This series of commands showcases the use of Redis Streams -- including the Claiming of Pending events that have been given to members of a worker group
- A SET of dates
- A SET of employee Ids
SADD dates{ot11} "2022-12-24" "2022-12-25" "2022-12-26" "2022-12-27" "2022-12-28" "2022-12-29" "2022-12-30" "2022-12-31"
SADD ids{ot11} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
XGROUP CREATE X:requests{ot11} managers 0 MKSTREAM
EVAL "local id ='SRANDMEMBER','ids'..KEYS[1]) local date ='SRANDMEMBER','dates'..KEYS[1])'XADD','X:requests'..KEYS[1],'*','empid',id,'startDate',date, 'numDays',(id%5))" 1 {ot11}
Now would be a good time to look at the information available in Redis Insight if you have it.
- Can you see the messages/events written to the stream?
- Can you find the ‘managers’ worker Group?
- Are any messages in a ‘Pending’ state?
(For some executions, change the last argument to manager2 or manager3 to show multiple workers)
EVAL "local maxdays = 10 local msg = 'stuck during processing' local ptoRequest ='XREADGROUP','GROUP','managers',ARGV[1],'COUNT','1','STREAMS','X:requests'..KEYS[1],'>') local eventid = ptoRequest[1][2][1][1] local empid = ptoRequest[1][2][1][2][2] local startDate = ptoRequest[1][2][1][2][4] local days = ptoRequest[1][2][1][2][6] if (( days > '0' ) and'SISMEMBER','used'..KEYS[1],empid)<1) then msg = 'PTO approved for '..days..' days''XADD','X:results'..KEYS[1],'*','empid',empid,'startDate',startDate,'numDays',days,'manager',ARGV[1],'status','approved')'XACK','X:requests'..KEYS[1],'managers',eventid)'SADD','used'..KEYS[1],empid) end return msg" 1 {ot11} manager1
@user_script:1: user_script:1: attempt to index local 'ptoRequest' (a boolean value)
By now, you should have seen at least one request get stuck as the managers are not equipped to process duplicate requests nor requests for zero days off
Execute the following script multiple times and check the information available in Redis Insight to see what the impact of all the above has been
EVAL "local msg = 'abc' local stuckRequestID ='XPENDING','X:requests'..KEYS[1],'managers','-','+','1')[1][1] local ptoRequest ='XCLAIM','X:requests'..KEYS[1],'managers',ARGV[1],'0',stuckRequestID) local eventid = ptoRequest[1][1] local empid = ptoRequest[1][2][2] local startDate = ptoRequest[1][2][4] local days = ptoRequest[1][2][6] if (days < '1') then msg = 'request denied (PTO must be > 0 days)' end if'SISMEMBER','used'..KEYS[1],empid)>0 then msg = 'request denied employee '..empid..' already requested PTO' end'XADD','X:results'..KEYS[1],'*','empid',empid,'startDate',startDate,'numDays',days,'manager', ARGV[1], 'status', 'denied', 'reason',msg)'XACK','X:requests'..KEYS[1],'managers',eventid) return msg" 1 {ot11} supervisor
@user_script:1: user_script:1: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)