All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support for PHP 8.4
- Support the new VAT in Finland
- Updated validation to support negative item rows
- Run tests on PHP 8.3
- Fix access to possibly undefined property
- Validate too long item descriptions on client side
- Added customProviders to createPayment() response
- Add pay and add card endpoint
- Fix payment provider unit test
- Improved refundRequest Validation
- Fix to allow zero amount items
- Fixed requestSettlements url parameters
- Fixed item validation
- You can now request payment report by settlement ID
- Added new improved way for requesting payment reports: requestSettlements()
- Fixed date validation on report requests
- Code cleanup for request classes
- PHPStan (static analyser) added in workflow
- Tests are now run also on PHP 8.2
- Code quality improvements and other fixes
- Add missing transaction property to activateInvoice request
- Use PSR-12 standard
- Add missing properties to RefundRequest
- Add missing fields to PaymentResponse model
- Add method for activate-invoice endpoint
- Fix function parameter types
- Payment report endpoint added
- companyName added to Customer model
- Fixed cUrlClient query parameters
- Added PHPUnit test workflow
- Added cUrl fallback option for Guzzle
- Fixed phone input validation in the example code
- Fixed street address validation variable
- Fixed street address validation in case of null
- Added settlements endpoint
- Added a validation exception if street address is longer then 50 characters
- Fixed exception handling on request timeout
- Added support for Guzzle 7
- Added signature validation to examples
- Removed bundled Guzzle 6 library
- Guzzle version (6 or 7) is selected automatically depending on the environment
- Payment timestamp accuracy increased in examples
- Added native return type to jsonSerialize()
- Allow payment request to be made without providing any items
- Validation rules updated to check if a negative value has been provided for an item
- setDeliveryDate is now optional
- All initial plugin functionalities