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Nick Miyake edited this page Jun 18, 2018 · 17 revisions


./godelw dist builds distributions for the products in the project based on the dist configuration.

Tutorial start state

  • ${GOPATH}/src/${PROJECT_PATH} exists, is the working directory and is initialized as a Git repository
  • Project contains godel and godelw
  • Project contains main.go
  • Project contains .gitignore that ignores GoLand files
  • Project contains echo/echo.go, echo/echo_test.go and echo/echoer.go
  • godel/config/dist.yml is configured to build echgo2
  • Project is tagged as 0.0.1


Now that we have created a product and defined a build configuration for it, we can move to defining how the distribution for the product is created. At the bare minimum, most hosting services typically require a product to be packaged as a tgz (or some other archive format). Additionally, some products may want the distribution to contain artifacts other than the binary (such as documentation or resources).

Observe the default behavior by removing the configuration in the godel/config/dist.yml file and running ./godelw dist:

➜ echo '' > godel/config/dist-plugin.yml
➜ ./godelw dist
Building echgo2 for linux-amd64 at out/build/echgo2/0.0.1.dirty/linux-amd64/echgo2
Finished building echgo2 for linux-amd64 (0.232s)
Creating distribution for echgo2 at out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1.dirty/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.1.dirty-linux-amd64.tgz
Finished creating os-arch-bin distribution for echgo2

The default dist settings creates a tgz distribution for each bin output for the OS/architecture of the host platform. Note that, because the build output for the new version was not present, the build task was run as well. If the required build output was already present, only the distribution task would have been run.

Similarly to the build command, dist writes its output to the out/dist directory by default (the output directory can be configured using the output-dir property). The ./godelw clean command will remove any outputs created by the dist task.

Update the dist-plugin.yml to explicitly configure the dist parameters of the product:

➜ echo 'products:
      main-pkg: .
      version-var: main.version
        - os: darwin
          arch: amd64
        - os: linux
          arch: amd64
        type: os-arch-bin
            - os: darwin
              arch: amd64
            - os: linux
              arch: amd64' > godel/config/dist-plugin.yml

Run ./godelw dist to verify that the distributions are built:

➜ ./godelw dist
Building echgo2 for darwin-amd64 at out/build/echgo2/0.0.1.dirty/darwin-amd64/echgo2
Finished building echgo2 for darwin-amd64 (0.213s)
Creating distribution for echgo2 at out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1.dirty/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.1.dirty-darwin-amd64.tgz, out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1.dirty/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.1.dirty-linux-amd64.tgz
Finished creating os-arch-bin distribution for echgo2

The dist operation will run the build operation for inputs that need to be built. In the this run, the dist operation only built the output for linux-amd64 because the previous step in the tutorial (in which we ran dist with an empty dist.yml to observe the default behavior) generated the darwin-amd64 binary, and that output is still considered up-to-date.

Commit this update:

➜ git add godel/config/dist-plugin.yml
➜ git commit -m "Specify dist configuration"
[master 8ad3410] Specify dist configuration
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)

On its own, this functionality may not seem very spectacular. However, these distribution artifacts can be used as inputs to other tasks such as publish and docker. Furthermore, for more complicated distributions, it can be useful to have the logic for creating distributions centrally managed in the configuration.

Tutorial end state

  • ${GOPATH}/src/${PROJECT_PATH} exists, is the working directory and is initialized as a Git repository
  • Project contains godel and godelw
  • Project contains main.go
  • Project contains .gitignore that ignores GoLand files
  • Project contains echo/echo.go, echo/echo_test.go and echo/echoer.go
  • godel/config/dist-plugin.yml is configured to build echgo2
  • Project is tagged as 0.0.1
  • godel/config/dist-plugin.yml is configured to create distributions for echgo

Tutorial next step



Force dist generation

By default, a dist output will only be generated if it is considered out of date. A dist output is considered out of date if any of the following is true:

  • Any of the dist output paths do not exist
  • Any build output for the product or its dependencies is newer than the modification date of the oldest dist output
  • The "godel/config/dist.yml" file was modified at or after the modification date of the oldest dist output

Run ./godelw dist to generate the dist artifacts. This run will build and dist because the commit is new:

➜ ./godelw dist
Building echgo2 for darwin-amd64 at out/build/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410/darwin-amd64/echgo2
Building echgo2 for linux-amd64 at out/build/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410/linux-amd64/echgo2
Finished building echgo2 for darwin-amd64 (0.227s)
Finished building echgo2 for linux-amd64 (0.271s)
Creating distribution for echgo2 at out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410-darwin-amd64.tgz, out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410-linux-amd64.tgz
Finished creating os-arch-bin distribution for echgo2

Running this same operation again will not do anything because all of the outputs are up-to-date:

➜ ./godelw dist

The --force flag can be used to specify that the dist artifacts should be generated even if they are not considered out of date:

➜ ./godelw dist --force
Creating distribution for echgo2 at out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410-darwin-amd64.tgz, out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410-linux-amd64.tgz
Finished creating os-arch-bin distribution for echgo2

Create specific distributions

By default, ./godelw dist will create all of the distributions for all of the products defined for a project. However, a project can define multiple products, and a product may have multiple distribution outputs. It is possible to specify that only specific distributions should be built.

First, start by modifying dist-plugin.yml to add another distribution type for echgo2:

➜ echo 'products:
      main-pkg: .
      version-var: main.version
        - os: darwin
          arch: amd64
        - os: linux
          arch: amd64
          type: os-arch-bin
              - os: darwin
                arch: amd64
              - os: linux
                arch: amd64
          type: bin' > godel/config/dist-plugin.yml

Verify that running ./godelw dist --force generates both distributions:

➜ ./godelw dist --force
Building echgo2 for darwin-amd64 at out/build/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty/darwin-amd64/echgo2
Building echgo2 for linux-amd64 at out/build/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty/linux-amd64/echgo2
Finished building echgo2 for linux-amd64 (0.228s)
Finished building echgo2 for darwin-amd64 (0.264s)
Creating distribution for echgo2 at out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty/bin/echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty.tgz
Finished creating bin distribution for echgo2
Creating distribution for echgo2 at out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty-darwin-amd64.tgz, out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty-linux-amd64.tgz
Finished creating os-arch-bin distribution for echgo2

Because there is only one product, only the dist outputs for that product are generated. If there were multiple products, then running ./godelw dist echgo2 would generate all of the dist outputs for the echgo2 product.

A specific dister for a product can be run using the <product>.<name> syntax. For example, to generate just the "bin" dist, run ./godelw dist --force echgo2.bin:

➜ ./godelw dist --force echgo2.bin
Creating distribution for echgo2 at out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty/bin/echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty.tgz
Finished creating bin distribution for echgo2

Revert these changes by running the following:

➜ ./godelw clean

Specify a script to run arbitrary actions during the distribution step

Distributions may need to perform various actions as part of their distribution process that go beyond requiring static files. For example, a distribution step may require downloading a file, moving files or directories to specific locations, computing checksums and writing them to a file, etc. In order to support such scenarios, the dist block allows a distribution script to be specified. The distribution script is run after the dister's dist actions has been run, but before the dister's archive action is run.

Run the following to create a configuration that writes a timestamp.txt file to each dist output directory:

➜ echo 'products:
      main-pkg: .
      version-var: main.version
        - os: darwin
          arch: amd64
        - os: linux
          arch: amd64
        type: bin
        script: |
                #!/usr/bin/env bash
                set -euo pipefail
                echo "Distribution created at $(date)" > "$DIST_WORK_DIR/timestamp.txt"' > godel/config/dist-plugin.yml

The specified script writes a file called "timestamp.txt" that contains the output of running date and writes it to the distribution output directory. The environment variables such as DIST_WORK_DIR are injected by distgo. Refer to the dist config documentation for a full description of the environment variables that are available to the script.

Run the dist command:

➜ ./godelw dist --force
Building echgo2 for darwin-amd64 at out/build/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty/darwin-amd64/echgo2
Building echgo2 for linux-amd64 at out/build/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty/linux-amd64/echgo2
Finished building echgo2 for linux-amd64 (0.222s)
Finished building echgo2 for darwin-amd64 (0.242s)
Creating distribution for echgo2 at out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty/bin/echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty.tgz
Finished creating bin distribution for echgo2

Verify that timestamp.txt was created in the distribution directory:

➜ tree out/dist
`-- echgo2
    `-- 0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty
        `-- bin
            |-- echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty
            |   |-- bin
            |   |   |-- darwin-amd64
            |   |   |   `-- echgo2
            |   |   `-- linux-amd64
            |   |       `-- echgo2
            |   `-- timestamp.txt
            `-- echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410.dirty.tgz

7 directories, 4 files

Revert these changes by running the following:

➜ ./godelw clean
➜ git checkout -- godel/config/dist-plugin.yml

Dry run

The --dry-run flag can be used to preview the operations that would be performed by ./godelw dist without actually performing them:

➜ ./godelw dist --force --dry-run
[DRY RUN] Building echgo2 for darwin-amd64 at out/build/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410/darwin-amd64/echgo2
[DRY RUN] Run: /usr/local/go/bin/go build -o /go/src/ -ldflags -X main.version=0.0.1-1-g8ad3410 ./. with additional environment variables [GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64]
[DRY RUN] Finished building echgo2 for darwin-amd64 (0.000s)
[DRY RUN] Building echgo2 for linux-amd64 at out/build/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410/linux-amd64/echgo2
[DRY RUN] Run: /usr/local/go/bin/go build -o /go/src/ -ldflags -X main.version=0.0.1-1-g8ad3410 ./. with additional environment variables [GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64]
[DRY RUN] Finished building echgo2 for linux-amd64 (0.000s)
[DRY RUN] Creating distribution for echgo2 at out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410-darwin-amd64.tgz, out/dist/echgo2/0.0.1-1-g8ad3410/os-arch-bin/echgo2-0.0.1-1-g8ad3410-linux-amd64.tgz
[DRY RUN] Finished creating os-arch-bin distribution for echgo2

Add disters

The os-arch-bin, bin and manual dister types are built-in as part of the distgo plugin. However, it is possible to define and add custom disters as assets.

For example, consider a fictional dister asset that generates RPM distributions with the locator "com.palantir.godel-distgo-asset-dist-rpm:dist-rpm-asset:1.0.0". The following configuration in godel/config/godel.yml would add this dister:

        - locator:
            id: "com.palantir.godel-distgo-asset-dist-rpm:dist-rpm-asset:1.0.0"