Name of the note is now part of the URL, which allows you to easily create a bookmark to a specific note, and to get into the note quickly via a bookmark (Closes #125)
Navigation between the notes (Back and Forward) is now using browser's history, you can use browser buttons, or browser/os specific keyboard shortcuts, in OSX these are
Cmd + [
andCmd + ]
Navigation between the open tabs is now fixed in full screen, in OSX it is done using
Cmd + Shift + [
andCmd + Shift + ]
(Closes #126) -
Modal to insert the link is now having a description, which makes it clear how to open the link, or what type of link is accepted
Because Clipboard cannot be renamed or deleted at the moment, its context menu is hidden
README is updated and contains now new sections: Browser support, Security and Privacy; improved sections: Permissions, Google Drive Sync