Write a function to capitalize the sentences in a string. Each sentence is terminated by a period and a string. Right now, the case of the characters in the string is random.
See the sentences.exs file for the full module.
They gave us a pretty big hint by telling us each sentence is terminated by a period and a string; now we know what we can split on. Let's start there:
defp do_separate_sentences(paragraph) do
sentences = String.split(paragraph, ". ")
The only problem with this is that by splitting on ". ", we lose those characters so we need to append a period to all but the last sentence.
defp do_separate_sentences(paragraph) do
sentences = String.split(paragraph, ". ")
Enum.map sentences, fn sentence ->
case String.ends_with?(sentence, ".") do
false -> sentence <> "."
true -> sentence
Okay, now we have separated out the sentences so we can move on to capitalization. The String module provides this for us so all we need to do is:
defp do_capitalize(sentences) do
Enum.map sentences, fn sentence -> String.capitalize sentence end
And finally, we need to bring the sentences back together again:
defp do_join_sentences(sentences) do
Enum.join sentences, " "
Put it all together:
def capitalize(paragraph) do
|> do_separate_sentences
|> do_capitalize
|> do_join_sentences
Let's test it:
iex> Sentences.capitalize "oh. a DOG. woof."
"Oh. A dog. Woof."