After installation, you must start a VM:
podman machine init --cpus 4 --now
Then run the suggested "podman-mac-helper" commands to allow Podman to use the default Docker API socket.
To stop and remove it afterwards:
podman machine stop
podman machine rm
The default machine name is "podman-machine-default".
The extracted VM image is stored (on a Mac) at:
~/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/applehv/<machine name>-arm64.raw
The Docker images registry for the Podman machine. For example, use an older one:
podman machine init --image docker://quay.io/podman/machine-os:5.0 --cpus 4 --now
How to check the version of the Podman machine:
podman machine ssh
rpm-ostree status
(Shows the version.)
is the process that runs the VM. The VM terminates when the process exits.
PodmanSocketPath=`podman machine inspect | jq -r '.[0].ConnectionInfo.PodmanSocket.Path'`
docker context create --docker host=unix://${PodmanSocketPath} podman
docker context use podman