
Based off Kernel 4.19.50
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To build from source, follow the instructions at
- Patched 4.19.50 kernel with all patches.
- Edited kernel config file [
] and updated the following to enable LPSS backlight control:
- This build is still under development and not ready for release:
- 'GRALLOC=gbm' boot argument in GRUB needed to resolve issue w/ISurfaceComposer (power button crash), but device is not waking from sleep if PWM_LPSS is patched, and if not patched, device not entering low-state power mode (display backlight remains on) and obviously brightness slider not working.
Please check back in the near future for possible updates.