If using RedisInsight - you can choose the 'Workbench' interface and execute several commands with one Button-click
Execute the following commands being sure to include your prefix as part of the key-names when sharing a database
(so you would replace ot11 with your initials and birth-month at the front of the key-names for the time-series keys created below)
- Create several new keys establishing labels so that they can later be analyzed and filtered and grouped:
- populate the keys with values for roughly 1 year of ticket sales:
TS.CREATE ot11:zew:adult:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction entrance isfree false audience adult author ot11
TS.CREATE ot11:zew:child:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction entrance isfree false audience child author ot11
TS.CREATE ot11:zew:pettingzoo:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction pettingzoo isfree false audience all author ot11
TS.CREATE ot11:zew:bonobolecture:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction bonobolecture isfree false audience adult author ot11
TS.CREATE ot11:zew:gorillafeeding:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction gorillafeeding isfree true audience all author ot11
TS.CREATE ot11:zew:3dmovie:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction 3dmovie isfree false audience all author ot11
TS.CREATE ot11:zew:snakefeeding:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction snakefeeding isfree true audience all author ot11
For each of the following LUA script executions provide the key-name with your prefix as the 1st key-name argument
EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,12) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*21200000)+season), (vall+(index%9)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:adult:{tickets}
EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,22) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*21200000)+season), (vall+(index%19)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:child:{tickets}
EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,9) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*21200000)+season), (vall+(index%4)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:pettingzoo:{tickets}
EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,2) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*21200000)+season), (vall*(index%2)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:bonobolecture:{tickets}
EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,4) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*21200000)+season), (vall*(index%2)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:3dmovie:{tickets}
EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,30) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*21200000)+season), (vall+(index%7)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:gorillafeeding:{tickets}
EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,30) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*(21200000*6))+season), (vall*(index%2)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:snakefeeding:{tickets}
- now, using RedisInsight, begin your analysis using Time-Series Queries:
TS.MRANGE - + FILTER data=tickets isfree=(false,true) GROUPBY isfree REDUCE SUM
- can you tell whether tickets that are free are more popular than tickets that are not free?
TS.MRANGE - + AGGREGATION SUM 86400000 FILTER data=tickets attraction!=(entrance) GROUPBY isfree REDUCE SUM
TS.MRANGE - + AGGREGATION SUM 604800000 FILTER data=tickets attraction!=(entrance) GROUPBY isfree REDUCE SUM
TS.MRANGE - + AGGREGATION SUM 604800000 FILTER data=tickets attraction!=(entrance) GROUPBY attraction REDUCE SUM
TS.MRANGE - + AGGREGATION SUM 2628288000 FILTER data=tickets attraction!=(entrance) GROUPBY isfree REDUCE SUM
- How would you query the time-series to uncover which of the attractions sells the most tickets near the beginning of each month? And what about near the end of each month?
(You can stop reading this now)
#### An Alternate path to command execution would be to execute the shell script below (after editing it of course) #### It does the same things as the separated commands above and will populate several time-series keys that track ticket sales over about 1 year for various attractions at the zoo #### The script below does the following: * Cleanup any old keys: * Create several new keys establishing labels so that they can later be analyzed and filtered and grouped: * populate the keys with values for roughly 1 year of ticket sales:
NB: Copy paste the following to a file on your machine and edit the host and port values. If you are using a password, you will have to add the redis-ci -a argument for authorization (to allow you to specify a password when connecting)
- Once you have saved the file with the proper settings like host and port - execute the script
redis-cli -h $host -p $port del ot11:zew:adult:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port del ot11:zew:child:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port del ot11:zew:pettingzoo:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port del ot11:zew:bonobolecture:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port del ot11:zew:gorillafeeding:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port del ot11:zew:3dmovie:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port del ot11:zew:snakefeeding:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port TS.CREATE ot11:zew:adult:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction entrance isfree false audience adult author ot11
redis-cli -h $host -p $port TS.CREATE ot11:zew:child:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction entrance isfree false audience child author ot11
redis-cli -h $host -p $port TS.CREATE ot11:zew:pettingzoo:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction pettingzoo isfree false audience all author ot11
redis-cli -h $host -p $port TS.CREATE ot11:zew:bonobolecture:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction bonobolecture isfree false audience adult author ot11
redis-cli -h $host -p $port TS.CREATE ot11:zew:gorillafeeding:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction gorillafeeding isfree true audience all author ot11
redis-cli -h $host -p $port TS.CREATE ot11:zew:3dmovie:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction 3dmovie isfree false audience all author ot11
redis-cli -h $host -p $port TS.CREATE ot11:zew:snakefeeding:{tickets} retention 0 LABELS data tickets attraction snakefeeding isfree true audience all author ot11
redis-cli -h $host -p $port EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,12) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*21200000)+season), (vall+(index%9)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:adult:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,22) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*21200000)+season), (vall+(index%19)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:child:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,9) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*21200000)+season), (vall+(index%4)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:pettingzoo:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,2) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*21200000)+season), (vall*(index%2)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:bonobolecture:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,4) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*21200000)+season), (vall*(index%2)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:gorillafeeding:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,30) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*21200000)+season), (vall+(index%7)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:3dmovie:{tickets}
redis-cli -h $host -p $port EVAL "for season = 1605525600000,1625613600000,2600000000 do for index = 1,60 do local vall = math.random(0,30) redis.call('TS.ADD', KEYS[1], ((index*(21200000*6))+season), (vall*(index%2)) ) end end" 1 ot11:zew:snakefeeding:{tickets}
- Upon execution you should see this output:
(integer) 0
(integer) 0
(integer) 0
(integer) 0
(integer) 0
(integer) 0
(integer) 0