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Classy Test

Meteor package which provides a class-based wrapper around tinytest.

It has the following features:

  • Class-based test cases.
  • Common setUp/tearDown methods for test cases, separated for server and client side.
  • A single test can interleave client-side and server-side assertions.
  • Support for asynchronous tests.
  • Compatible with tinytest (all tests are actually registered via tinytest).


meteor add peerlibrary:classy-test

Test cases

Each test case is a class extending from ClassyTestCase as follows:

class SimpleTestCase extends ClassyTestCase
  # Define the test case name (required).
  @testName: 'Simple'
  # Define the timeout in milliseconds (optional).
  @testTimeout: 200000

  testThatTrueIsTrue: ->
    @assertTrue true, "True should be true."

  testThatFalseIsFalse: ->
    @assertFalse false, "False should be false."

# Register the test case.
ClassyTestCase.addTest new SimpleTestCase()

This simple test case definition will generate two tests via tinytest, the first will be called Simple - ThatTrueIsTrue and the second one Simple - ThatFalseIsFalse.

The addTest method also takes an optional second argument called options, which should contain an object specifying any custom options. The following options are supported:

  • mustFail should be set to true in case the test case must fail in order for it to be marked as passed.


Classy test assertions are named slightly differently than in tinytest, but are otherwise equivalent with some additional assertions provided by default. Because test cases are class-based, assertions are methods which may be called in test context. The list of assertions is as follows:

  • assertEqual(actual, expected, message) asserts that actual is equal to expected.
  • assertNotEqual(a, b, message) asserts that a is not equal to b.
  • assertInstanceOf(object, class) asserts that object is an instance of class.
  • assertNotInstanceOf(object, class) asserts that object is not an instance of class.
  • assertRegexpMatches(string, regexp, message) asserts that string matches the regular expression regexp.
  • assertNotRegexpMatches(string, regexp, message) asserts that string does not match the regular expression regexp.
  • assertThrows(function, exception) asserts that function throws exception.
  • assertTrue(value, message) asserts that value is true.
  • assertFalse(value, message) asserts that value is false.
  • assertIsNull(value, message) asserts that value is null.
  • assertIsNotNull(value, message) asserts that value is not null.
  • assertIsUndefined(value, message) asserts that value is undefined.
  • assertIsNotUndefined(value, message) asserts that value is not undefined.
  • assertIsNaN(value, message) asserts that value is NaN.
  • assertIsNotNaN(value, message) asserts that value is not NaN.
  • assertIn(value, collection) asserts that collection contains an element value.
  • assertNotIn(value, collection) asserts that collection does not contain an element value.
  • assertItemsEqual(actual, expected) asserts that arrays actual and expected contain the same elements (disregarding their order).
  • assertObjectContainsSubset(actual, expected) asserts that the key/value pairs in an object actual are a (non-strict) superset of those in expected.
  • assertLengthOf(array, length, message) asserts that the length of array is length.
  • assertFail({type, message, stack}) asserts a failure.
  • assertSubscribeSuccessful(endpoint, args..., callback) asserts that subscription to Meteor endpoint endpoint using arguments args... is successful. This is an async assertion where callback is called after evaluation is completed.
  • assertSubscribeFails(endpoint, args..., callback) asserts that subscription to Meteor endpoint endpoint using arguments args... fails with an error. This is an async assertion where callback is called after evaluation is completed.

As mentioned, all assertions are methods and may be called on this:

  testFoo: ->
    @assertEqual foo, bar, "Foo must be equal to bar."
    @assertLengthOf [1,1,1], 3
    # ...

Set up and tear down methods

Usually multiple tests share some common initialization and cleanup code. Using classy tests such code should be placed into set up and tear down methods. There are multiple of each, based on where they are executed:

  • setUp runs both on the server and client side before each test.
  • setUpServer runs only on the server side before each test.
  • setUpClient runs only on the client side before each test.
  • tearDown runs both on the server and client side after each test.
  • tearDownServer runs on the server side after each test.
  • tearDownClient runs on the client side after each test.

Set up and tear down methods are actually specially named tests, so they may also invoke assertions. If we take the above testFoo example, the order of executed methods is as follows:

# Test initialization.
# Test body.
# Test cleanup.

Server-side and client-side tests

By default all tests run both on client and server. It is possible to specify that some should only be executed on either the server-side or the client-side. This is done through a method naming convention which is as follows:

  • If a method name begins with testServer then the test will only be executed on the server side.
  • If a method name begins with testClient then the test will only be executed on the client side.

Asynchronous tests

Tests can be specified in two ways:

  • A single test method as in the above examples. When such a test method finishes, the test is deemed complete and the respective tear down methods will run.
  • Test containing multiple steps where each step is only deemed complete after certain callbacks get called. This is similar to testAsyncMulti from test-helpers.

In the second case, the test should not be defined as a method, but rather as an array of functions like in the following example:

  testClientFoo: [
      # Call the first method. 'first', 'argument', @expect (error, result) =>
        @assertFalse error, "Error while calling first: #{ error }"
      # Call the second method. 'second', 'argument', @expect (error, result) =>
        @assertFalse error, "Error while calling second: #{ error }"

This defines a chain of sub-tests where the next case will only get executed once all the expected callbacks are run. In order to define which callbacks are expected one should use the @expect(fun) method which takes a function argument and returns a wrapper function that will mark the callback as called. When all expected callbacks are called, the execution will proceed to the next sub-test in the chain.

Often one would like to abort the test early in case an expectation handler does not get called in a specified amount of time. In this case one may use the @expectWithTimeout(timeout, message, fun) method where the timeout argument specifies the timeout in milliseconds, the message specifies what should be displayed when a timeout occurs and fun is a callback similar to the normal @expect(fun) call.

Note that in this case set up and tear down methods are only called once for the whole test and not in-between sub-tests.

Interleaving client-side and server-side assertions

Sometimes it can be useful to first run some tests on the client, then after those are done, run some tests on the server to check whether the client calls correctly affected the backend storage. This can be done by interleaving client-side sub-tests with server-side sub-tests. We take the previous async test example and add a server-side sub-test between the existing two using the @runOnServer decorator:

  testClientFoo: [
      # Call the first method. 'first', 'argument', @expect (error, result) =>
        @assertFalse error, "Error while calling first: #{ error }"
    @runOnServer ->
      # Check if the first method really cleared everything in Foo collection.
      @assertEqual Foo.find().count(), 0
      # Call the second method. 'second', 'argument', @expect (error, result) =>
        @assertFalse error, "Error while calling second: #{ error }"

After the first method call completes, the second sub-test will be executed on the server and all assertions will be propagated back to the client.

Another similar decorator is @runOnBoth which will behave the same as @runOnServer but will additionally also run the code on the client (in client-side tests) once it finishes executing on the server.

Passing variables from server-side tests to client-side tests

Sometimes there is the need of passing variables from server-side tests for use in client-side tests, usually when defining fixtures in setUp methods. Consider this non-working example:

  setUpServer: ->
    # Initialize the database.
    Foo.remove {}

    # Create a test document.
    @testDocumentId = Foo.insert
      bar: true

  testClientRemoval: -> 'remove', @testDocumentId, @expect (error, result) =>
      @assertFalse error, "Error while remove: #{ error }"

So before the test starts we create a test fixture on the server and would then like to reference its _id on the client. The problem is that this will not work as the test case instance on the server differs from the one on the client and @testDocumentId will not be available there. In order to address this, classy tests support passing specific variables from server-side tests to client-side tests using @get and @set methods. In order to fix the above example we can do:

  setUpServer: ->
    # Initialize the database.
    Foo.remove {}

    # Create a test document.
    testDocumentId = Foo.insert
      bar: true

    # Pass variable to client-side tests.
    @set 'testDocumentId', testDocumentId

  testClientRemoval: -> 'remove', @get('testDocumentId'), @expect (error, result) =>
      @assertFalse error, "Error while remove: #{ error }"

In the background, the test framework will seamlessly transfer the variables between the tests. Note that as variables are transferred via DDP, they must be EJSON serializable.

Variables are automatically transferred in both directions, server-to-client and client-to-server.

Miscellaneous methods

You can use @subscribe to subscribe to Meteor publish endpoint in a way which automatically unsubscribes on test tear down. You can use @unsubscribeAll to force unsubscribing all subscriptions immediatelly.