- This project provides several functions for AutoHotKey to connect to server as websocket client.
should be only compatible with AutoHotKey unicode installation. (Not tested with AutoHotKey ANSI version)- Currently it doesn't support wss (websocket with SSL).
- For ssl enabled AHK websocket client, please see https://github.com/G33kDude/WebSocket.ahk.
- WebSocketAsio dll is based on boost beast library.
- Static link with runtime library so it should support win7/win8/win10
- Provide both x86 & x64 dll. See bin folder for pre-built binaries.
- Check Samples folder for usage.
I need websocket APIs to write a GUI AutoHotKey script for controlling and monitoring OBS application through websocket protocol. I find there is only 1 suitable websocket client library for AutoHotKey which supports non-ssl websocket (https://github.com/agrippa1994/WebSocket-API). But it only supports ANSI 32bit AutoHotKey which can't call functions in bcrypt.dll. So I refer to websocket async client example of boost beast library to create this AHK module. Another implementation (https://github.com/G33kDude/WebSocket.ahk) doesn't support non-ssl.
1. [ ] Support wss (ssl websocket)
2. [ ] Enhancement error handling
- Windows only since AutoHotKey only supports windows
- Sometimes you will get error "The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request" when calling websocketConnect again.
- on_disconnected callback gets called only when user actively calls websocketDisconnect. It won't get called if unexpected error occurs such as server close the connection but on_fail callback can handle them.
int websocketRegisterOnConnectCb(callbackName)
- Desc: Register a function defined in user's AHK script to be called after connection is successfully established.
@callbackName string
: user defined function without parameter in AHK script. e.g.on_connect(){}
@return int
: 0 success, 1 failed
int websocketRegisterOnDataCb(callbackName)
- Desc: Register a function defined in user's AHK script to be called after data from server reaches client.
@callbackName string
: user defined function with 2 parameters in AHK script. e.g.on_data(data, len){}
@return int
: 0 success, 1 failed
int websocketRegisterOnFailCb(callbackName)
- Desc: Register a function defined in user's AHK script to be called whenever websocket error occurs
@callbackName string
: user defined function with 1 parameter in AHK script. e.g.on_fail(from){}
@return int
: 0 success, 1 failed
int websocketRegisterOnDisconnectCb(callbackName)
- Desc: Register a function defined in user's AHK script to be called after user actively calls
function @callbackName string
: user defined function without parameter in AHK script. e.g.on_disconnected(){}
@return int
: 0 success, 1 failed
- Desc: Register a function defined in user's AHK script to be called after user actively calls
int websocketEnableVerbose(nEnabled)
- Desc: Enable or disable verbose output from
internally @nEnable int
: 0 disable, 1 enable@return int
: 0 success, 1 failed
- Desc: Enable or disable verbose output from
int websocketConnect(websocketUri)
- Desc: Connect to websocket server. on_connect callback gets called if the function is registered by calling
@websocketUri string
: websocket uri. e.g.ws://localhost:8199/ws
@return int
: 0 success, 1 failed
- Desc: Connect to websocket server. on_connect callback gets called if the function is registered by calling
int websocketDisconnect()
- Desc: Close connection to websocket server. on_disconnected callback gets called if the function is registered by calling
@return int
: 0 success, 1 failed
- Desc: Close connection to websocket server. on_disconnected callback gets called if the function is registered by calling
int websocketIsConnected()
- Desc: Get connection status
@return int
: 0 closed, 1 connected
int websocketSendData(requestPayload)
- Desc: Send data to remote websocket server
@requestPayload string
: request payload to send to the server@return int
: 0 success, 1 failed
1. Reach me via mail [email protected]