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alect-themes anzu atom-dark-theme auto-complete-clang auto-complete-clang-async auto-complete-nxml auto-org-md base16-theme beacon clang-format cmake-ide cmake-mode color-theme-modern company-c-headers company-emacs-eclim company-irony company-irony-c-headers company-jedi company-rtags crux ctags-update dashboard doom-themes drag-stuff dumb-jump easy-hugo eclim ein auto-complete elpy emmet-mode expand-region find-file-in-project flycheck-irony flyspell-correct-popup flyspell-correct flyspell-popup function-args google-this haskell-mode helm-flycheck helm-ispell helm-projectile helm-rtags helm helm-core highlight-indentation hugo hungry-delete ibuffer-projectile irony-eldoc irony iy-go-to-char jedi-core epc ctable concurrent latex-pretty-symbols levenshtein lorem-ipsum markdown-mode meghanada company moe-theme molokai-theme monokai-theme mvn neotree noflet org-bullets org-page git mustache org-pdfview org2blog htmlize metaweblog ox-gfm ox-hugo ox-reveal org ox-twbs page-break-lines pdf-tools popup-complete popup powerline-evil evil goto-chg pretty-mode python-environment pyvenv request-deferred request deferred rtags skewer-mode js2-mode simple-httpd smart-hungry-delete smart-mode-line-powerline-theme smart-mode-line rich-minority powerline smartparens solarized-theme spacemacs-theme srefactor sublimity swiper ivy syntax-subword tablist telephone-line treemacs-projectile treemacs ht hydra pfuture ace-window avy projectile try undo-tree use-package bind-key virtualenvwrapper web-mode websocket workgroups2 f s anaphora wrap-region xml-rpc yasnippet-snippets yasnippet zerodark-theme flycheck seq pkg-info epl magit magit-popup git-commit with-editor ghub let-alist dash async all-the-icons memoize