Releases: paynl/magento2-plugin
Releases · paynl/magento2-plugin
Added paymentmethods
- Klarna
- Yehhpay
- Focum
Added uncancel
Plugin now uncancels an order when a transaction is paid and the order is already canceled
Added ideal bankselection
- Added ideal bankselection
- Fixed Urn paths in xml files
Added Paymentmethod AMEX
v1.1.6 Updated version
Added Capayable
Added Capayable
- Achteraf Betalen
- Gespreid Betalen
Fixed an issue, the invoice was not sent to the customer
Updated version number
Forgot to update the version number in composer
Billing address required
Billing address is now required for all payment methods
Removed die() from exchange script
v1.1.2 Removed die() in the exchange script
Updated version number
v1.1.1 Update composer.json
Manual transfer ans sofort on-hold
Manual transfer and Sofort payments will now put the order on-hold instead of pending payment.
This will prevent magento from automatically cancelling the order