This is a detailed list of all current and planned features of the library. You can search through the list to see if it suits your needs.
✔️ Supported
❔️ Partially suppported / unknown
❌️ Not supported but planned
- No dependencies
- ❌️ XSimd is optional (needed for vectorization)
- ❌️ Eigen is optional (needed for least-squares FIR design)
- ✔️ PocketFFT included
- Vectorization
- ✔️ Most code is vectorized
- Embedded-friendly
- ❔️ Avoid memory allocation (partial)
- ❌️ Allocator awareness
- ✔️ No recursion (3rd parties not verified)
- Primitives:
- ✔️ Signal
- ✔️ SignalView
- ✔️ Arithmetic operators
- Generators
- Waveform
- ✔️ Sine
- ✔️ Square
- ✔️ Sawtooth (fw, bw, tri, any)
- ✔️ PWM
- ✔️ Chirp/Sweep (for all the above types)
- Space
- ✔️ Linspace
- ✔️ Logspace
- Waveform
- Mathematical functions
- ✔️ Complex (Abs, Arg, Real, Imag, Conj)
- ✔️ Trigonometric (Sin, Cos, Tan x inverse)
- ✔️ Hyperbolic (Sinh, Cosh, Tanh x inverse)
- ✔️ Exponential (Exp, Log, Log2, Log10)
- ✔️ Polynomial (Pow, Sqrt, Cbrt)
- ✔️ Erf and gamma
- Vector math basics
- ✔️ Dot product
- ✔️ Norm (sqrt(SumSquare))
- Statistics
- ✔️ Sum
- ✔️ Mean
- ✔️ SumSquare
- ✔️ MeanSquare
- ✔️ RootMeanSquare
- ✔️ Min/Max
- ✔️ Central moments
- ✔️ Standardized moments
- ✔️ Standard deviation (popultion & corrected)
- ✔️ Variance (popultion & corrected)
- ✔️ Skewness (popultion & corrected)
- ✔️ Kurtosis (popultion & corrected)
- ✔️ Covariance (popultion & corrected)
- ✔️ Correlation
- Filtering
- Convolution
- ✔️ Regular
- ✔️ Overlap-add
- ✔️ R->C, C->C, C->C, C->R
- ✔️ FFT shift
- ✔️ Bin <-> Frequency conversions
- FIR filtering
- Methods:
- ✔️ Window method
- ✔️ Least-squares method
- ❌️ Parks-McClellan method
- Types:
- ✔️ Low-pass
- ✔️ High-pass
- ✔️ Band-pass
- ✔️ Band-stop
- ✔️ Arbitrary response
- ✔️ Hilbert
- Realizations:
- ✔️ Convolution
- ✔️ Overlap-add
- Methods:
- IIR filtering
- Methods:
- ✔️ Butterworth
- ✔️ Chebyshev I
- ✔️ Chebyshev II
- ✔️ Elliptic
- Types:
- ✔️ Low-pass
- ✔️ High-pass
- ✔️ Band-pass
- ✔️ Band-stop
- ❌️ Notch
- Realizations:
- ✔️ Direct form I.
- ✔️ Direct form II.
- ✔️ Cascaded biquad
- Methods:
- Filter response analysis
- ✔️ Compute amplitude & phase response
- ✔️ Classify amplitude response: LP/HP/BP/BS
- Measure amplitude parameters for LP/HP/BP/BS
- ✔️ Transition edges
- ✔️ Stopband attenuation
- ✔️ Passband ripple
- Polyphase FIR decomposition
- Resampling
- ✔️ Decimation (every n-th)
- ✔️ Expansion (zero-fill)
- ✔️ Interpolation (polyphase)
- ✔️ Arbitrary resampling (polyphase)
- Windowing
- Derived properties
- ✔️ Gain
- ✔️ Energy
- Functions
- ✔️ Rectangular
- ✔️ Triangular
- ✔️ Hamming
- ✔️ Blackman
- ✔️ Blackman-Harris
- ✔️ Flat top
- ✔️ Kaiser
- ✔️ Gaussian
- ✔️ Dolph-Chebyshev
- ✔️ Lanczos
- Derived properties
- Wavelets
- ❌️ DWT
- ❌️ CWT
- ❌️ Wavelet design
- Convolution
- Literals
- ❌️ Hz, kHz, MHz, GHz, THz
- ❌️ dB, dB10