This repository contains my solutions in C++ to the problems of each chapter presented in the book Head First Design Patterns by Eric Freeman & Elisabeth Robson
Note: these solutions are not! necessarily the most efficient or most precise way of handling the translations to C++.
They are merely a practise exercise of a humble knowledge seeking young apprentice in C++'s OO tools and design.
- c1_DuckSim
- c2_WeatherStation
- c3_StarBuzzCoffee
- .gitignore
Each chapter folder is structured in the following way:
- inc - Folder containing the header files.
- src - Folder containing the .cpp files.
- build
- CMakeLists.txt
- main.cpp - The main test file.
This project used CMake to it's compilation.
To compile, go to the chapter directory build folder and run:
cmake ..
After compiling, to run the file: