is a repository that stores time courses of cell cycle regulators. It contains interactive figures in HTML format. To view this figures, please either download the HTML file and open it in a web browser or visit https://paulflang.github.io/cell_cycle_time_course.
- Raw data and aggregated
from proteomic datasets of Ly et al (2014), Ly et al 2017 and Mahdessian et al 2019 and a transcriptomic dataset of Leng et al (2015). Data is rescaled to match guesstimates of average concentration (Yin Hoon Chew and Jonathan Karr) in units of mol/l.
- Time courses of WEE1 inhibited and untreated cells from experiments by Lucas Dent, reconstructed with reCAT.
- Time courses of untreated cells from Stallaert et al, reconstructed with reCAT.
Please contact Paul F. Lang with any questions or comments.