It is possible to create a new repository that depends on GrAIdient and to create custom new layers and activation functions that extend the ones in GrAIdient.
To create a custom layer, extend a base layer defined in
or Layer2D.Base
Extend LayerInput1D
or LayerInput2D
The goal of such layers is to give access to API that sets data:
, setDataGPU
Note that this layer could also be an intermediate layer.
As such, the layer has access to computeForward
which allows
(when set to true
) to rely on its own layerPrev
layer's forward
to pass data.
By default computeForward = false
and the data must be set via the
Extend LayerOutput1D
The goal of such layers is to give access to API that sets ground truth:
to evaluate gradient estimations during gradient checkinggetLossCPU
to retrieve the loss indicatorlossDerivativeCPU
to initialize the backward pass thanks to the derivative of loss
Extend LayerMerge2D
The goal of such layers is to compute an operation that depends on 2 or more previous layers.
They get access to the getMergedGraph
API to help define the
and forwardGCGPU
because of the specificity of the gradient
of weights whose modifications have been populated before the common ancestor
of the "merged graph" or after this common ancestor.
Extend LayerUpdate
The goal of such layers is to provide weights (and biases)
whose gradients are computed
during the backward
pass and can be updated by an Optimizer
In order to do that, one has to implement the different API of LayerUpdate
: get or set the weightscomputeDeltaWeights
: allows to change the training flow so gradients of weights are not computed for this layeraccumulateDeltaWeights
: allows to accumulate the gradients of weights through different stepsinitWeightsCPU
: initialize weights (randomly or set byweightsCPU
: retrieve the different weights (for updating them during training or comparing their gradients with estimations during gradient checking)
Once the new layer, say MyLayer
has been implemented, declare it on the
registry so that it can be serialized/deserialized from the disk among any
other layers of the model:
GrAI.Model.Layer.append(registry: buildRegistry([
If some new Metal operations have to be loaded to run MyLayer
, declare
them to MetalKernel
let metalLib = Bundle.main.url(
forResource: "default",
withExtension: "metallib"
let listKernels =
libraryURL: metalLib,
kernelNames: listKernels
Let us take an implementation example of a new activation function:
import GrAIdient
public class TanH: ActivationFunction
public static let str = "TanH"
public override var forwardKernel: String
get {
return "forwardTanH"
public override var backwardKernel: String
get {
return "backwardTanH"
required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
try super.init(from: decoder)
public override func coeffInitWeights(nPrev: Int, nCur: Int) -> Double
sqrt(1.0 / Double(nPrev))
public override func apply(_ x: Double) -> Double
public override func derivate(_ x: Double) -> Double
let fx = self.apply(x)
return 1 - fx * fx
Let us create a small factory for it:
class ActivationKernelImpl: ActivationKernel
static let _kernels: [String:ActivationKernelImpl] =
TanH.str: TanHKernel(),
func build(_ name: String) -> ActivationFunction?
for (nameTmp, kernel) in ActivationKernelImpl._kernels
if nameTmp == name
return nil
func build() -> ActivationFunction
fatalError("Not implemented.")
private class TanHKernel: ActivationKernelImpl
override func build() -> ActivationFunction
return TanH()
We are now able to register this new activation function so that it can
be used as the underlying function of Activation1D
or Activation2D
// Enable to serialize/deserialize the activation function.
GrAI.Model.Activation.append(registry: buildRegistry([
// Enable to use the activation function inside existing layers.
GrAI.Model.Activation.append(kernel: ActivationKernelImpl())
Let us see the example corresponding to the Metal kernels:
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
kernel void forwardTanH(
constant uint * pNbElems,
device float * tmps,
device float * outs,
uint id [[ thread_position_in_grid ]])
uint nbElems;
if (pNbElems)
nbElems = pNbElems[0];
return ;
if (id >= nbElems)
return ;
tmps[id] = outs[id];
outs[id] = tanh(tmps[id]);
kernel void backwardTanH(
const device float * tmps,
constant uint * pNbElems,
device float * delta,
uint id [[ thread_position_in_grid ]])
uint nbElems;
if (pNbElems)
nbElems = pNbElems[0];
return ;
if (id >= nbElems)
return ;
float tmp = tanh(tmps[id]);
float derivative = 1.0 - tmp * tmp;
delta[id] *= derivative;
We finally have to declare these operations to the MetalKernel
let metalLib = Bundle.main.url(
forResource: "default",
withExtension: "metallib"
let listKernels =
// Activation
libraryURL: metalLib,
kernelNames: listKernels
Previous chapter: Gradient Checking.