Information from @SicutDominus
By default Carrierwave uploads files into /public/uploads
. Here is an example to merge all attachments on a standard user
model into a single report
file, stored in /tmp
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :attachments, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :attachments, :allow_destroy => true
get 'users/:id/report' => 'users#report', as: :users_report
<%= link_to 'Report', users_report_path(@user) %>
def report
failure_list = []
pdf =
if @user.attachments.empty?
flash[:error] = 'No attachments.'
for attachment in @user.attachments
# Note the .to_s, otherwise code fails by passing a Ruby item rather than string into add_file
pdf.add_file Rails.root.join("public#{attachment.file.to_s}").to_s
# Best to have some kind of unique identifier in the file name so they aren't constantly overwriting each other
save_path = Rails.root.join('tmp', "report - #{}.pdf").to_s
pdf.save_as(save_path, failure_list)
# File now stored in tmp
# Manipulate the file here (eg. send out via email), then uncomment the line below if you want it deleted.
# Comment the line below to examine file for testing purposes
flash[:notice] = 'Report successfully generated.'
redirect_to @user