Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
Name |
*string | ➖ | The name of the balance sheet | Q2 2024 Balance Sheet |
Currency |
*string | ➖ | The currency used in the balance sheet | USD |
CompanyInfoID |
*string | ➖ | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f |
Date |
*time.Time | ➖ | The date of the balance sheet | 2024-06-30T23:59:59Z |
NetAssets |
*float64 | ➖ | The net assets value | 1000000 |
Assets |
[]string | ➖ | The list of assets | [ "Cash", "Accounts Receivable", "Inventory" ] |
Liabilities |
[]string | ➖ | The list of liabilities | [ "Accounts Payable", "Long-term Debt" ] |
Equity |
[]string | ➖ | The list of equity items | [ "Common Stock", "Retained Earnings" ] |
RemoteGeneratedAt |
*time.Time | ➖ | The date when the balance sheet was generated in the remote system | 2024-07-01T12:00:00Z |
LineItems |
[]components.LineItem | ➖ | The report items associated with this balance sheet | |
FieldMappings |
*components.UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings | ➖ | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | { "custom_field_1": "value1", "custom_field_2": "value2" } |
ID |
*string | ➖ | The UUID of the balance sheet record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f |
RemoteID |
*string | ➖ | The remote ID of the balance sheet in the context of the 3rd Party | balancesheet_1234 |
RemoteData |
*components.UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData | ➖ | The remote data of the balance sheet in the context of the 3rd Party | { "raw_data": { "additional_field": "some value" } } |
CreatedAt |
*time.Time | ➖ | The created date of the balance sheet record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z |
ModifiedAt |
*time.Time | ➖ | The last modified date of the balance sheet record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z |