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// TODO - add more info, clean text, add examples
OxyPlot contains the following axis types:
LinearAxis Represents a numerical axis with a linear scale. LogarithmicAxis Represents a numerical axis with a logarithmic scale. DateTimeAxis Represents a date/time axis based on DateTime values. TimeSpanAxis Represents a time axis based on TimeSpan values. CategoryAxis Represents an axis that displays categories (typically used for bar/column series). LinearColorAxis Represents an axis that displays a linear color scale. RangeColorAxis Represents an axis that displays a colors for specified ranges. MagnitudeAxis Represents the radial axis in polar plots AngleAxis Represents the angular axis in polar plots
The most important property of the axis is the Position. This property determines where the axis is drawn. A standard XY plot requires a horizontal axis (bottom or top position) and a vertical axis (left or right position).
The PositionTier property allows the user to control how axis with the same position are arranged: axes with a lower PositionTier will be positioned closer to the plot area. If two axis have the same PositionTier will occupy the same margin: this can be useful if you want two non-overlapping axes on one side of a plot.
The title is shown next to the axis, and is controlled by the Title property.
The title is rotated to align with the axis: a horizontal axis with have a horizontally aligned title; a vertical axis with have
The position of the title along the axis is determined by the TitlePosition property. The default is 0.5, which positions the title half way along the axis (i.e. in the middle)
The AxisTitleDistance properties determines the spacing between the axis tick labels and the title.
An optional unit can be specified with the Unit property. The TitleFormatString property determines how the title and unit are rendered if a unit is specified. It has a default value of {0} [{1}], where {0} expands to the title, and {1} expands to the unit.
The title font can be configured with the TitleFont, TitleFontSize, TitleFontWeight, and TitleColor properties. By default, these are derived from properties on the PlotModel.
These properties defines the minimum and maximum values on the axis. If any of them are not specified, they will be calculated from the data. In that case, a "padding" value will be included to make sure there is some whitespace outside the extreme values.
The ViewMinimum and ViewMaximum are set when the user zooms or pans the axis, and override the Minimum and Maximum values, and the default range when not NaN.
The AbsoluteMinimum and AbsoluteMaximum properties restrict how far the user can pan. The MinimumRange and MaximumRange` properties restrict how far the user can zoom.
You can determine the actual logical range of an axis by interrogating the readonly ActualMaximum and ActualMinimum properties. The visible range (which may be wider than the actual range if a data margin is set) is indicated by the readonly ClipMinimum and ClipMaximum properties.
By default, axes will be scaled to show all the data that is associated with them. To ensure that the data are visible, padding and margins can be added.
The MinimumPadding and MaximumPadding properties (default value 0.02) will expand the range presented by the axis by the given proportion of the data range. For example, setting MinimumPadding = 0.1 and MaximumPadding = 0 would decrease the minimum value shown on the axes by 10% of the data range, but leave the maximum equal to the maximum data value observed.
The MinimumDataMargin and MaximumDataMargin properties (default value 0) also increase the data-range shown by the axis, but directly increase the amount of screen-space available. They are useful if you want a consistent margin around your data, regardless of the plot dimensions.
The major intervals define the steps between the numeric labels on the axis. The minor intervals define the sub-division between the labels.
Major and minor ticks may be drawn at each interval. The TickStyle property determines the style of the ticks, and is either Inside, Outside (the default), Crossing, or None.
The length and color of major and minor ticks are determined by the MajorTickSize, MinimumTickSize, and TicklineColor.
By default, intervals are computed automatically based on the screen space available for an axis and the IntervalLength property. The IntervalLength determines the maximum amount of scree space between major ticks.
The major and minor intervals can set directly by setting the MajorStep and MinorStep properties to a non-NaN value.
You can override the tick computation mechanism by overriding the Axis.GetTickValues method.
Grid lines can be added, aligned with the axis ticks.
Their style depends on the MajorGridlineColor, MajorGridlineStyle, MajorGridlineStyle, MajorGridlineThickness, and corresponding properties for minor intervals.
By default, no grid lines are shown as the MajorGridlineStyle and MinorGridlineStyle default to LineStyle.None.
Gridline thickness also determines the thickness of ticks.
Additional grid lines can be added that do not correspond to interval ticks. An additional grid line will be shown for every value in the ExtraGridlines property (a double[]).
These are formatted by the ExtraGridlineColor, ExtraGridlineStyle, and ExtraGridlineThickness properties.
Labels are added to every major tick on any axis. By default, the format of the string depends on the Axis.StringFormat property. If this property is null, then a default of g6 is used.
You can use a custom formatter by specifying the Axis.LabelFormatter - a Func<double, string> - or by overriding the Axis.FormatValueOverride method.
The angle of the axis labels is determined by the Angle property.
Additional spacing can be added between the axis ticks and their labels with the AxisTickToLabelDistance property (default value 4).
The start and end position properties are used to define the relative position of the axis. The default values [0,1] will fill the available plot area.
To reverse the direction of an axis, set StartPosition = 1 and EndPosition = 0.
The screen space available to the axis can be further controlled with the MinimumMargin and MaximumMargin properties (default value 0), which allow you to add a fixed margin between axes (i.e. one that does not depend on the dimensions of the plot).
Axes can be assigned an axis key, which should be a unique string that identifies the key. The default value of the Axis.Key property is null.
Using axis keys is essential when creating plots with many axes, as it enables you to assign series to the appropriate axes (for example, with the LineSeries.XAxisKey and LineSeries.YAxisKey properties).
var model = new PlotModel();
model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis(AxisPosition.Bottom, -20, 80));
model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis(AxisPosition.Left, -10, 10) { Key = "y1" });
model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis(AxisPosition.Right, -10, 10) { Key = "y2" });
If no axes are defined, linear axes will be added to the bottom and left.
An axis line can be drawn along an axis.
Its style depends on the AxislineStyle, AxislineColor, and AxislineThickness properties.
By default, AxislineStyle is set to LineStyle.None, so no line is drawn. The default color is black, and the default thickness is 1.
An axis can be configured to filter values within a range, or based on a custom function. The behaviour of the filter is determined by the series that use the axis, and the properties do not influence the layout or rendering of the axis itself.
The FilterMinValue and FilterMaxValue determine the range of values to be allowed on the axis. By default, any value is allowed (except NaN).
The FilterFunction property (a Func<double, bool>) can be set to provide a custom filter function.
.. toctree:: LinearAxis.rst LogarithmicAxis.rst DateTimeAxis.rst TimeSpanAxis.rst CategoryAxis.rst LinearColorAxis.rst RangeColorAxis.rst MagnitudeAxis.rst AngleAxis.rst