- Demonstartes the usage of zookeeper as a service for leader election and service discover for building distributed applications
- Install Docker
- Download apache zookeeper-3.3.36 if the zookeeper directory already present in the project folder is corrupt
- Build "base_img" image from base_img directory
- Run start.sh for building the image with required tools
NOTE: Dockerfile is written such that it uses college proxy. Remove the proxy setting in dockerfile if you want to make it work outside college.
Command to start Zookeeper: ./start.sh zookeeper
Command to start webserver: ./start.sh web-server
Command to start db server: ./start.sh db-server
Port 8000 of webserver container is mapped to port 8000 of host, so in order to make request to webserver, use "" as the url
#For read:
#for update: