diff --git a/helm/Chart.yaml b/helm/Chart.yaml
index 29f27181..2d5a50f0 100644
--- a/helm/Chart.yaml
+++ b/helm/Chart.yaml
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ apiVersion: v2
name: pagopa-wisp-converter
description: A service that permits to handle nodoInviaRPT and nodoInviaCarrelloRPT request from WISP, interfacing them with GPD system
type: application
-version: 0.286.0
-appVersion: 1.0.0-1-PAGOPA-2406
+version: 0.287.0
+appVersion: 1.0.1
- name: microservice-chart
version: 3.0.0
diff --git a/helm/values-dev.yaml b/helm/values-dev.yaml
index d5366a17..18d51cf8 100644
--- a/helm/values-dev.yaml
+++ b/helm/values-dev.yaml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ microservice-chart: µservice-chart
fullnameOverride: ""
repository: ghcr.io/pagopa/pagopa-wisp-converter
- tag: "1.0.0-1-PAGOPA-2406"
+ tag: "1.0.1"
pullPolicy: Always
diff --git a/helm/values-prod.yaml b/helm/values-prod.yaml
index 6f7276b5..e3f7140c 100644
--- a/helm/values-prod.yaml
+++ b/helm/values-prod.yaml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ microservice-chart: µservice-chart
fullnameOverride: ""
repository: ghcr.io/pagopa/pagopa-wisp-converter
- tag: "1.0.0-1-PAGOPA-2406"
+ tag: "1.0.1"
pullPolicy: Always
diff --git a/helm/values-uat.yaml b/helm/values-uat.yaml
index 69eb2974..fd49580d 100644
--- a/helm/values-uat.yaml
+++ b/helm/values-uat.yaml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ microservice-chart: µservice-chart
fullnameOverride: ""
repository: ghcr.io/pagopa/pagopa-wisp-converter
- tag: "1.0.0-1-PAGOPA-2406"
+ tag: "1.0.1"
pullPolicy: Always
diff --git a/openapi/openapi.json b/openapi/openapi.json
index 6c0443dd..92a00d8c 100644
--- a/openapi/openapi.json
+++ b/openapi/openapi.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"description": "A service that permits to handle nodoInviaRPT and nodoInviaCarrelloRPT request from WISP, converting them in NMU payments.\n\n# OPERATIVE INFO\n\n\n## EVENT MAPPING IN RE\n\nDetails\nFIELD | SCOPE | DESCRIPTION\n- | - | -\n**requestId** | BOTH | The identifier, set by X-Request-ID, from which the events can be grouped.\n**operationId** | BOTH | The identifier associated to a request identifier\n**clientOperationId** | BOTH | The identifier that associate a client to an operation identifier.\n**component** | BOTH | The applicative component from which the event is generated. In NDP it is mapped with field 'componente'. Values: _WISP_SOAP_CONVERTER_ _WISP_CONVERTER_\n**insertedTimestamp** | BOTH | The time on which the event is inserted in RE storage\n**eventCategory** | BOTH | The category on which the event can be grouped. In NDP it is mapped with field 'categoriaEvento'. Values: _INTERFACE_ _INTERNAL_\n**eventSubcategory** | BOTH | The subcategory related to the specific nature of the event. In NDP it is mapped with field 'sottoTipoEvento'. Values: _REQ_ _RESP_ _INTERN_\n**callType** | INTERFACE | The type of role that the application has in the communication with the remote endpoint. Values: _SERVER_ _CLIENT_\n**outcome** | INTERFACE | The outcome of the operation described by the event. In NDP it is mapped with field 'esito'. Values: _SEND_: Correctly sent request to HTTP endpoint. In NDP it is mapped with value 'INVIATA'. _SEND_FAILURE_: Failed to send request to HTTP endpoint. In NDP it is mapped with value 'INVIATA_KO' _RECEIVED_: Received an OK response from HTTP endpoint. In NDP it is mapped with value 'RICEVUTA_KO' _RECEIVED_FAILURE_: Received a failure response from endpoint. In NDP it is mapped with value 'RICEVUTA_KO' _NEVER_RECEIVED_: Failed to receive response at all from endpoint. In NDP it is mapped with value 'NO_RICEVUTA' _EXECUTED_INTERNAL_STEP_: Executed internal step on execution. In NDP it is mapped with value 'CAMBIO_STATO'\n**httpMethod** | INTERFACE | The HTTP method of the endpoint related to the event. This field is set only if the events that describe an HTTP communication with an external service.\n**httpUri** | INTERFACE | The URI related to the called endpoint. This field is set only if the events that describe an HTTP communication with an external service.\n**httpHeaders** | INTERFACE | The list of HTTP headers extracted from the request/response analyzed by the event. This field is set only if the events that describe an HTTP communication with an external service.\n**httpCallRemoteAddress** | INTERFACE | The remote IP address extracted from the called endpoint. This field is set only if the events that describe an HTTP communication with an external service.\n**httpStatusCode** | INTERFACE | The status code extracted from the called endpoint. This field is set only if the events that describe an HTTP communication with an external service.\n**executionTimeMs** | INTERFACE | The duration time of the invocation of the endpoint related to the event. This field is set only if the events that describe an HTTP communication with an external service.\n**compressedPayload** | INTERFACE | The payload of the request/response analyzed by the event. This value is zipped using GZip compression algorithm.\n**compressedPayloadLength** | INTERFACE | The length (in number of characters) of the compressed payload.\n**businessProcess** | INTERFACE | The descriptive label associated to the endpoint called by user and related to the whole process.\n**operationStatus** | INTERFACE | The final status of the whole operation. This is set only in the events that describe the response in output to user.\n**operationErrorTitle** | INTERFACE | The error title extracted from the computation that refers to the error occurred during computation. This is set only in the events that describe the response in output to user if there is an error.\n**operationErrorDetail** | INTERFACE | The error detail message extracted from the computation that refers to the error occurred during computation. This is set only in the events that describe the response in output to user if there is an error.\n**operationErrorCode** | INTERFACE | The error code extracted from the computation that refers to the error occurred during computation. This is set only in the events that describe the response in output to user if there is an error.\n**primitive** | INTERNAL | The typology of primitive analyzed and tracked by the event. In NDP it is mapped with field 'eventType'.\n**sessionId** | INTERNAL | The session identifier generated by WISP SOAP Converter and used in the request.\n**cartId** | INTERNAL | The cart identifier used in the request.\n**iuv** | INTERNAL | The 'identificativo univoco pagamento' used in the request.\n**noticeNumber** | INTERNAL | The notice number (aka NAV code) used in the request.\n**domainId** | INTERNAL | The creditor institution identifier used in the request.\n**ccp** | INTERNAL | The 'codice contesto pagamento' used in the request.\n**psp** | INTERNAL | The payment service provider used in the request.\n**station** | INTERNAL | The station used in the request.\n**channel** | INTERNAL | The channel used in the request.\n**status** | INTERNAL | The state of the internal step executed. Values: _FOUND_RPT_IN_STORAGE_ _FOUND_RT_IN_STORAGE_ _EXTRACTED_DATA_FROM_RPT_ _CREATED_NEW_PAYMENT_POSITION_IN_GPD_ _GENERATED_NAV_FOR_NEW_PAYMENT_POSITION_ _UPDATED_EXISTING_PAYMENT_POSITION_IN_GPD_ _GENERATING_RT_FOR_INVALID_PAYMENT_POSITION_IN_GPD_ _GENERATING_RT_FOR_GPD_EXCEPTION_ _GENERATING_RT_FOR_REDIRECT_ERROR_ _GENERATED_CACHE_ABOUT_RPT_FOR_DECOUPLER_ _GENERATED_CACHE_ABOUT_RPT_FOR_CARTSESSION_CACHING_ _GENERATED_CACHE_ABOUT_RPT_FOR_RT_GENERATION_ _SAVED_RPT_IN_CART_RECEIVED_REDIRECT_URL_FROM_CHECKOUT_ _RT_NOT_GENERABLE_FOR_GPD_STATION_ _RT_NOT_GENERABLE_FOR_NOT_EXISTING_PAYMENT_POSITION_ _NEGATIVE_RT_TRY_TO_SEND_TO_CREDITOR_INSTITUTION_ _POSITIVE_RT_TRY_TO_SEND_TO_CREDITOR_INSTITUTION_ _RT_SEND_SUCCESS_ _RT_SENT_OK_ _RT_SEND_FAILURE_ _RT_ALREADY_SENT_ _RT_SEND_SCHEDULING_SUCCESS_ _RT_SEND_SCHEDULING_FAILURE_ _RT_SCHEDULED_SEND_SUCCESS_ _RT_SCHEDULED_SEND_FAILURE_ _RT_SEND_RESCHEDULING_FAILURE_ _RT_SEND_RESCHEDULING_REACHED_MAX_RETRIES_ _RT_SEND_RESCHEDULING_SUCCESS_ _RT_RECONCILIATION_PROCESS_ _RT_START_RECONCILIATION_PROCESS_ _RT_END_RECONCILIATION_PROCESS_ _RT_DEAD_LETTER_SAVED_ _RT_DEAD_LETTER_FAILED_ _RECEIPT_TIMER_GENERATION_CREATED_SCHEDULED_SEND_ _RECEIPT_TIMER_GENERATION_CACHED_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ _RECEIPT_TIMER_GENERATION_DELETED_SCHEDULED_SEND_ _RECEIPT_TIMER_GENERATION_SKIP_DELETE_SCHEDULED_SEND_ _RECEIPT_TIMER_PAYMENT_TOKEN_TIMEOUT_TRIGGER_ _ECOMMERCE_HANG_TIMER_TRIGGER_ _ECOMMERCE_HANG_TIMER_CREATED_ _ECOMMERCE_HANG_TIMER_DELETED_ _RPT_TIMER_TRIGGER_ _RPT_TIMER_CREATED_ _RPT_TIMER_DELETED_ _RPT_TIMER_NOT_SET_ _COMMUNICATING_WITH_GPD_REQUEST_ _COMMUNICATING_WITH_GPD_RESPONSE_ _COMMUNICATING_WITH_IUV_GENERATOR_REQUEST_ _COMMUNICATING_WITH_IUV_GENERATOR_RESPONSE_ _COMMUNICATING_WITH_CHECKOUT_REQUEST_ _COMMUNICATING_WITH_CHECKOUT_RESPONSE_ _COMMUNICATING_WITH_DECOUPLER_CACHING_REQUEST_ _COMMUNICATING_WITH_DECOUPLER_CACHING_RESPONSE_ _COMMUNICATING_WITH_CREDITOR_INSTITUTION_REQUEST_ _COMMUNICATING_WITH_CREDITOR_INSTITUTION_RESPONSE_\n**info** | INTERNAL | The other information that can be inserted for the tracing.\n**paymentToken** | INTERNAL | The payment token.\n\n\n\n\n## OPERATIONAL ERROR CODES\n\nDetails\nNAME | CODE | DESCRIPTION\n- | - | -\n**WIC-500** | *ERROR* | A not documented generic error occurred while execution. For better understanding the cause, please use the Technical Support's APIs.\n**WIC-1000** | *GENERIC_ERROR* | A generic error occurred while executing conversion flow. For better understanding the cause, please use the Technical Support's APIs.\n**WIC-1001** | *PARSING_GENERIC_ERROR* | A generic error occurred while parsing of the content associated to the SOAP request related to nodoInviaRPT or nodoInviaCarrelloRPT. For better understanding the cause, please use the Technical Support's APIs.\n**WIC-1002** | *PARSING_INVALID_HEADER* | An error occurred while parsing of the content header, associated to the SOAP request related to nodoInviaRPT or nodoInviaCarrelloRPT.\n**WIC-1003** | *PARSING_INVALID_BODY* | An error occurred while parsing of the content payload, associated to the SOAP request related to nodoInviaRPT or nodoInviaCarrelloRPT.\n**WIC-1004** | *PARSING_INVALID_XML_NODES* | An error occurred while parsing of the of the content associated to the SOAP request related to nodoInviaRPT or nodoInviaCarrelloRPT. The XML content extracted, either from payload or from header, is invalid because it is not possible to extract tag nodes from document. So, the document is probably empty.\n**WIC-1005** | *PARSING_INVALID_ZIPPED_PAYLOAD* | An error occurred while parsing of the content associated to the SOAP request related to nodoInviaRPT or nodoInviaCarrelloRPT. The SOAP request analyzed and stored in dedicated storage is not usable for convert the debt positions in GPD system. This is probably due to an invalid conversion of the SOAP request via GZip algorithm executed before the same is stored in its storage.\n**WIC-1006** | *PARSING_RPT_PRIMITIVE_NOT_VALID* | An error occurred while parsing of the content associated to the SOAP request related to nodoInviaRPT or nodoInviaCarrelloRPT. The primitive (the content related to header 'soapaction') cannot be handled by WISP Converter application in redirect process: only one of nodoInviaRPT and nodoInviaCarrelloRPT can be accepted.\n**WIC-1100** | *VALIDATION_INVALID_MULTIBENEFICIARY_CART* | An error occurred while analyzing the RPTs extracted from SOAP request. In particular, the request is arrived as nodoInviaCarrelloRPT as multi-beneficiary cart, but the number of RPTs in the request is lower than two, so it cannot be correctly handled as multi-beneficiary.\n**WIC-1101** | *VALIDATION_INVALID_IBANS* | An error occurred while analyzing the RPTs extracted from SOAP request. An IBAN must always be set in RPT transfers if they aren't related to digital stamps (which don't require an IBAN, because they will be reported to specific subject). In this case, in one or more RPT transfers not related to digital stamp, the IBAN is not correctly set.\n**WIC-1102** | *VALIDATION_INVALID_DEBTOR* | An error occurred while analyzing the RPTs extracted from SOAP request. In particular, in a cart there are different debtor subjects and this is not permitted for this flow. So, the whole cart is discarded.\n**WIC-1200** | *CONFIGURATION_INVALID_CACHE* | An error occurred while trying to access data from cached configuration. It is possible that the cache is not retrieved yet by this service or a corrupted configuration was returned from APIConfig Cache internal service. If this problem still occurs, please check the connectivity with APIConfig Cache.\n**WIC-1201** | *CONFIGURATION_INVALID_STATION* | An error occurred while retrieving data from local cached configuration. In particular, it is not possible to retrieve the configuration about the station because it does not exists in cache, and maybe also in general configuration. So, a change in whole configuration and/or a refresh on cache is required.\n**WIC-1202** | *CONFIGURATION_INVALID_CREDITOR_INSTITUTION_STATION* | An error occurred while checking the station that will be used for the payment process. In particular, analyzing the station that is related to the segregation code extracted from a payment option's notice number, it turns out that the required station does not exists in cached configuration. So, a change in whole configuration and/or a refresh on cache is required.\n**WIC-1203** | *CONFIGURATION_INVALID_STATION_REDIRECT_URL* | An error occurred while checking the station that will be used for the payment process. In particular, analyzing the station that is related to the segregation code extracted from a payment option's notice number, it turns out that the configuration about redirection in error cases is not correctly set to points towards some creditor institution's endpoint. So, a change in configuration is required.\n**WIC-1204** | *CONFIGURATION_INVALID_STATION_SERVICE_URL* | An error occurred while checking the station that will be used for the payment process. In particular, analyzing the station that is related to the segregation code extracted from a payment option's notice number, it turns out that the configuration is not correctly set to points towards GPD service endpoint for RT generator. So, a change in configuration is required.\n**WIC-1205** | *CONFIGURATION_NOT_GPD_STATION* | An error occurred while checking the station that will be used for the payment process. In particular, analyzing the station that is related to the segregation code extracted from a payment option's notice number, it turns out that the configuration is not correctly set to points towards GPD service endpoint. So, a change in configuration is required.\n**WIC-1206** | *CONFIGURATION_INVALID_GPD_STATION* | An error occurred while checking the station that will be used for the payment process. In particular, analyzing the station that is related to the segregation code extracted from a payment option's notice number, it turns out that the configuration is correctly set to points towards GPD service endpoint but uses the 'v1' primitive version (and it must use the 'v2' version). So, a change in configuration is required.\n**WIC-1207** | *CONFIGURATION_INVALID_STATION_PROXY* | An error occurred while checking the station that will be used for the receipt send process. In particular, analyzing the station it turns out that the configuration is not correctly set to configure proxy structure for RT generator. So, a change in configuration is required.\n**WIC-1300** | *PAYMENT_POSITION_NOT_IN_PAYABLE_STATE* | An error occurred while checking an existing payment position. One or more RPTs extracted from the request refers to existing payment positions in GPD that have a state from which it is impossible to execute a payment flow. If the execution of this flow is related to a RPT cart, all the payments that can be retrieved or generated ex novo from those RPTs are declared as atomically invalid (if one RPT in cart is bad, all RPTs in cart are bad) and not payable with this flow.\n**WIC-1301** | *PAYMENT_POSITION_IN_INCONSISTENT_STATE* | An error occurred while checking an existing payment position in GPD system. The retrieved payment position, previously inserted in GPD by this same flow or by other procedures, is in an invalid state, not mappable to an existing value. This can be related to a wrong setting in GPD or a corruption of the retrieved data.\n**WIC-1302** | *PAYMENT_POSITION_NOT_VALID* | An error occurred while generating a payment position. In particular, something during the generation of a new payment position or the analysis of an existing payment position went wrong and the operation cannot be completed. For better understanding the cause, please use the Technical Support's APIs.\n**WIC-1303** | *PAYMENT_OPTION_NOT_EXTRACTABLE* | An error occurred while extracting a payment option from a payment position. This can be caused by a malformed payment position that does not have a payment option. Remember that a payment position in this flow must have one and only one payment option.\n**WIC-1400** | *RECEIPT_GENERATION_GENERIC_ERROR* | An error occurred while generating an RT (aka a receipt). An unhandled error occurred and it is impossible to complete the process. For better understanding the cause, please use the Technical Support's APIs.\n**WIC-1401** | *RECEIPT_GENERATION_WRONG_RESPONSE_FROM_CREDITOR_INSTITUTION* | An error occurred while generating an RT (aka a receipt). Specifically, the RT request is sent to creditor institution but this one responded with an invalid response from which is impossible to continue the analysis. For better understanding the cause, please use the Technical Support's APIs.\n**WIC-1402** | *RECEIPT_GENERATION_ERROR_RESPONSE_FROM_CREDITOR_INSTITUTION* | An error occurred while generating an RT (aka a receipt). Specifically, the RT request is sent to creditor institution but this one responded with an error response that explicit the occurred problem. For better understanding the cause, please use the Technical Support's APIs.\n**WIC-1403** | *RECEIPT_KO_NOT_SENT* | An error occurred while sending a negative RT (aka a KO receipt). So, no receipt can be sent lately to creditor institution and probably the process must be executed manually. For better understanding the cause, please use the Technical Support's APIs.\n**WIC-1404** | *RECEIPT_OK_NOT_SENT* | An error occurred while sending a positive RT (aka a OK receipt). So, no receipt can be sent lately to creditor institution and probably the process must be executed manually. For better understanding the cause, please use the Technical Support's APIs.\n**WIC-1405** | *RECEIPT_GENERATION_IDEMPOTENCY_LOCKED_BY_ANOTHER_PROCESS* | An error occurred while generating an RT (aka a receipt). Two or more generation processes are concurrently trying to execute the same operation on the same receipt but only one of them is currently 'authorized' to do so.\n**WIC-1406** | *RECEIPT_GENERATION_NOT_PROCESSABLE* | An error occurred while generating an RT (aka a receipt). The process of receipt generation cannot be started correctly because it is trying to lock the idempotency key that is already in a locked state. Probably the process is in execution by another thread.\n**WIC-1407** | *RECEIPT_GENERATION_ALREADY_PROCESSED* | An error occurred while generating an RT (aka a receipt). The process of receipt generation cannot be completed correctly because it is trying to unlock the idempotency key that is not in a locked state. Probably the process was already completed.\n**WIC-1408** | *RECEIPT_GENERATION_ANOMALY_ON_PROCESSING* | An error occurred while generating an RT (aka a receipt). The process of receipt generation cannot be completed correctly because there is a mismatch between the type of the cached receipt and the kind of request made for generate the same receipt. For example, the cached receipt is defined as negative paaInviaRT but the request was made to 'receipt/ok' endpoint. This is an anomaly that should never happens in a correct NMU flow execution but must be traced in case of error.\n**WIC-1409** | *RECEIPT_KO_NOT_GENERATED_BUT_MAYBE_RESCHEDULED* | An error occurred while generating a negative RT (aka a KO receipt). The receipt could be sent lately to creditor institution but for better understanding the cause, please use the Technical Support's APIs.\n**WIC-1410** | *RECEIPT_OK_NOT_GENERATED_BUT_MAYBE_RESCHEDULED* | An error occurred while generating a positive RT (aka a OK receipt). The receipt could be sent lately to creditor institution but for better understanding the cause, please use the Technical Support's APIs.\n**WIC-1411** | *RECEIPT_GENERATION_ERROR_DEAD_LETTER* | An error occurred while generating an RT (aka a receipt). Specifically, the creditor institution response status has not been recognized, for this reason the RT has been placed in the dead letter container.\n**WIC-2000** | *PERSISTENCE_SAVING_RE_ERROR* | An error occurred wile trying to store a new event in the Registro Eventi storage. The error is somewhat related to a persistence problem of the used storage and in the majority of the cases is temporary (maybe a 429 HTTP code). This error currently blocks the entire flow because that can lead to untraceable requests. For better understanding the cause, please execute a search in the log provider (Application Insights, Kibana, etc).\n**WIC-2001** | *PERSISTENCE_RPT_NOT_FOUND* | An error occurred while trying to retrieve the RPT content saved in storage by WISP SOAP Converter. This can be related either with the use of a wrong sessionId or a missed persistence from WISP SOAP Converter, so it is better to analyze the entire flow using Technical Support's APIs. This block totally the conversion of the RPTs in GPD's payment positions, so the whole process is discarded.\n**WIC-2002** | *PERSISTENCE_RT_NOT_FOUND* | An error occurred while trying to retrieve the RT content saved in storage by WISP Converter. This can be related either with the use of a wrong identifier, a missed persistence or an expired object, so it is better to analyze the entire flow using Technical Support's APIs.\n**WIC-2003** | *PERSISTENCE_REQUESTID_CACHING_ERROR* | An error occurred while trying to retrieve data from internal cache. Specifically, the cached key, defined in format wisp_nav2iuv__\n",
"termsOfService": "https://www.pagopa.gov.it/",
"title": "WISP Converter",
- "version": "1.0.0-1-PAGOPA-2406"
+ "version": "1.0.1"
"servers": [
diff --git a/openapi/openapi_redirect.json b/openapi/openapi_redirect.json
index 54ab757a..a9335ad2 100644
--- a/openapi/openapi_redirect.json
+++ b/openapi/openapi_redirect.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"openapi": "3.0.1",
"info": {
"title": "WISP-Converter-redirect",
- "version": "1.0.0-1-PAGOPA-2406"
+ "version": "1.0.1"
"servers": [
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 77b82fbc..5235840b 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- 1.0.0-1-PAGOPA-2406
+ 1.0.1pagoPA WISP ConverterA service that permits to handle nodoInviaRPT and nodoInviaCarrelloRPT request from WISP, converting them in NMU payments.