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BluebirdPS: A Twitter Automation Client for PowerShell 7

PowerShell Gallery Downloads PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases)

This is the project repo for BluebirdPS, a Twitter automation client for PowerShell 7.

Work in Progress

Please consider this a work in progress. At this point, anything and everything could changed.

Also, expect errors, though I have tried to keep those at minimum.

Community Module

This module is still very much developed for the community and will gladly accept feedback from the community to make this module do what you need it to do, while adhering to the Twitter API design and PowerShell best practices.

Renamed and Rehomed

In order to better support the module, including setting up a external documentation, the module was renamed from Twitter to BluebirdPS and moved to my personal account. Originally, it was created in the PowerShellModules organization and it was the only recent activity.


PowerShell 7

In order to support cross-platform scenarios, PowerShell 7 was chosen as the version for this new module. Focusing on a single version will also allow us to forego handling the API calls differently between Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7.

Please see Installing various versions of PowerShell for instructions on installing PowerShell 7. You can install it on virtually any modern operating system - Windows, MacOS, or Linux.

Developer Account Tokens

Currently, any user of the module would need to apply for a Twitter Developer account and create an application in the portal.

Note The application must be given the appropriate access permissions. At minimum, the application needs Read access for any Get- commands. Set-, Send-, and Publish-Tweet require Write access. Publish-TwitterDM requires Direct Message.

  1. Once you have created the application, generate your API key/secret and access token/secret.
  2. Next, clone this repo to a location of your choosing. This will change once the module is in the PowerShell Gallery.
  3. Then use the Set-TwitterAuthentication -Persist to add your key, token and secrets. (Omit the -Persist if you do not want to save your credentials to disk.)
Set-TwitterAuthentication -Persist -Verbose
API Key: *************************
API Secret: **************************************************
Access Token: **************************************************
Access Token Secret: *********************************************


VERBOSE: Successfully connected to Twitter.
VERBOSE: Saved Twitter credentials to existing file: C:\Users\Dave\.TwitterPowerShell\twittercred.sav

How to Install

From the PowerShell Gallery

Start PowerShell 7 and run the following command:

Install-Module -Name BluebirdPS -Scope CurrentUser

For more information, please visit the BluebirdPS page on the Powershell Gallery.

From the GitHub Release Page

  1. Click here to go to the latest releases, then download the file attached to the release.
  2. Right-click the downloaded zip, select Properties, then unblock the file. This is to prevent having to unblock each file individually after unzipping.
  3. Unzip the archive.
  4. (Optional) Place the module somewhere in your PSModulePath.
    • You can view the paths listed by running the environment variable $env:PSModulePath

Building from the GitHub Repo

  1. Clone repo to a folder of your choice.
  2. Change into the local repo folder.
  3. Run the build.ps1 script.
  4. Import-Module -Path .\BuildOutput\BluebirdPS\0.1.0\BluebirdPS.psd1


(Search-Tweet -SearchString "(from:rtpsug)" -MaxResults 100).statuses

Get-TwitterListByOwner -ScreenName thedavecarroll

Publish-Tweet -TweetText "Continuing work on the #PowerShell Twitter module. Check it out!"

More Than Meets the Eye

This module includes output to the Information stream containing details on the call (or calls) made to Twitter.

Here is an example of how to access it and what it contains.

$ListMember = Get-TwitterListMember -Slug mylist -OwnerScreenName myscreenname -ResutsPerPage 100 -InformationVariable MyListMemberInfo


Command            : Get-TwitterListMember
HttpMethod         : GET
Uri                :
QueryString        : ?count=100&cursor=-1&include_entities=true&owner_screen_name=ossia&slug=devafter30
Status             : 200 OK
Server             : tsa_b
ResponseTime       : 801
RateLimit          : 900
RateLimitRemaining : 819
RateLimitReset     : 10/13/2020 12:50:37 PM
Response           : {[Cache-Control, System.String[]], [Date, System.String[]], [Pragma, System.String[]], [Server, System.String[]]…}

Command            : Get-TwitterListMember
HttpMethod         : GET
Uri                :
QueryString        : ?count=100&cursor=4611686020715031288&include_entities=true&owner_screen_name=ossia&slug=devafter30
Status             : 200 OK
Server             : tsa_b
ResponseTime       : 849
RateLimit          : 900
RateLimitRemaining : 818
RateLimitReset     : 10/13/2020 12:50:37 PM
Response           : {[Cache-Control, System.String[]], [Date, System.String[]], [Pragma, System.String[]], [Server, System.String[]]…}


The Response property contains the raw response from Twitter. This function uses Invoke-TwitterCursorRequest, which takes the next cursor from the returned payload and appends the query appropriately.

You can see the ResponseTime (in milliseconds) along with RateLimit specifics.

Public functions

Here is list of current public functions.

Currently, there are 43 public functions and 10 private functions.

Count Name
Get 26
Set 5
Export 2
Publish 2
Test 2
Add 1
Import 1
Remove 1
Search 1
Send 1
Unpublish 1


  • Set-TwitterAuthentication
  • Test-TwitterAuthentication
  • Export-TwitterAuthentication
  • Import-TwitterAuthentication
  • Set-TwitterBearerToken

Set-TwitterBearerToken will be used to set the OAuth v2 bearer token used for some Twitter API v2 endpoints.


  • Publish-Tweet
  • Get-Tweet
  • Set-Retweet
  • Set-TweetLike
  • Get-TweetLike

Users, Followers, Friends, and Blocks

  • Get-TwitterTimeline
  • Get-TwitterUser
  • Get-TwitterUserList
  • Get-TwitterFollowers
  • Get-TwitterFriends
  • Get-TwitterFriendship
  • Get-TwitterMutedUser
  • Get-TwitterBlocks


  • Get-TwitterList
  • Get-TwitterListByOwner
  • Get-TwitterListMember
  • Get-TwitterListSubscriber
  • Get-TwitterListSubscription
  • Get-TwitterListTweets


  • Search-Tweet
  • Get-TwitterSavedSearch
  • Add-TwitterSavedSearch
  • Remove-TwitterSavedSearch


  • Send-TwitterMedia

Direct Message

  • Get-TwitterDM
  • Publish-TwitterDM
  • Unpublish-TwitterDM

User Profile

  • Get-TwitterUserProfileBanner

Supporting Commands

  • Get-TwitterAccountSettings
  • Get-TwitterConfiguration
  • Get-TwitterLanguages
  • Get-TwitterRateLimitStatus
  • Export-TwitterResource

Helper Commands

These functions do not connect to Twitter directly.

  • Get-TwitterApiEndpoint
  • Get-TwitterHistory
  • Get-TwitterRateLimitWarning
  • Set-TwitterRateLimitWarning
  • Test-SearchString

Command Verbs

Verb Usage Example
Get Get a resource Get-TwitterTimeLine -Home
Publish Tweet or Direct Message Publish-Tweet -TweetText 'Check out this pic of #Snoopy' -MediaId $UploadedPic.media_id
Unpublish Delete Tweet or Direct Message Unpublish-TwitterDM -DirectMessageId 1239876543210147852
Set Like, Unlink, Retweet, Unretweet Set-Tweet -Id 12345567896321478 -Like
Search Text search for a user or tweet Search-Tweet -SearchString '#PSTweetChat'
Send Send media Send-TwitterMedia -Path $PathToImage -Category TweetImage -AltImageText 'A bowl of froot loops'

Private Functions

API Calls

The module has three functions that will make API calls dependent on if it's a single request, a cursored request, or a paged request.

  • Invoke-TwitterCursorRequest
  • Invoke-TwitterPageRequest
  • Invoke-TwitterRequest


The Write-TwitterResponseData function handles all of the non-error output, which includes sending key response data to the Information stream.

For the most part, the output is the response from Invoke-Method. The output of some commands contains only the property that's required which should always be an array of other others.

The function that handles errors, New-TwitterErrorRecord, also sends response data to the Information stream.

API Authentication

OAuthParameters Class

The cornerstone of the module is the [OAuthParameters] class which handles moving the URL and query to Invoke-TwitterRequest. It's primary function (method, actually) is to generate the OAuth signature string.

Things to Do

  • Expand build scripts
  • Pester tests
  • TweetText processor (currently there no check for length)
  • Exploration of PIN-OAuth
    • This will entail a security discussion on key storage
  • Additional commands
  • Twitter API V2 Endpoints