Releases: paytaca/paytaca-pos
Releases · paytaca/paytaca-pos
Release notes
- Product inventory management
- Cashiering interface
- Listing of products to Paytaca Marketplace storefront
- Workflows for order processing for Paytaca Marketplace
- Improvements in direct payment thru QR
- Processing of payments with vouchers
Release notes
- Handle changes in encrypted payload in linking to a wallet
Release notes
- Made POS device info optional in generating payment URL for other BCH wallets
- Fixed bug amount form dialog reappearing after setting amount in select wallet page
- Fixed invalid width/height value for SVG element
Release notes
- Hide Input OTP link if payment is not from Paytaca wallet
- Minor text and layout revisions in receive page
- Set ARS-BCH price to use coingecko-yadio rate
- Fixed bug listener websocket not displaying received transaction
Release notes
- Fixed app initialization issue on clean install
Release notes
- Added other options to link a wallet: copy & paste code or click on wallet link code URL
- App loading, receive page, and QR generation speed improvements
Release notes
- Fixed failure to unlink and re-link when POS device is removed while linked
- Fixed second POS device of a wallet having empty transactions
Release notes
This is the initial release of Paytaca POS with the following features:
- Quick and easy linking with the merchant's Paytaca wallet by just scanning a QR code
- Generates fresh address for every transaction from merchant wallet's xPub key
- Ability to receive and verify payment even when POS is offline when paid using Paytaca wallet
- Accepts payments from Paytaca and other BCH wallets that reads cash address format
- Generates sales reports that the merchant can view from the wallet
- Merchant wallet can remotely suspend/unsuspend POS operations
- Merchant wallet can link to multiple POS devices
- Each POS device can be assigned to a store branch
- Realtime online/offline status of POS device can be tracked by the merchant