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arielf edited this page Aug 12, 2012 · 19 revisions

I integrated murmur3 as a compile time (-DMURMUR3) option to vw.



murmur3 brings a slight ~3% speed advantage in training time vs murmur2.

Collision avoidance / dispersion

I used the data-sets in the test suite. Most data-sets don't have collisions with neither hash.

I used --exact_adaptive_norm and varied the -b bits parameter from as low as 12 to stress the hash and induce collisions.

I found that on most data-sets I tried, murmur3 had a slight advantage in hash collision avoidance.

One exception was 0002.dat where murmur2 achieves no-colisions @ -b 18 (the default) while murmur3 achieves no-collisions only at -b 21.

Data-sets tested with number of features

DataSet           #-features     Winner (dominates on most -b bits range)
0001.dat                4290     Murmur3
0002.dat                 289     Murmur2
rcv1_small.dat         23530     Murmur3
wsj_small.dat          13762     Murmur3
ner.train             292497     Murmur3

