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Temporal Definitions

This module is a very simple model of temporal entities: date, time, duration, interval. It draws from ISO 8601 and RFC 3339, but would need considerable work to serve as a serious model. It provides sufficient detail to serve as a basis for the specifications presented in this tutorial.

import Std.Classes.SetNotation

namespace Temporal

General Definitions

def secondsPerMinute := 60

def minutesPerHour := 60

def secondsPerHour := secondsPerMinute * minutesPerHour

def hoursPerDay := 24

def secondsPerDay := secondsPerHour * hoursPerDay


DTG (Date/Time Group) models a combined date and time type and its core properties and functions.

A DTG is the number of seconds since the epoch (year 0 in the Gregorian calendar). Note the granularity of values is to the nearest second.

structure DTG where
  dtg : Nat
deriving Repr, Ord, DecidableEq

namespace DTG

Allow natural numbers to be interpreted as DTGs (the number of seconds since the epoch).

instance : OfNat DTG n where
  ofNat := ⟨n⟩

The < order relation on DTG.

instance : LT DTG where
  lt := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ d₁ < d₂

The < relation is decidable.

instance (x y : DTG) : Decidable (x < y) :=
  inferInstanceAs (Decidable (x.dtg < y.dtg))

The order relation on DTG.

instance : LE DTG where
  le := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ d₁ ≤ d₂

The relation is decidable.

instance (x y : DTG) : Decidable (x ≤ y) :=
  inferInstanceAs (Decidable (x.dtg ≤ y.dtg))

The minimum function on DTG.

instance : Min DTG where
  min := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ ⟨min d₁ d₂⟩

The maximum function on DTG.

instance : Max DTG where
  max := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ ⟨max d₁ d₂⟩

Addition of two DTGs.

instance : Add DTG where
  add := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ ⟨d₁ + d₂⟩

end DTG


Define the duration type and its core properties and functions.

A duration is expressed as a number of seconds.

structure Duration where
   dur : Nat
deriving Repr, Ord, DecidableEq

namespace Duration

Allow natural numbers to be interpreted as durations (the number of seconds in the duration).

instance : OfNat Duration n where
  ofNat := ⟨n⟩

The < order relation on Duration.

instance : LT Duration where
  lt := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ d₁ < d₂

The < relation is decidable.

instance (x y : Duration) : Decidable (x < y) :=
  inferInstanceAs (Decidable (x.dur < y.dur))

The order relation on Duration.

instance : LE Duration where
  le := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ d₁ ≤ d₂

The relation is decidable.

instance (x y : Duration) : Decidable (x ≤ y) :=
  inferInstanceAs (Decidable (x.dur ≤ y.dur))

The minimum function on Duration.

instance : Min Duration where
  min := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ ⟨min d₁ d₂⟩

The maximum function on Duration.

instance : Max Duration where
  max := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ ⟨max d₁ d₂⟩

Addition of two durations.

instance : Add Duration where
  add := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ ⟨d₁ + d₂⟩

Difference of two durations.

Note: d₁ - d₂ = d₂ - d₁ = max d₁ d₂ - min d₁ d₂, hence it is magnitude of the difference.

instance : Sub Duration where
  sub := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ if d₁ < d₂ then ⟨d₂ - d₁⟩ else ⟨d₁ - d₂⟩

The duration of a day.

def oneDay : Duration := ⟨secondsPerDay⟩

The duration of an hour.

def oneHour : Duration := ⟨secondsPerHour⟩

end Duration

Heterogenous Operations on DTG/Duration

Add a duration to a DTG.

instance : HAdd DTG Duration DTG where
  hAdd := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ ⟨d₁ + d₂⟩

Subtract a duration from a DTG. Natural number subtraction ensures the result cannot be earlier than the start of the epoch.

instance : HSub DTG Duration DTG where
  hSub := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ ⟨d₁ - d₂⟩

The duration between two DTGs.

  • d₁ - d₂ = d₂ - d₁ = max d₁ d₂ - min d₁ d₂ (magnitude of the difference).
instance : HSub DTG DTG Duration where
  hSub := fun ⟨d₁⟩ ⟨d₂⟩ ↦ if d₁ < d₂ then ⟨d₂ - d₁⟩ else ⟨d₁ - d₂⟩

Multiply a duration by a number.

instance : HMul Duration Nat Duration where
  hMul := fun ⟨d⟩ n ↦ ⟨d * n⟩

Divide a duration by a number.

instance : HDiv Duration Nat Duration where
  hDiv := fun ⟨d⟩ n ↦ ⟨d / n⟩


Define the type of intervals: the points in time between a start and end point.

The interval consists of a start and an end time, with evidence the end time is not earlier than the start time. The start time is inclusive, the end time is exclusive, so the empty interval has start time = end time.

structure Interval where
  starts : DTG
  ends   : DTG
  inv    : starts ≤ ends
deriving Repr, Ord, DecidableEq

namespace Interval

Default instance of an interval.

instance : Inhabited Interval where
  default := ⟨0, 0, by trivial⟩

The < order relation on Interval.

  • i₁ < i₂ ↔ i₁.ends ≤ i₂.starts (i₁ ends before i₂ starts).
instance : LT Interval where
  lt i₁ i₂ := i₁.ends ≤ i₂.starts

The < relation is decidable.

instance (i₁ i₂ : Interval) : Decidable (i₁ < i₂) :=
  inferInstanceAs (Decidable (i₁.ends ≤ i₂.starts))

Is a DTG contained within an interval?

def contains (i : Interval) (d : DTG) : Bool :=
  i.starts ≤ d ∧ d < i.ends

Instance of Membership; allows notation dtg ∈ interval.

instance : Membership DTG Interval  where
  mem d i := i.contains d

Do two intervals overlap? That is, have at least one common point in time.

def overlap (i₁ i₂ : Interval) : Bool :=
  i₁.starts < i₂.ends ∧ i₂.starts < i₁.ends

The intersection of two intervals. If they do not overlap the result is the empty interval.

def inter : Interval → Interval → Interval
  | ⟨s₁, e₁, _⟩, ⟨s₂, e₂, _⟩ =>
      let istart := max s₁ s₂
      let iend := if min e₁ e₂ < istart then istart else min e₁ e₂
      if istart = iend then default else ⟨istart, iend, sorry

Instance of Inter; allows notation i₁ ∩ i₂.

instance : Inter Interval := ⟨inter⟩

Is one interval fully contained within another?

def within (i₁ i₂ : Interval) : Prop :=
  i₂.starts ≤ i₁.starts ∧ i₁.ends ≤ i₂.ends

Instance of HasSubset; allows notation i₁ ⊆ i₂.

instance : HasSubset Interval := ⟨within⟩

The relation is decidable.

instance (x y : Interval) : Decidable (x ⊆ y) :=

Instance of EmptyCollection; allows notation for empty interval.

instance : EmptyCollection Interval where
  emptyCollection := default

The duration of an interval.

def durationOf (i : Interval) : Duration :=
  i.ends - i.starts

The interval commencing at a date/time lasting for a given duration.

def intervalOf (dtg : DTG) (dur : Duration) : Interval :=
  ⟨dtg, dtg+dur, sorryend Interval

end Temporal