From 1cbab37d91493b59892f2ece7440f8065b6f8ddb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paolo Franchini
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2023 11:50:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Config file and plotting scripts used for the paper.
toys/ | 7 +-
toys/ | 367 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
toys/ | 8 +-
3 files changed, 377 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 toys/
diff --git a/toys/ b/toys/
index 6a1ec27..3fa7554 100644
--- a/toys/
+++ b/toys/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
## Cryostat: ################################################
pressure = 0 # [bar] pressure
-ttc = 0.13 # T/Tc
+ttc = 0.12 # T/Tc
energy = 1000; # [eV] deposited energy
@@ -51,4 +51,9 @@
M = 10.0e-9 # [H]
v0 = 1e-3 # [m/sec]
+## Simulation limits: #######################################
+diameter_max = 5*1000e-9
diff --git a/toys/ b/toys/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..96ac5b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toys/
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+Toy MC simulation for the bolometer response
+using the error from the LOCKIN circuit
+ - Energy
+ - Helium-3 Pressure: pressure
+ - Wire diameter: diameter
+ - Base temperature: temperature
+ - Reponse time; t_w
+ - Decay constant: t_b
+ - Voltage height: v_h
+ - Voltage noise: v_rms
+ - Preliminary plots: voltage error
+ - Error vs Pressure, Temperature, Diameter
+P. Franchini, 10/2022
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
+from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
+from scipy.stats import norm
+plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
+plt.rcParams.update({'lines.linewidth': 3})
+plt.rcParams.update({'xtick.direction': 'in'})
+plt.rcParams.update({'ytick.direction': 'in'})
+# import Tsepelin code
+# Configuration file with all the parameters
+## Parameters ################################################
+#volume = 1e-6 # [m^3] Helium-3 cell
+#density = 6.05e3; # [kg/m^3] Niobium-Titanium (NbTi)
+#pressure = 0 # [bar] pressure
+#ttc=0.1 # T/Tc
+#diameter = 400e-9; # [m] vibrating wire diameter
+#energy = 10; # [eV] deposited energy
+#t_b = 5.00 # [s] decay constant
+#amp=100 # gain of the voltage cold amplifier
+#v_h = amp*np.pi/2*1e-7 # [V] Base voltage height for a v=1mm/s
+#v_rms = 7.9*1e-9 # [V] Error on voltage measurement for a lock-in amplifier
+N = 100 # number of toys
+verbose=True # verbosity for plotting
+unused = 0.0
+# ===========================================================
+## More routines: ###########################################
+def Width_from_Temperature(Temperature,PressureBar,Diameter):
+ gap = energy_gap_in_low_temp_limit(PressureBar)
+ width=np.power(Fermi_momentum(PressureBar),2)*Fermi_velocity(PressureBar)*density_of_states(PressureBar)/(2*density*np.pi*Diameter)*np.exp(-gap/(Boltzmann_const*Temperature))
+ return width
+def Temperature_from_Width(Width,PressureBar,Diameter):
+ gap = energy_gap_in_low_temp_limit(PressureBar)
+ temperature=-gap/(Boltzmann_const*np.log( Width*2*density*np.pi*Diameter/(np.power(Fermi_momentum(PressureBar),2)*Fermi_velocity(PressureBar)*density_of_states(PressureBar))))
+ return temperature
+def DeltaWidth_from_Energy(E,PressureBar,BaseTemperature,Diameter):
+ # Find delta width from the input energy deposition for a certain base temperature
+ # find fit line for the Width variation vs Deposited energy for the base temperature
+ W0=Width_from_Temperature(BaseTemperature,PressureBar,Diameter)
+ DQ = np.array([]) # delta energy [eV]
+ DW = np.array([]) # delta width [Hz]
+ #for dw in np.arange(0,2.5,0.001): # Delta(Deltaf)
+ for dw in np.arange(0,2.5,0.01): # Delta(Deltaf) FASTER
+ T2= Temperature_from_Width(W0+dw,PressureBar,Diameter)
+ T1= Temperature_from_Width(W0,PressureBar,Diameter)
+ DQ = np.append(DQ,(heat_capacity_Cv_B_phase_intergral_from_0(T2, PressureBar) - heat_capacity_Cv_B_phase_intergral_from_0(T1, PressureBar)) * volume * 6.242e+18) # [eV]
+ DW = np.append(DW,dw)
+ # Fit line to extract the slope alpha: DQ = alpha * DW
+ global alpha
+ alpha, _ = np.polyfit(DW, DQ, 1)
+ # Input delta width from input energy
+ deltawidth = E/alpha
+ return deltawidth, alpha
+# Define signal fit function Dw vs time
+def df(_t,_fb,_d): # time, base width, delta (delta width)
+ _t_w = 1/(np.pi*_fb)
+ _t1=0
+ return _fb + np.heaviside(_t-_t1,1)*(_d*np.power(t_b/_t_w,_t_w/(t_b-_t_w))*(t_b/(t_b-_t_w))*(np.exp(-(_t-_t1)/t_b) - np.exp(-(_t-_t1)/_t_w)))
+# Define signal fit function Dw vs time
+def winkelmann(_t,_fb,_d): # time, base width, delta (delta width)
+ _t_w = 1/(np.pi*_fb)
+ _t1=0
+ return _fb + np.heaviside(_t-_t1,1)*(_d*np.power(t_b/_t_w,_t_w/(t_b-_t_w))*(t_b/(t_b-_t_w))*(np.exp(-(_t-_t1)/t_b)))
+def Toy(_energy,_pressure,_temperature,_diameter):
+ print()
+ # Input delta(width) from input energy
+ delta, _ = DeltaWidth_from_Energy(_energy,_pressure,_temperature,_diameter)
+ # Base width from the input base temperature
+ f_base = Width_from_Temperature(_temperature,_pressure,_diameter)
+ # Response time
+ t_w = 1/(np.pi*f_base)
+ print("Pressure: ",_pressure, " bar")
+ print("Temperature: ",_temperature*1e6, " uk")
+ print("Diameter: ",_diameter*1e9, " nm")
+ print("T/Tc: ",_temperature/temperature_critical_superfluid(_pressure))
+ print("Base width: ",f_base*1000, " mHz")
+ print("Width variation: ",delta*1000, " mHz")
+ print("t_w: ",t_w, "s")
+ print("Bandwidth: ",np.pi*f_base/2, " Hz")
+ t = np.linspace(-5, 50, 1000) # time
+ base_toy = np.array([]) # base width distribution
+ delta_toy = np.array([]) # delta width distribution
+ # Repeat the fit N times
+ for i in range(N):
+ # Delta f vs time
+ #print(np.exp(-(t-5)/t_b))
+ #print(np.exp(-(t-5)/t_w))
+ t1=0
+ deltaf = f_base + np.heaviside(t-t1,1)*(delta*np.power(t_b/t_w,t_w/(t_b-t_w))*(t_b/(t_b - t_w))*(np.exp(-(t-t1)/t_b) - np.exp(-(t-t1)/t_w)))
+ # Add noise based on voltage error. The voltage error comes from the LOCKIN circuit.
+ for j in range(len(deltaf)):
+ deltaf[j] = np.random.normal(deltaf[j],np.power( deltaf[j],2 ) / (v_h*f_base)*v_rms, 1)
+ # Fit the noise'd distribution
+ popt, pcov = curve_fit(df,t,deltaf)
+ # errors on base width and width increase
+ base_fit, delta_fit = popt
+ delta_toy = np.append(delta_toy,delta_fit)
+ base_toy = np.append(base_toy,base_fit)
+ if (verbose):
+ # Plot deltaf(t)
+ #plt.title(str(_pressure)+' bar - '+str(diameter*1e9)+' nm - '+str(_temperature*1e6)+" $\mu$K")
+ plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
+ plt.plot(t, deltaf*1000,linestyle='',marker='.', color="black")
+ plt.plot(t, df(t,*popt)*1000)
+ plt.plot(t, winkelmann(t,*popt)*1000, color='red', linestyle='--')
+ plt.axhline(y=f_base*1000, color='green', linestyle='--')
+ plt.xlim([-5,30])
+ plt.xlabel('time [s]')
+ plt.ylabel('$\Delta f$ [mHz]')
+ plt.savefig('deltaf_toy-example400.0.pdf')
+ # Plot toy energy distribution
+ if verbose and _energy==10000:
+ plt.hist(delta_toy*alpha/1000,100)
+ plt.xlabel('Energy [KeV]')
+ plt.ylabel('Entries')
+ plt.savefig('energy_distribution'+str(d*1e9)+'.pdf')
+ # Plot toy base distribution
+ if verbose and _energy==10000:
+ plt.hist(base_toy,100)
+ plt.xlabel('Base width [Hz]')
+ plt.ylabel('Entries')
+ plt.savefig('base_width_distribution'+str(d*1e9)+'.pdf')
+ ## Gaussian fit for base and delta toy distributions
+ (delta_mu, delta_sigma) =
+ (base_mu, base_sigma) =
+ print("Fitted base: ",base_mu," ",base_sigma)
+ print("Fitted delta: ",delta_mu," ",delta_sigma)
+ # Calculates alpha_prime for the error propagation
+ epsilon=1e-9
+ _, alpha1 = DeltaWidth_from_Energy(_energy, _pressure, _temperature - epsilon/2, _diameter)
+ _, alpha2 = DeltaWidth_from_Energy(_energy, _pressure, _temperature + epsilon/2, _diameter)
+ gap = energy_gap_in_low_temp_limit(_pressure)
+ alpha_prime = (alpha2-alpha1)/epsilon * Boltzmann_const/gap * np.power(_temperature,2) * 1/Width_from_Temperature(_temperature,_pressure,_diameter)
+ print("alpha_prime",alpha_prime)
+ print(alpha_prime*delta_mu*base_sigma)
+ print(alpha*delta_sigma)
+ _error= np.sqrt( np.power(alpha_prime*delta_mu*base_sigma,2) + np.power(alpha*delta_sigma,2) )
+ #energy_error= np.sqrt( np.power(alpha_prime*delta_mu*base_sigma,2) )
+ return _error
+def Run_Toy_Pressure(start, end, step, _pressure,_ttc,_diameter, _f):
+ global error
+ global value
+ for v in np.arange(start, end, step):
+ _temperature=_ttc*temperature_critical_superfluid(v)
+ sigma = Toy(energy,v,_temperature,_diameter)
+ print("Error:", sigma,"eV, ", sigma/energy*100,"%")
+ error = np.append(error,sigma/energy*100)
+ value = np.append(value,v)
+ print(v,*(sigma/energy*100),file=_f)
+def Run_Toy_Diameter(start, end, step, _pressure,_ttc,_diameter, _f):
+ global error
+ global value
+ _temperature=_ttc*temperature_critical_superfluid(_pressure)
+ for v in np.arange(start, end, step):
+ sigma = Toy(energy,_pressure,_temperature,v)
+ print("Error:", sigma,"eV, ", sigma/energy*100,"%")
+ error = np.append(error,sigma/energy*100)
+ value = np.append(value,v)
+ print(v,*(sigma/energy*100),file=_f)
+def Run_Toy_Temperature(start, end, step, _pressure,_temperature,_diameter, _f):
+ global error
+ global value
+ for v in np.arange(start, end, step):
+ sigma = Toy(energy,_pressure,v*temperature_critical_superfluid(_pressure),_diameter)
+ print("Error:", sigma,"eV, ", sigma/energy*100,"%")
+ error = np.append(error,sigma/energy*100)
+ value = np.append(value,v)
+ print(v,*(sigma/energy*100),file=_f)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ Toy(1000,0,0.11*temperature_critical_superfluid(0),400e-9)
+ exit()
+ # Output files
+ f1 = open("output/lockin_toy-error-pressure.txt", "w")
+ f2 = open("output/lockin_toy-error-diameter.txt", "w")
+ f3 = open("output/lockin_toy-error-temperature.txt", "w")
+ print("# pressure[bar]","error[%]",file=f1)
+ print("# diameter[m]","error[%]",file=f2)
+ print("# T/Tc","error[%]",file=f3)
+ print("Gap:", energy_gap_in_low_temp_limit(pressure)/temperature_critical_superfluid(pressure)/Boltzmann_const)
+ # Parameters used
+ print("\nEnergy : ",energy, " eV")
+ #print("Pressure: ",pressure, "bar")
+ #print("T/Tc: ",temperature/temperature_critical_superfluid(pressure))
+ global error
+ global value
+ error = np.array([])
+ value = np.array([])
+ # Starts the toy simulation for a range of PRESSURES, fixed T/Tc and diameter
+ print("\nPRESSURE...")
+ #diameter = 400e-9; # [m] vibrating wire diameter
+ #ttc=0.1 # T/Tc
+ Run_Toy_Pressure(0, 30, 1, unused, ttc, diameter, f1)
+ f1.close()
+ # Plot results
+ plt.title(str(diameter*1e9)+' nm - T/Tc='+str(ttc))
+ plt.plot(value,error, linestyle='', marker='o', color="black")
+ plt.xlabel('Pressure [bar]')
+ plt.ylabel('Error [%]')
+ plt.yscale('log')
+ plt.savefig('lockin-error-pressure.pdf')
+ plt.savefig('lockin-error-pressure.png')
+ # Starts the toy simulation for a range of DIAMETERS, fixed T/Tc and pressure
+ print("\nDIAMETERS...")
+ #pressure = 0 # [bar] pressure
+ #ttc=0.1 # T/Tc
+ error = np.array([])
+ value = np.array([])
+ #Run_Toy_Diameter(50e-9, 1000e-9, 100e-9, pressure, ttc, unused, f2) # error at 4.5um - 0.17
+ Run_Toy_Diameter(150e-9, diameter_max, 100e-9, pressure, ttc, unused, f2)
+ f2.close()
+ # Plot results
+ plt.title(str(pressure)+' bar - T/Tc='+str(ttc))
+ plt.plot(value*1e9,error, linestyle='', marker='o', color="black")
+ plt.xlabel('diameter [nm]')
+ plt.ylabel('Error [%]')
+ plt.yscale('log')
+ plt.savefig('lockin-error-diameter.pdf')
+ plt.savefig('lockin-error-diameter.png')
+ # Starts the toy simulation for a range of T/Tc
+ print("\nT/Tc...")
+ #pressure = 0 # [bar] pressure
+ #diameter = 400e-9; # [m] vibrating wire diameter
+ error = np.array([])
+ value = np.array([])
+ Run_Toy_Temperature(0.1, 0.18, 0.01, pressure, unused, diameter, f3)
+ f3.close()
+ # Plot results
+ plt.title(str(pressure)+' bar - '+str(diameter*1e9)+' nm')
+ plt.plot(value,error, linestyle='', marker='o', color="black")
+ plt.xlabel('T/T$_c$')
+ plt.ylabel('Error [%]')
+ plt.yscale('log')
+ plt.savefig('lockin-error-temperature.pdf')
+ plt.savefig('lockin-error-temperature.png')
diff --git a/toys/ b/toys/
index ddb633b..891862d 100755
--- a/toys/
+++ b/toys/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def heat_capacity(T,A):
ax1.text(-0.2, 1, 'a', ha='left', va='top', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=16, weight='bold') # label outside the plot
#ax1.text(0.05, 0.90, 'a', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=16, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left', weight='bold') # label inside the plot
-ax1.plot(x1,y1,label='Lock-in amplifier',color='dodgerblue',linestyle='-')
+ax1.plot(x1,y1,label='Conventional readout',color='dodgerblue',linestyle='-')
ax1.plot(x2,y2,label='SQUID readout',color='red',linestyle='--')
ax1.plot(x3,y3,label='QP shot noise',color='green',linestyle=':')
ax1.set_xlabel('Energy [eV]')
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def heat_capacity(T,A):
ax2.text(-0.2, 1, 'b', ha='left', va='top', transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=16, weight='bold')
#ax2.text(0.05, 0.90, 'b', transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=16, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left', weight='bold')
-ax2.plot(x1,y1,label='Lock-in amplifier',color='dodgerblue',linestyle='-')
+ax2.plot(x1,y1,label='Conventional readout',color='dodgerblue',linestyle='-')
ax2.plot(x2,y2,label='SQUID readout',color='red',linestyle='--')
ax2.plot(x3,y3,label='QP shot noise',color='green',linestyle=':')
ax2.plot(x1, heat_capacity(np.array(x1), A),linestyle=':', marker='',color="black")
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ def heat_capacity(T,A):
ax1.text(-0.2, 1, 'a', ha='left', va='top', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=16, weight='bold')
#ax1.text(0.05, 0.90, 'a', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=16, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left', weight='bold')
-ax1.plot(x1*1e9,y1,label='Lock-in amplifier',color='dodgerblue',linestyle='-')
+ax1.plot(x1*1e9,y1,label='Conventional readout',color='dodgerblue',linestyle='-')
ax1.plot(x2*1e9,y2,label='SQUID readout',color='red',linestyle='--')
ax1.plot(x3*1e9,y3,label='QP shot noise',color='green',linestyle=':')
ax1.set_xlabel('Diameter [nm]')
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ def heat_capacity(T,A):
ax2.text(-0.2, 1, 'b', ha='left', va='top', transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=16, weight='bold')
#ax2.text(0.05, 0.90, 'b', transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=16, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left', weight='bold')
-ax2.plot(x1,y1,label='Lock-in amplifier',color='dodgerblue',linestyle='-')
+ax2.plot(x1,y1,label='Conventional readout',color='dodgerblue',linestyle='-')
ax2.plot(x2,y2,label='SQUID readout',color='red',linestyle='--')
ax2.plot(x3,y3,label='QP shot noise',color='green',linestyle=':')
ax2.set_xlabel('Pressure [bar]')