- Remove CURLOPT_CAINFO - path to Certificate Authority (CA) bundle
- Remove paymill.crt
- Change user agent info to "Paymill-OXID/2.8.1"
- Integration of PayFrame to enable use of SAQ A for easier PCI DSS 3.0 compliance.
- Using window.addEventListener
- remove jQuery import and use shops native jQuery
- allow preauth/capture workflow
- allow refund
- added OXID mobile theme support. Tested with Nexus 7 Chrome emulation and iOS simulator (iPhone 4-inch iOS 7.1).
- added autocomplete="off" for input fields, browser shall not save sensitive data like credit card number and card verification value
- changed CVV input field type from "text" to "password"
- ui change: added support for payment long description (configurable in the OXID backend payment methods settings)
- ui change: credit card form - valid until months are shown in a new format instead of just having the name of the month it also shows the number, e.g. "1 - January"
- ui change: hover tooltip for CVV input field
- refactoring: removed all deprecated calls, e.g. oxConfig::getInstance() etc
- max length of transaction description set to 128 characters
- fixed: order number was not set correctly, is now updated after order execution
- united SEPA and regular ELV forms
- added backend option to show credit card logos in frontend
- added prenotification in order mail for direct debit (see Readme.md "Notes about direct debit (ELV) Prenotification" regarding invoice pdf)
- added check for block entries in oxtplblocks
- fixed exception in install with alter table sql
- added iban validation
- added creditcard predetection and improved validation
- added multilang support
- webhook support
- translate bridge errors
- elv sepa support
- maestro handling
- better logging view
- better error messages
- add validateHolder() for card holder validation
- fastcheckout add possibility to change the payment data
- reuse clients and update them if email address has changed
- dynamic credit card icons
- mark complete orders as paid
- now using unique id's instead of classes for as js selector
- support specialchars in names
- improve payment workflow
- update readme
- update install.sql
- update update.sql
- update php wrapper
- edit api endpoints
- fix user logout bug
- adjust admin menu traslation