Adds all 'dev' versions of LTI 1.3 tools at the root sub-account on Canvas Beta (and Test) if they arent already deployed - DO NOT USE ON PRODUCTION
This simple shell script will make Canvas use the DEV versions of all LTI 1.3 tools. It:
- builds a list of already installed tools (keyed on 'developer_key_id')
- ensures these one copy of each tool whose 'client_id' is given as an array element in the "env" file at the root sub-account
- assumes the dev version of the tool has already been already set up but not deployed
To run this:
- curl
- mktemp
- bash
- grep
- jq
Copy exmaple.env
to beta.env
(or test.env
) and edit to reflect your environment. Then
schedule regular runs just AFTER test / beta refresh using something like cron. For example, beta.env
If everything goes ok then the output of the script is a list of success messages, one per tool