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Unhandled error: <class 'ValueError'>, 'module.vpc.aws_acm_certificate.cert' is not in list, <traceback object at 0xffff8f346bc0> #121

jonbutland opened this issue May 13, 2024 · 10 comments


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I can confirm that module.vpc.aws_acm_certificate.cert exists in my state file, and plan output when I run terraform plan manually.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/terravision/terravision", line 289, in
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 1130, in call
return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 1055, in main
rv = self.invoke(ctx)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 1657, in invoke
return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 1404, in invoke
return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/", line 760, in invoke
return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
File "/terravision/terravision", line 207, in draw
tfdata = compile_tfdata(source, varfile, workspace, debug, annotate)
File "/terravision/terravision", line 50, in compile_tfdata
tfdata = tfwrapper.tf_makegraph(tfdata)
File "/terravision/modules/", line 219, in tf_makegraph
node_id = gvid_table.index(nodename)
ValueError: 'module.vpc.aws_acm_certificate.cert' is not in list

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Looking at the values for gvid_table and nodename, it appears that "module." is being dropped from gvid_table, but is still present in nodename

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@jonbutland facing the same issue over here. did you end up figuring it out by any chance?

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@jonbutland can you share some sample code so I can reproduce this ?

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jonbutland commented Jun 10, 2024

@yannik-projectb I got it to draw something by changing node_id = gvid_table.index(nodename) to

if "module" in nodename:
    nodename_components = nodename.split(".")\n
    nodename_shortened = nodename_components[-2:]
    node_id = '.'.join(nodename_shortened)
    node_id = gvid_table.index(nodename)

in modules/, but I'm not sure if the diagram is working as intended as my diagrams seem to lack visualized subnets and autoscaling groups. This also may be because I am not using annotations. When I use this with various serverless projects, mostly lambdas and API gateways or CloudFront and S3 the diagrams seem about right.

@patrickchugh, thanks for the response. this is the code for the cert, not sure how helpful it is though. I think it just happens to be the first item in the list.

resource "aws_acm_certificate" "cert" {
  domain_name       = var.domainName
  validation_method = "DNS"
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true

The failure is happening after the plan during the "Converting TF Graph Connections.. (this may take a while)" stage. My code is structured with folders for each environment with a, terraform.tfvars, and files, and a modules folder with one or more sub modules depending on the project. I did kinda get it to work with the code I posted above, but I am unsure if the output is the expected output. Pardon my extremely sloppy Python

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@patrickchugh Im having the same issue, any idea why it might be happening?

Unhandled error: <class 'ValueError'>, 'module.compute.module.cluster.aws_autoscaling_group.cluster' is not in list, <traceback object at 0x7fc590607d80>

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@jonbutland thanks a lot for you response here!

Your fix actually got me a tiny bit further. At least terravision is now doing its thing.

However, I'm stuck on another one here now:

File "/Users/xxx/terravision/modules/", line 299, in find_replace_values
    value = replace_module_vars(modulevar_found_list, value, module, tfdata)
  File "/Users/xxx/terravision/modules/", line 194, in replace_module_vars
    value = find_replace_values(value, mod, tfdata)
  File "/Users/xxx/terravision/modules/", line 299, in find_replace_values
    value = replace_module_vars(modulevar_found_list, value, module, tfdata)
  File "/Users/xxx/terravision/modules/", line 194, in replace_module_vars
    value = find_replace_values(value, mod, tfdata)
  File "/Users/xxx/terravision/modules/", line 299, in find_replace_values
    value = replace_module_vars(modulevar_found_list, value, module, tfdata)
  File "/Users/xxx/terravision/modules/", line 194, in replace_module_vars
    value = find_replace_values(value, mod, tfdata)
  File "/Users/xxx/terravision/modules/", line 292, in find_replace_values
    var_found_list = re.findall("var\.[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+", value)
/Users/xxx/terravision/modules/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\.'
  from hmac import new
  File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/[email protected]/3.12.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/re/", line 217, in findall
    return _compile(pattern, flags).findall(string)
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

@patrickchugh -- any chance you might be able to help here?

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Is there any chance I can try it with your source TF files ?

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@patrickchugh thanks for your reply!

This is our staging file:

module "terraform_state_backend" {
  source     = "cloudposse/tfstate-backend/aws"
  version    = "1.4.1"
  namespace  = var.namespace
  stage      = var.stage
  profile    = var.profile
  name       =
  attributes = ["state"]

  terraform_backend_config_file_path = "."
  terraform_backend_config_file_name = ""
  force_destroy                      = false

module "ssh_key_pair" {
  source              = "cloudposse/key-pair/aws"
  version             = "0.20.0"
  namespace           = var.namespace
  stage               = var.stage
  name                =
  generate_ssh_key    = false
  ssh_public_key_path = "../keys"

module "vpc" {
  source     = "cloudposse/vpc/aws"
  version    = "2.2.0"
  namespace  = var.namespace
  stage      = var.stage
  name       =
  attributes = var.attributes
  tags       = var.tags
  delimiter  = var.delimiter

  ipv4_primary_cidr_block = ""

module "subnets" {
  source               = "cloudposse/dynamic-subnets/aws"
  version              = "2.4.2"
  namespace            = var.namespace
  stage                = var.stage
  name                 =
  attributes           = ["0"]
  tags                 = var.tags
  delimiter            = var.delimiter
  availability_zones   = var.availability_zones
  vpc_id               = module.vpc.vpc_id
  igw_id               = [module.vpc.igw_id]
  ipv4_cidr_block      = [module.vpc.vpc_cidr_block]
  nat_gateway_enabled  = true
  nat_instance_enabled = false

module "kms_key" {
  source                  = "cloudposse/kms-key/aws"
  version                 = "0.12.2"
  namespace               = var.namespace
  stage                   = var.stage
  name                    =
  description             = "KMS key for API"
  deletion_window_in_days = 30
  enable_key_rotation     = false
  alias                   = join("/", ["alias", join("-", [var.namespace,, var.stage])])

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "env_secret" {
  name                    = join("-", [var.namespace,, var.stage, "secrets"])
  kms_key_id              = module.kms_key.key_id
  recovery_window_in_days = 30

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "env_secret_version" {
  secret_id =
  secret_string = jsonencode(merge(var.eb_env_vars, {
    REDIS_URL                     = join("", ["rediss://", module.redis.endpoint, ":", module.redis.port])
    DATABASE_URL                  = join("", ["postgres://", var.rds_database_user, ":", var.rds_database_password, "@", module.rds_instance.instance_endpoint, "/", var.rds_database_name])
    AWS_S3_FILES_BUCKET_NAME      = module.s3_bucket_share.bucket_id
    AWS_S3_PUBLIC_BUCKET_NAME     = module.cdn_assets.s3_bucket
    AWS_S3_PUBLIC_BUCKET_BASE_URL = join("", ["https://", module.cdn_assets.aliases[0]])

  depends_on = [module.rds_instance, module.redis, module.s3_bucket_share, module.cdn_assets]

module "rds_instance" {
  source              = "cloudposse/rds/aws"
  version             = "1.1.0"
  namespace           = var.namespace
  stage               = var.stage
  name                =
  database_name       = var.rds_database_name
  database_user       = var.rds_database_user
  database_password   = var.rds_database_password
  database_port       = var.rds_database_port
  multi_az            = var.rds_multi_az
  storage_type        = var.rds_storage_type
  allocated_storage   = var.rds_allocated_storage
  storage_encrypted   = var.rds_storage_encrypted
  engine              = var.rds_engine
  engine_version      = var.rds_engine_version
  instance_class      = var.rds_instance_class
  db_parameter_group  = var.rds_db_parameter_group
  publicly_accessible = var.rds_publicly_accessible
  vpc_id              = module.vpc.vpc_id
  subnet_ids          = module.subnets.private_subnet_ids
  security_group_ids  = [module.vpc.vpc_default_security_group_id]
  apply_immediately   = var.rds_apply_immediately

module "redis" {
  source                     = "cloudposse/elasticache-redis/aws"
  version                    = "1.2.2"
  availability_zones         = var.availability_zones
  namespace                  = var.namespace
  stage                      = var.stage
  name                       =
  attributes                 = ["1"]
  zone_id                    = []
  apply_immediately          = true
  vpc_id                     = module.vpc.vpc_id
  allowed_security_groups    = [module.vpc.vpc_default_security_group_id]
  subnets                    = module.subnets.private_subnet_ids
  cluster_size               = var.redis_cluster_size
  instance_type              = var.redis_instance_type
  multi_az_enabled           = var.redis_multi_az_enabled
  automatic_failover_enabled = var.redis_automatic_failover_enabled
  engine_version             = var.redis_engine_version
  family                     = var.redis_family
  at_rest_encryption_enabled = var.redis_at_rest_encryption_enabled
  transit_encryption_enabled = var.redis_transit_encryption_enabled

  parameter = [
      name  = "notify-keyspace-events"
      value = "lK"

module "acm_request_certificate" {
  source                            = "cloudposse/acm-request-certificate/aws"
  version                           = "0.18.0"
  domain_name                       = join(".", ["*", var.domain])
  process_domain_validation_options = false
  ttl                               = "300"
  tags                              = var.tags
  wait_for_certificate_issued       = true
  zone_name                         = var.domain

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "eb_extended_permissions" {
  statement {
    sid = "AllowS3OperationsOnElasticBeanstalkBuckets"
    actions = [
    resources = ["*"]
  statement {
    sid = "AllowSecretsManagerOperations"
    actions = [
    resources = [
  statement {
    sid = "AllowKMSOperations"
    actions = [
    resources = [

module "elastic_beanstalk_application" {
  source      = "cloudposse/elastic-beanstalk-application/aws"
  version     = "0.12.0"
  namespace   = var.namespace
  stage       = var.stage
  name        =
  attributes  = var.attributes
  tags        = var.tags
  delimiter   = var.delimiter
  description = var.description

module "elastic_beanstalk_environment_docker" {
  source        = "cloudposse/elastic-beanstalk-environment/aws"
  version       = "0.51.2"
  namespace     = var.namespace
  stage         = var.stage
  name          = join("-", [, "docker"])
  attributes    = var.attributes
  tags          = var.tags
  delimiter     = var.delimiter
  description   = join("-", [var.description, "docker"])
  region        = var.region
  keypair       = module.ssh_key_pair.key_name
  dns_zone_id   = var.dns_zone_id
  dns_subdomain = var.dns_subdomain

  availability_zone_selector         = var.eb_availability_zone_selector
  wait_for_ready_timeout             = var.eb_wait_for_ready_timeout
  elastic_beanstalk_application_name = module.elastic_beanstalk_application.elastic_beanstalk_application_name
  environment_type                   = var.eb_environment_type
  loadbalancer_type                  = var.eb_loadbalancer_type
  loadbalancer_ssl_policy            = var.eb_loadbalancer_ssl_policy
  loadbalancer_certificate_arn       = module.acm_request_certificate.arn
  elb_scheme                         = var.eb_elb_scheme
  tier                               = var.eb_tier
  version_label                      = var.eb_version_label
  force_destroy                      = var.eb_force_destroy

  instance_type    = var.eb_instance_type
  root_volume_size = var.eb_root_volume_size
  root_volume_type = var.eb_root_volume_type

  autoscale_min             = var.eb_autoscale_min
  autoscale_max             = var.eb_autoscale_max
  autoscale_measure_name    = var.eb_autoscale_measure_name
  autoscale_statistic       = var.eb_autoscale_statistic
  autoscale_unit            = var.eb_autoscale_unit
  autoscale_lower_bound     = var.eb_autoscale_lower_bound
  autoscale_lower_increment = var.eb_autoscale_lower_increment
  autoscale_upper_bound     = var.eb_autoscale_upper_bound
  autoscale_upper_increment = var.eb_autoscale_upper_increment

  vpc_id               = module.vpc.vpc_id
  loadbalancer_subnets = module.subnets.public_subnet_ids
  application_subnets  = module.subnets.public_subnet_ids

  associated_security_group_ids = [module.vpc.vpc_default_security_group_id]
  create_security_group         = false

  rolling_update_enabled  = var.eb_rolling_update_enabled
  rolling_update_type     = var.eb_rolling_update_type
  updating_min_in_service = var.eb_updating_min_in_service
  updating_max_batch      = var.eb_updating_max_batch

  healthcheck_url  = var.eb_healthcheck_url
  application_port = var.eb_application_port

  solution_stack_name = "64bit Amazon Linux 2023 v4.3.2 running Docker"
  additional_settings = var.eb_additional_settings
  env_vars = {
    key = value

  extended_ec2_policy_document = data.aws_iam_policy_document.eb_extended_permissions.json
  prefer_legacy_ssm_policy     = false
  associate_public_ip_address  = var.eb_associate_public_ip_address

  depends_on = [module.rds_instance, module.redis]

module "s3_bucket_share" {
  source  = "cloudposse/s3-bucket/aws"
  version = "4.2.0"

  namespace           = var.namespace
  stage               = var.stage
  name                = join("-", [, "share"])
  s3_object_ownership = "BucketOwnerEnforced"
  enabled             = true
  user_enabled        = true
  versioning_enabled  = false

module "s3_bucket_parser" {
  source  = "cloudposse/s3-bucket/aws"
  version = "4.2.0"

  namespace           = var.namespace
  stage               = var.stage
  name                = join("-", [, "parser"])
  s3_object_ownership = "BucketOwnerEnforced"
  enabled             = true
  user_enabled        = true
  versioning_enabled  = false

locals {
  s3_bucket_share_arn = module.s3_bucket_share.user_arn

module "cdn_assets" {
  source            = "cloudposse/cloudfront-s3-cdn/aws"
  version           = "0.93.0"
  namespace         = var.namespace
  stage             = var.stage
  name              = join("-", [, "assets"])
  aliases           = [join(".", [join("-", ["assets", var.stage]), var.domain])]
  dns_alias_enabled = true
  parent_zone_id    = var.dns_zone_id

  acm_certificate_arn = var.us_east_1_acm_certificate_arn

  versioning_enabled                  = false
  cloudfront_access_logging_enabled   = false
  cloudfront_access_log_create_bucket = false
  log_versioning_enabled              = false
  block_origin_public_access_enabled  = true

  deployment_principal_arns = {
    "${local.s3_bucket_share_arn}" = [""]

module "ec2_bastion" {
  source  = "cloudposse/ec2-bastion-server/aws"
  version = "0.30.1"

  namespace = var.namespace
  stage     = var.stage
  name      = join("-", [, "bastion"])
  delimiter = var.delimiter

  ami                         = var.bastion_ami_id # prevents automatic updates of AMI to latest (which always forces replacement)
  enabled                     = var.bastion_enabled
  security_groups             = compact(concat([module.vpc.vpc_default_security_group_id]))
  security_group_rules        = var.bastion_security_group_rules
  subnets                     = module.subnets.public_subnet_ids
  key_name                    = module.ssh_key_pair.key_name
  vpc_id                      = module.vpc.vpc_id
  associate_public_ip_address = var.bastion_associate_public_ip_address

# Expose outputs

output "s3_share_aws_access_key_id" {
  sensitive = true
  value     = module.s3_bucket_share.access_key_id

output "s3_share_aws_secret_access_key" {
  sensitive = true
  value     = module.s3_bucket_share.secret_access_key

output "s3_share_bucket_name" {
  value = module.s3_bucket_share.bucket_id

output "cdn_bucket_name" {
  value = module.cdn_assets.s3_bucket

output "s3_parser_aws_access_key_id" {
  sensitive = true
  value     = module.s3_bucket_parser.access_key_id

output "s3_parser_aws_secret_access_key" {
  sensitive = true
  value     = module.s3_bucket_parser.secret_access_key

output "s3_parser_bucket_name" {
  value = module.s3_bucket_parser.bucket_id

output "cdn_aliases" {
  value = module.cdn_assets.aliases

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.0.0"

  backend "s3" {
    region  = "eu-west-3"
    bucket  = "xxx"
    key     = "terraform.tfstate"
    profile = "xxx"
    encrypt = "true"

    dynamodb_table = "xxx"

Please lmk if you need any further info. :)

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kylewin commented Dec 4, 2024

Same here :(

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chasepo commented Jan 7, 2025

I was hoping to try out this tool but am hitting the same issue as the others, so i'll keep an eye on this issue. Thanks

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