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External Resources |
- Think Like (a) Git
- Understanding Git Conceptually
- Introduction to concepts (commits, pointers, branches, graphs)
- Git from the bottom up
- Detailed explanation of git concepts
- GitHub courtesy Code School course
- Learn git commands and concepts interactively.
- Also available at Code School
- LearnGitBranching
- Application designed to help beginners grasp the powerful concepts behind branching when working with git.
- Pro Git
- Free e-book available in HTML, PDF, mobi or ePub format.
- Also in Spanish.
- Git Magic
- Step by step explanations of every operation and why they are useful in real-life scenarios
- Matias Beckerle's collection
- Official reference manual
- Everyday Git With 20 Commands
- A guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git.
- Resources / how to guides
- For future reference
- GitHub Guides
- A site from GitHub that focuses on workflows and higher-level Git and GitHub concepts.
- Introductory Reference & Tutorial
- This introductory walkthrough acts as a nice tutorial
- Git Immersion
- A guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git.
- Capacitacion en Git (Spanish)
- Introduction, basic concepts, practical examples
- Git - The simple guide
- Just a simple guide for getting started with git. no deep shit ;)
- Also available in Spanish
- Linus Torvald's TED talk on Git
- Pluralsight Courses
- Git Basics
- GitHub & Git foundations
- Setup (01:50)
- Let us help you discover the installation options for both GitHub and Git.
- Introduction (03:40)
- Git and GitHub features presentation
- Config (02:23)
- Command line common settings
- Init (02:02)
- Learn how to create a new Git repository from the command line and on
- Diff (03:09)
- Easily decipher file changes with the diff command.
- Setup (01:50)
- GitHub features quick look
- GitHub Notifications (03:45)
- This is a quick tour of GitHub Notifications tool.
- Collaboration with Git and GitHub (06:33)
- Forks, Online editor, Pull request, and Official GitHub clients
- GitHub for Windows (01:03)
- GitHub Issues (02:27)
- This is a quick tour of GitHub Issues tool.
- GitHub Notifications (03:45)
- More GitHub official videos
- GitHub Guides Youtube channel
- A successful git branching model
- Schematic with master + develop + feature branches / hotfixes branches, when finished each is merged onto the others with merge no-ff (master, develop are the ones that get pushed)
- GitHub-flow
- Branches per feature + master, pull requests & merge after code review