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Running Experiments

The experiments reported in the paper can be reproduced as follows:

Main UAI Experiments

The experimental results shown in Figure 1 and Tables 1-3 can be run as follows:

AdvGNN: python scripts/ --exp_name experiments_GNN_base_wide_deep_seed_2222_seed_3333_seed_4444

MI-FGSM+: python scripts/ --exp_name experiments_mi_fgsm_set_alpha_base_wide_deep_seed_2222_seed_3333_seed_4444

PGD: python scripts/ --exp_name experiments_pgd_base_wide_deep_seed_2222_seed_3333_seed_4444

Easy Experiments:

The experimental results shown in Figure 2 and Tables 10 can be run as follows:

AdvGNN: python scripts/ --exp_name experiments_GNN_base_wide_deep_easy_seed_2222_seed_3333_seed_4444

MI-FGSM+: python scripts/ --exp_name experiments_mi_fgsm_set_alpha_base_wide_deep_easy_seed_2222_seed_3333_seed_4444

PGD: python scripts/ --exp_name experiments_pgd_base_wide_deep_easy_seed_2222_seed_3333_seed_4444

Further Experiments:

The experiments in Appendices F3 and F4 that are summarized in Tables 11 and 12 can be run as follows:

AdvGNN: python scripts/ --exp_name rebuttal_madry_GNN_med_seed_2222_3333_4444

MI-FGSM+: python scripts/ --exp_name rebuttal_madry_mi_fgsm_set_alpha_med_seed_2222_3333_4444

PGD: python scripts/ --exp_name rebuttal_madry_pgd_med_seed_2222_3333_4444

GNN Training:


Validation Experiments:

The hyper-parameter search for MI-FGSM, MI-FGSM+, and PGD as reported in Appendix E can be run using the following commands:

MI-FGSM python scripts/ --exp_name hparam_mi_fgsm_original_first_round

MI-FGSM+ python scripts/ --exp_name hparam_mi_fgsm_set_alpha_first_round

PGD: python scripts/ --exp_name hparam_pgd_first_round