Europe PMC is a repository, providing access to worldwide life sciences articles, books, patents and clinical guidelines. Europe PMC provides links to relevant records
in databases such as Uniprot, European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), Protein Data Bank Europe (PDBE) and BioStudies.
By default, the Europe PMC RESTful(one of the API
of epmc searches) search results are sorted by relevance, with the most relevant result being presented first in the list.
The main Europe PMC site provides two search functions: a free text search, direct from the main search box
, or an advanced search
, from the advanced search page which provides you with a number of different parameter(Operators) options.
- Open Query window
We always give the query in either single-quotes(') or in double-quotes(") because in quotes it takes as a compelet query otherwise EPMC
search it for words only
if we type holy basil
, then it search for holy and basil for two different words only not as a query
Type `holy basil` into EPMC Search box and get following results.
Type ` "Holy basil" ` we get following results:
So from here we get an idea that how we should put our queries in proper way into EPMC searche box and get Relevant results.
Type "O.sanctum"
as a query we get :15 results as showed below
Type "Ocimum sanctum"
as a query we get :976 results below
Type "Ocimum" as a query it searches for only ocimum in articles and gives the:3650 results
Using Advanced search we can remove false-positive i.e we can eliminate the False information from search which we Don't want to be in our search.
Example to remove false-positive,type "tulsi"
in your search box of eupmc and get:835 results.
Now Open your advance search box and type tulsi in title
in Bibliographic Fields:as shown below
we can see that using TITLE:"tulsi"
Advanced search we get: 56 hits of tulsi
Here we get a clear picture of Advanced search
that how it eliminate the false-positive ,when we are using "tulsi" we get so many hits because it search tulsi as a word which mean it can be name of any human-being(tulsi) but after using TITLE:"tulsi"
it give only 56 hits ,that means we get ourresults only regarding scientific query.
To Search how many Authors are from NIPGR and Cmbridge type (AUTH_CON:"cambridge" OR AUTH_CON:"nipgr")
After clicking on Open Access Button
on right-hand corner of Content-Types to see all Downloadable papers from EPMC.
Search using Different Synonyms, Type (ocimum) OR (o.sanctum) OR (Tulsi)
in the search box
we get the following results.
Type your Synonym
Query into Advance search box as shown below and we get different results.
- NOTE: Use Operators (AND , OR , NOT) While using Synonyms.
Suppose we want something only in Body
NOT in the Title then type your query in Advance search as following in Bibliographic Fields.
- Wheat papers since 2015:
(PUB_YEAR:"PUB_YEAR:[2015 TO 2019]") AND (TITLE:"Wheat")--> 47974 results (Title=wheat-->All Bibliographic Field-->year-publication=PUB_YEAR:[2015 TO 2019])
- Authors from nipgr OR cambridge :
(AUTH_CON:"cambridge" OR AUTH_CON:"nipgr") (Article Sections) -->(Author contributions)
- Find wheat but Not in the Title :
(KW:"wheat" NOT TITLE:"wheat") AND (IN_EPMC:y) AND (OPEN_ACCESS:y)--> 357 results
- wheat in Body only:
(KW:"wheat" NOT TITLE:"wheat" OR ABSTRACT:"wheat") 4923 results