Releases: pakerwreah/Calendr
Features 🚀
- Add weather info in event details 🌦️ #231
- Add button to open location in the native Maps app
- Add option to disable map and weather
Geolocation 🗺️🔧
- Use coordinates from EventKit when available
- Fix wrong location for addresses with parenthesis #237
- Refine geocoder result with MapKit natural language search
Improvements 🛠️
- Fix initial flickering when showing map
- Adjust event subtitle in list to fit more text
(remove line breaks)
Bugs 🐛
Bugs 🐛
- Fix context menu overflow on screen with notch #225
Improvements 🛠️
- Faster app startup
- Ensure menu bar item appears before asking for access
- Ask to open system settings if the user denies access
- Show both location and url in event list
- Show url tooltip on link/video button in event list
Features 🚀
- Create a good enough auto updater
There's nothing new in this version. 🙂
Feel free to install it if you want to auto update to the next version when it gets released.
Fixes for v1.12.2 🔧 (replaced)
- Show notification text when screen is locked
- Fix
button not appearing on the notification
More details
In this version, the app will show an Install
button on the update notification. If you click it, it will download and install the new version in the background.
If you click the notification body it will open the About
window, where you can also install or check for updates again if necessary.
During installation, it will show a Save
popup for you to confirm where to install the app. You don't have to change anything, just click Install
and confirm Replace
That's necessary to keep the sandbox
enabled. It only grants access for the app to modify a single file, which is nice in terms of security.
Although this is not 100% automatic, it's already a huge improvement compared to what we have today.
I know there are 3rd party solutions to do this, but I wanted to keep things simple.
Check this discussion for more details: #221
If you dismissed the notification and want to see it again, run this command and relaunch the app:
defaults delete br.paker.Calendr "last_checked_version"
Improvements 🔨
- Fetch calendars asynchronously to avoid app hanging
- Avoid fetching events/reminders before user allows access
macOS internally retries a few times before failing, which may harm performance - Fix some context menus blocking global shortcuts
- Fix Rx warnings about synchronization anomaly
- Adjust app hanging detection, specially for x86 machines
Features 🚀
- Add automatic crash reporting
- Sign app + notarization ✨