Dotfiles organizational separate modules for configuring overrides/settings to other modules Emacs hotkey rework develop list of “universal commands” that should/could be supported with the same hotkey for every major mode preview-nav go-to-def preview popup (with option to jump this/other window to result) find references preview popup (with option to jump this/other window to result) doc-popup doc/help popup (with option pop to its own window) toggle auto-doc popup auto-snippet similar autocomplete rules autocomplete toggle (same rules to) trigger yasnippet expansion REPL (re)start repl (check for project repl settings first, otherwise use a default repl) eval line toggle to show eval result in popup (in addition to sending to repl) eval block/paragraph same semantics to eval-and-focus vs just eval osx modal hotkey config take inspiration from lisp editing modes (also a tree) use cases: (possible) modes window-tree editing mode window-leaf editing mode desktop editing mode normal/command mode Lisp editing packages to install inline docs lispy indicator in modeline (also in cursor color if possible) key items to learn tree-nav parent & child sibling sexp deletion matching paren nav eval features to find jump to def main elisp REPL to use (and standard workflow around that)