This document describes the git workflow that should be used when contributing to Victoire.
For a more general Git-Workflow, you can have a look here
##Clone and fork Victoire repository
Note: The steps in this section only need to be performed once per repository
1 : Create your own Fork
Get to Github, then click on "Fork"
2 : Clone your fork on your computer
git clone
3 : Acces to Victoire's original deposit :
git remote add upstream
This command create a new remote to your deposit. You have now two remote : one heading to your fork (origin) and another heading to the original one (upstream) You can check this with this command
git remote -v
That should return :
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
If this is your first set up, your fork is up to date. If you have created your fork earlier on, there is a high probability that it doesn't include the changes made in the original deposit. In order to update it, you have to recover upstream's last commits :
git fetch upstream
Then you need to merge them in your own fork :
git merge upstream/masteram
If you've worked on Victoire for a specific project, you surely have made modifications which aren't on your fork but on the Victoire's project deposit. That leads to different problematics :
- You won't be able to perform Behat tests
- If you've executed composer as --prefer-dist then Victoire's .git will be missing
The solution is to copy your modifications made in the project's Victoire in your fork. To do so, you have to create a patch :
cd vendor/victoire/victoire
git diff > /tmp/patch
This operation creates a file /tmp/patch with your modifications. You then have to create a new branch in your fork, from master :
git checkout master
git checkout -b feature/VIC-123-awesome-feature
And execute this command to apply the modifications :
git apply /tmp/patch
After those steps, your modifications are echoed in your fork. You can now proceed doing your commits, push and issue a Pull Request.
Please, be descriptive in your branch names, commit messages, and pull request title and descriptions
Go to your fork's deposit on GitHub and access to the Pull Request tab : You can now click on "New Pull Request" and GitHub takes in charge the next step.
Once you have a pull request for a branch, you can push additional changes to the same branch and they will be added to the pull request automatically. You should never create a new pull request for the same branch.
Et Voilà !
Thanks a lot for your collaboration