Implement and run a function sum(n) that uses recursion to calculate the sum of the integers from 1 to n. You'll need to write this function inside a module in a separate file. Then load up iex, compile that file, and try your function.
See the sum.exs file for the full module.
There are only two necessary cases; however we will implement three.
The base case:
defp do_calculate(0), do: 0
A second base case:
defp do_calculate(1), do: 1
And the main case:
defp do_calculate(n), do: n + do_calculate(n - 1)
The second base case is not actually necessary but adding 0 to the sum has no effect so this simply prevents us from doing that.
Lastly, add a non-private function with a guard clause to prevent invalid parameters and presto:
iex> Sum.calculate 3
iex> Sum.calculate 5
iex> Sum.calculate -4
{:error, "Expected a positive integer."}