Maven project template for architecture documentation based on the arc42 template (s.
This Maven project template contains pre-filled markdown files to document software architecture based on the arc42 template. The markdown files can then be transformed to a Maven site to be published.
For simple UML diagrams you can use PlantUML ( files which will be rendered as images during the build process. To do this you need to have installed graphvizdot
. If the dot
executable is not in your path, please explicitly link it in the pom.xml
(see comment in plantuml-maven-plugin configuration
The markdown input files can be found under src/site/markdown
. The
contains detailed information on the template. The chapters of the arc42 template are stored in src/site/markdown/doc
. Images can be linked using the standard markdown syntax and should be stored under src/site/resources
(see example image at
The site will be built with mvn site
and is stored in the target