- Bug fix: Running multiple tests, included same requests many many times in one HAR #91
- Bug fix: Show correct browser and version in the HAR file #90
- Remove level prefix (e.g. info: ) from console log lines. Log files aren't affected.
- Normalized Navigation Timing Data: All navigation timing metrics are now relative from Navigation start instead of using timestamps #88
- Navigation Timings are now included in the statistics so you can get median times for all Navigation Timing metrics.
- Upgrading Selenium version to 2.46.1 that makes it work on Windows (again).
- Upgrading selenium version to 2.46.0 that will make Firefox (38) useable again.
- Increased timeouts to be 2 minutes instead of 1 minute. Running using mobile2g times out a lot.
- Added more default connection types: mobile2g and mobile3gslow
- Ability to avoid sandbox mode when runnig Chrome (use with care)
- Possible to configure a selenium server (hopefully make IE run smoother on Windows and Chrome on Linux).
- User timing marks was missing from statistics since 0.9. This puts then back!
- Timeout a run if it takes too long. On Linux Chrome/Chromedriver can hang, making Browsertime hang. This fix kill the chromedriver and signal an error if it happens.
- Fixed installation issue on npm v0.12.0, Windows 7 (thanks Patrick Wieczorek)
- Hello HTTPS! We now proxy HTTPS traffic making HAR Files containing HTTPS requests.
- Internet Explorer: Clean session between runs, ignore zoom settings and set proxy per process
- Internal: Killing Chromedriver on Linux if it is up and running after a finished round. Need to be run after each URL when we have a working timeout for Chrome.
- Fixed incorrect HAR files generated by version 0.9.0 (page title was missing).
- Renaming resourceTiming to resourceTimings to follow our pattern.
- New data structure in the output JSON, better support for custom Metrics. Note if you fetch values from the JSON, you will need to change how you do it.
- Latest Selenium supports IE and Safari without the Selenium jar, use it! Safari users, install SafariDriver.safariextz from http://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/index.html?path=2.45/
- Safari doesn't support pageLoadTimeout, disable for Safari
- Cleaned up the use of javascript that runs in the browser: get name from the filename and keep scripts simple. #77
- Running Browsertime on node.js version 0.8 is no longer supported (or tested).
- Fix incorrect calculation of serverConnectionTime in json output.
- Removed toJSON method from Resource Timing data from Firefox
- Getting window size from the actual window.
- Internally: Get metrics and static values from the browser using JS.
- Set the page title in the HAR
- Added more timings per page, follow WPT style in the HAR
- Changed name of parameter scriptPath to customScripts to better match what it does
- Locking versions in package.json to be SAFE
- Update to Selenium 2.45.1 to get latest bug fixes.
- Avoid hangs when fetching urls by explicitly set timeout values in Selenium drivers.
- New Selenium version (2.45) to support Firefox 36
- Fix that kills the BMP on Windows (using taskkill)
- Log to standard log when uncaught exception happens, so that it will be propagated to sitespeed.io
- So we have a real proble with processes that just hangs, it happens on when we get an uncaught exception, one of the problems is Selenium/Chromedriver, we will try to fix the main issue but for now we will exit the process #74
You can now choose to supply a Javascript that will decide when a run is finished. The default script is 'return window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd>0'. Use the parameter --waitScript
The browsermob prixy will now test a port and use it if it's free. Before the port was hardcoded.
- Upgraded to the new BrowserMobProxy 2.0.0
- Ooops, what happend? the new version is written in NodeJS, instead of Java.
- Check out the README or --help to see new input format.
- You can now run your own javascript in the browser and get the data back in the JSON.
- Support for getting timings using PhantomJS 2.
- Limit the connection speed.
- Add support for sending BASIC AUTH credentials, by specifying the --basic-auth option.
- Add support for generating har files, by specifying the --har-file option.
- Add support for sending request headers by specifying the --headers option.
- Bugfix: Set right values for serverResponseTime
- Upgrade Selenium to version 2.41.
- Fix crash while trying to run resource timing measurements in Firefox.
- Provide better error messages if chromedriver, IEDriverServer or Firefox is missing.
- Upgraded to latest version of Selenium, for (hopefully) increased stability in the interaction with browsers.
- Suppress chromedriver diagnostics output (Starting ChromeDriver...) when running Chrome
- Add --verbose and --debug option for getting additional information printed as Browsertime runs.
- Windows support - Browsertime now ships with a bat file, and Internet Explorer has been confirmed to work.
- Collect resource timing metrics (http://www.w3.org/TR/resource-timing/), included when outputting all metrics using the --raw option.
- Add support for specifying http proxy, using a new --proxyHost option.
- Updated maven groupId and Java package name to use net.browsertime instead of com.soulgalore. This does not affect users of the command line tool, only programmers embedding the browsertime jar in other tools.
- Added ignore zoom settings for Internet Explorer and type for msFirstPaint
- Include browserTimeVersion entry in static page data.
- User Timing marks and measures should now be compatible with Firefox 25. Custom user marks are also converted to "synthetic" measures, with duration as time from the navigationStart event. This way user marks are also included in statistics.
- Added frontEndTime (responseEnd & loadEventStart) & backEndTime (navigationStart, responseStart) measurements to make it cleaner when comparing.
- Collect page data (browser version etc.) on first timing run. This reduces the number of times the browser is launched, making Browsertime run faster.
- Added -t option to set timeout value when loading urls (default remains 60 seconds).
- Created packages as zip and tar.gz that includes a shell script to run Browsertime, all jars, README, and CHANGELOG.
- Add --raw flag to control if data for individual runs is included in output. The default is to not include run data. NOTE - this is a change in the default output from 0.1.
- Add optional --compact flag to disable pretty printing of xml and json.
- Update format of xml/json (NOTE - incompatible changes from 0.1)
- all metrics and statistics are now floating point numbers
- numbers in json output are now represented as strings (surrounded by quotes). This is an unfortunate side-effect of avoiding printing numbers in scientific notation.
- time property of marks and measurements have been renamed startTime
- measurements and statistics are now sorted according to start time.
- Changed max wait time for the Selenium driver from 30 s to 60 s
- Updated org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-java from 2.35.0 to 2.37.1
- Fix for Firefox 25 that added toJson in window.performance.timings
- First release