Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | string | The name of the secret that will keep the password | |
value | string | The secret value that needs to be saved. In case of a password it must match a pattern with at least one upper and lower case character and either one number with two special characters `!@#$^&?_~` or at least three numbers with one special character `!@#$^&?~`. This is expressed in the following regular expression: `^((?=.?[A-Z]{1,})(?=.?[a-z]{1,}))(((?=(?:[^d]d){1})(?=([^^&*?_~][!@#$^&*?~]){2,})) | ((?=(?:[^d]d){3})(?=.?[!@#$^&*?_~]+))).{8,}$` |
type | string | The type of the secret. Can be `password` or `ssh` |