In the challenge we connect to the server and after solving Proof of Work get get:
| for a give number like 2018 please construct each integer from 0 to 100, with the |
| digits of it, for example: 96 = 12 * 8 + 0, 10 = 2 + 8 + 1 * 0 and 54 = 8**2 - 10 |
| you can also see the evaluation function for ervey provided expression like above |
| Your options:
[E]valuation function for expressions
[C]ontinue to solve
the number for you in this task is n = 9178
We can peek at the evaluation function too:
def laxt(expr, num):
ops = ' %&()*+-/<>^|~'
nude = expr.translate(None, ops)
if set(nude) == set(num):
flag, val = True, eval(expr)
flag, val = False, None
flag, val = False, None
return flag, val
So the goal is to use only digits provided in the challenge and operations %&()*+-/<>^|~
to create all numbers from 0 to 100.
Judging by the flag there was some "trick" here, but we simply brute-forced the solution since we had to work with only a few digits.
The solution is quite simple:
- Test all permutations of the digits
- Test all possible positions of the parenthesis, but with correct order, so
has to be before)
, and there has to be a number in between. There are so few digits it didn't seem necessary to consider more than 1 parenthesis. - Test all possible choices for the operator between numbers, including a special
symbol which we later removed (this way we can glue digits together). - Once the expression is constructed we eval is and compare to the number we're looking for.
It's a bit wasteful - we could easily store values we "accidentally" already computed while looking for a different number, but the dataset is so small there is no real need for that.
In the end the core of the solver is:
def calculate(number, i):
ops = '$%&*+-/<>^|~'
for perm in itertools.permutations(list(number)):
for parenthesis1 in range(len(perm) - 1):
for parenthesis2 in range(parenthesis1, len(perm) - 1):
for op in itertools.product(list(ops), repeat=len(perm) - 1):
equation = combine(perm, op, parenthesis1, parenthesis2)
if eval(equation) == i:
return equation
print("No configuration found for " + str(number) + " " + str(i))
It doesn't always provide an answer, but after few runs it usually finds the answer for all values and gives the flag:
In hindsight it was a huge overkill since the server checker didn't actually verify that each number appears only once!
We could have easily generate 1
by division of each number by itself and then combine them to get any number we want...
Full solver here