diff --git a/R/derive_vars_crit.R b/R/derive_vars_crit.R index 131cab33..6259dddd 100644 --- a/R/derive_vars_crit.R +++ b/R/derive_vars_crit.R @@ -2,12 +2,17 @@ #' #' #' @description -#' Derive analysis criterion evaluation result variable, paired with character -#' #' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` #' #' This function is *deprecated*, please use `admiral::derive_vars_crit_flag()` instead. #' +#' Derive analysis criterion evaluation result variable, paired with character +#' and numeric flags. +#' This function allows also the derivation of a CRIT like variable with a +#' different name (ex: `ANL01FL`), without generating additional numeric (ex: `ANL01FN`) +#' and character label (ex: `ANL01`) variables. +#' +#' #' @param dataset Input dataset #' #' diff --git a/man/derive_vars_crit.Rd b/man/derive_vars_crit.Rd index c65519ad..af8dda19 100644 --- a/man/derive_vars_crit.Rd +++ b/man/derive_vars_crit.Rd @@ -39,11 +39,15 @@ Returns \code{NA} for not selected rows (not taken into account from condition)} Dataset with criterion variables } \description{ -Derive analysis criterion evaluation result variable, paired with character - \ifelse{html}{\href{https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html#deprecated}{\figure{lifecycle-deprecated.svg}{options: alt='[Deprecated]'}}}{\strong{[Deprecated]}} This function is \emph{deprecated}, please use \code{admiral::derive_vars_crit_flag()} instead. + +Derive analysis criterion evaluation result variable, paired with character +and numeric flags. +This function allows also the derivation of a CRIT like variable with a +different name (ex: \code{ANL01FL}), without generating additional numeric (ex: \code{ANL01FN}) +and character label (ex: \code{ANL01}) variables. } \examples{ library(tibble)