diff --git a/.github/workflows/pytest.yml b/.github/workflows/pytest.yml
index c18f85e..e61f609 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/pytest.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/pytest.yml
@@ -17,10 +17,14 @@ jobs:
       - name: Set up Python
         uses: actions/setup-python@v2
-          python-version: 3.x
+          python-version: '3.12'
       - name: Install dependencies
-        run: pip install -r requirements.txt
+        run: |
+          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+          pip install -r requirements.txt
+          pip install pytest
       - name: Run pytest
-        run: python -m pytest
+        run: |
+          python -m pytest -v tests/
\ No newline at end of file
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab78836
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+## Local setup
+Clone the reposistory to your machine and install the required dependencies.
+### Create a virtual environment
+python3 -m venv.venv
+### Install dependencies
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+### Demo script
+This demo python script will create, read, update and delete secrets via the SDK. Just update the host, app, env and token constants at the top.
+from src.phase import Phase, CreateSecretsOptions, GetAllSecretsOptions, UpdateSecretOptions, DeleteSecretOptions
+CONSOLE_HOST = 'https://console.phase.dev'
+APP_NAME = '<app-name>'
+ENV_NAME = "<env-name>"
+TOKEN = '<service-token>'
+# Initialize the Phase object with host and service token
+phase = Phase(init=False,
+    pss=TOKEN,
+    host=CONSOLE_HOST)
+# Create secrets with references
+create_options = CreateSecretsOptions(
+    env_name=ENV_NAME,
+    app_name=APP_NAME,
+    key_value_pairs=[
+        {"BASE_URL": "https://api.example.com"},
+        {"API_ENDPOINT": "${BASE_URL}/v1/data"},
+        {"NESTED_REF": "Nested ${API_ENDPOINT}"}
+    ]
+create_result = phase.create_secrets(create_options)
+print(f"Create secrets result: {create_result}")
+# Read and resolve references
+get_options = GetAllSecretsOptions(
+    env_name=ENV_NAME,
+    app_name=APP_NAME
+secrets = phase.get_all_secrets(get_options)
+resolved_secrets = phase.resolve_references(secrets, ENV_NAME, APP_NAME)
+print("\nResolved Secrets:")
+for secret in resolved_secrets:
+    print(f"{secret.key}: {secret.value}")
+# Update secrets
+update_options = UpdateSecretOptions(
+    env_name=ENV_NAME,
+    app_name=APP_NAME,
+    key="BASE_URL",
+    value="https://api.acme.com",
+    secret_path="/",
+    destination_path="/",  # Optional: move secret to a new path
+    override=False,  # Optional: create a personal override
+    toggle_override=False  # Optional: toggle personal override
+update_result = phase.update_secret(update_options)
+print(f"\nUpdate secrets result: {update_result}")
+## Refetch secrets
+secrets = phase.get_all_secrets(get_options)
+resolved_secrets = phase.resolve_references(secrets, ENV_NAME, APP_NAME)
+print("\nResolved Secrets:")
+for secret in resolved_secrets:
+    print(f"{secret.key}: {secret.value}")
+# Delete secrets
+delete_options = DeleteSecretOptions(
+    env_name=ENV_NAME,
+    app_name=APP_NAME,
+    key_to_delete="BASE_URL",
+    secret_path="/"
+result = phase.delete_secret(delete_options)
+print(f"Delete result: {result}")
+## Refetch secrets
+secrets = phase.get_all_secrets(get_options)
+resolved_secrets = phase.resolve_references(secrets, ENV_NAME, APP_NAME)
+print("\nResolved Secrets:")
+for secret in resolved_secrets:
+    print(f"{secret.key}: {secret.value}")
+## Running Tests
+Run the test suite with:
+python -m pytest -v tests/
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index cb8e690..76df54e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,35 +1,143 @@
 # Python SDK for Phase
-SDK to integrate Phase in server-side applications running Python
+SDK to integrate Phase in server-side applications running Python. This SDK allows you to manage secrets securely using the Phase platform.
 ## Install
-`pip install phase-dev`
+pip install phase-dev
 ## Import
-from phase import Phase;
+from phase import Phase, CreateSecretsOptions, GetAllSecretsOptions, GetSecretOptions, UpdateSecretOptions, DeleteSecretOptions
 ## Initialize
-Initialize the SDK with your `APP_ID` and `APP_SECRET`:
+Initialize the SDK with your host and token:
-phase = Phase(APP_ID, APP_SECRET)
+phase = Phase(
+    init=False,
+    host='https://your-phase-host.com',
 ## Usage
-### Encrypt
+### Create Secrets
+Create one or more secrets in a specified application and environment:
+create_options = CreateSecretsOptions(
+    env_name="Development",
+    app_name="Your App Name",
+    key_value_pairs=[
+        {"API_KEY": "your-api-key"},
+        {"DB_PASSWORD": "your-db-password"}
+    ],
+    secret_path="/api"
+result = phase.create_secrets(create_options)
+print(f"Create secrets result: {result}")
+### Get Secrets
+Fetch one or more secrets from a specified application and environment:
+get_options = GetAllSecretsOptions(
+    env_name="Development",
+    app_name="Your App Name",
+    tag="api",  # Optional: filter by tag
+    secret_path="/api"  # Optional: specify path
+secrets = phase.get_all_secrets(get_options)
+for secret in secrets:
+    print(f"Key: {secret.key}, Value: {secret.value}")
+To get a specific secret:
-ciphertext = phase.encrypt("hello world");
+get_options = GetSecretOptions(
+    env_name="Development",
+    app_name="Your App Name",
+    key_to_find="API_KEY",
+    secret_path="/api"
+secret = phase.get_secret(get_options)
+if secret:
+    print(f"Key: {secret.key}, Value: {secret.value}")
-### Decrypt
+### Update Secrets
+Update an existing secret in a specified application and environment:
-plaintext = phase.decrypt(ciphertext);
+update_options = UpdateSecretOptions(
+    env_name="Development",
+    app_name="Your App Name",
+    key="API_KEY",
+    value="new-api-key-value",
+    secret_path="/api",
+    destination_path="/new-api",  # Optional: move secret to a new path
+    override=False,  # Optional: create a personal override
+    toggle_override=False  # Optional: toggle personal override
+result = phase.update_secret(update_options)
+print(f"Update result: {result}")
+### Delete Secrets
+Delete a secret from a specified application and environment:
+delete_options = DeleteSecretOptions(
+    env_name="Development",
+    app_name="Your App Name",
+    key_to_delete="API_KEY",
+    secret_path="/api"
+result = phase.delete_secret(delete_options)
+print(f"Delete result: {result}")
+### Resolve Secret References
+Resolve references in secret values:
+get_options = GetAllSecretsOptions(
+    env_name="Development",
+    app_name="Your App Name"
+secrets = phase.get_all_secrets(get_options)
+resolved_secrets = phase.resolve_references(secrets, "Development", "Your App Name")
+for secret in resolved_secrets:
+    print(f"Key: {secret.key}, Resolved Value: {secret.value}")
+## Error Handling
+The SDK methods may raise exceptions for various error conditions. It's recommended to wrap SDK calls in try-except blocks to handle potential errors:
+    get_options = GetAllSecretsOptions(env_name="Development", app_name="Your App Name")
+    secrets = phase.get_all_secrets(get_options)
+except ValueError as e:
+    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
+## Note on Security
+Never hard-code sensitive information like tokens or secrets directly in your code. Always use environment variables or secure configuration management to provide these values to your application.
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 24f761c..c9d691e 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
 name = "phase_dev"
-version = "1.1.0"
-description = "Python SDK for Phase"
+version = "2.0.0"
+description = "Python SDK for Phase secrets manager"
 readme = "README.md"
 requires-python = ">=3.10"
 classifiers = [
diff --git a/src/phase/__init__.py b/src/phase/__init__.py
index ff34f12..fd01ad2 100644
--- a/src/phase/__init__.py
+++ b/src/phase/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
-from .phase import Phase
+from .phase import (
+    Phase,
+    GetSecretOptions,
+    GetAllSecretsOptions,
+    CreateSecretsOptions,
+    UpdateSecretOptions,
+    DeleteSecretOptions,
+    PhaseSecret
-__all__ = ['Phase']
+__all__ = [
+    'Phase',
+    'GetSecretOptions',
+    'GetAllSecretsOptions',
+    'CreateSecretsOptions',
+    'UpdateSecretOptions',
+    'DeleteSecretOptions',
+    'PhaseSecret'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/phase/phase.py b/src/phase/phase.py
index 0e9fa95..602fa68 100644
--- a/src/phase/phase.py
+++ b/src/phase/phase.py
@@ -1,101 +1,152 @@
-import re
-from nacl.bindings import crypto_kx_server_session_keys, crypto_kx_client_session_keys
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from .utils.crypto import decrypt_b64, encrypt_b64, fetch_app_key, random_key_pair, reconstruct_secret
-from .version import __version__, __ph_version__
-DEFAULT_KMS_HOST = "https://kms.phase.dev"
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from typing import List, Dict, Optional
+from .utils.phase_io import Phase as PhaseIO
+from .utils.secret_referencing import resolve_all_secrets
-class AppSecret:
-    prefix: str
-    pss_version: str
-    app_token: str
-    keyshare0: str
-    keyshare1_unwrap_key: str
-class Phase:
-    _app_id = ''
-    _app_pub_key = ''
-    _app_secret = None
-    _kms_host = ''
-    def __init__(self, app_id, app_secret, custom_kms_host=None):
-        app_id_pattern = re.compile(r"^phApp:v(\d+):([a-fA-F0-9]{64})$")
-        app_secret_pattern = re.compile(
-            r"^pss:v(\d+):([a-fA-F0-9]{64}):([a-fA-F0-9]{64,128}):([a-fA-F0-9]{64})$")
-        if not app_id_pattern.match(app_id):
-            raise ValueError("Invalid Phase APP_ID")
-        if not app_secret_pattern.match(app_secret):
-            raise ValueError("Invalid Phase APP_SECRET")
-        self._app_id = app_id
-        self._app_pub_key = app_id.split(':')[2]
-        app_secret_segments = app_secret.split(':')
-        self._app_secret = AppSecret(*app_secret_segments)
-        self._kms_host = f"{custom_kms_host}/kms" if custom_kms_host else DEFAULT_KMS_HOST
-    def encrypt(self, plaintext, tag="") -> str | None:
-        """
-        Encrypts a plaintext string.
-        Args:
-            plaintext (str): The plaintext to encrypt.
-            tag (str, optional): A tag to include in the encrypted message. The tag will not be encrypted.
-        Returns:
-            str: The encrypted message, formatted as a string that includes the public key used for the one-time keypair, 
-            the ciphertext, and the tag. Returns `None` if an error occurs.
-        """
-        try:
-            one_time_keypair = random_key_pair()
-            symmetric_keys = crypto_kx_client_session_keys(
-                one_time_keypair[0], one_time_keypair[1], bytes.fromhex(self._app_pub_key))
-            ciphertext = encrypt_b64(plaintext, symmetric_keys[1])
-            pub_key = one_time_keypair[0].hex()
+class GetSecretOptions:
+    env_name: str
+    app_name: str
+    key_to_find: Optional[str] = None
+    tag: Optional[str] = None
+    secret_path: str = "/"
-            return f"ph:{__ph_version__}:{pub_key}:{ciphertext}:{tag}"
-        except ValueError as err:
-            raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {err}")
-    def decrypt(self, phase_ciphertext) -> str | None:
-        """
-        Decrypts a Phase ciphertext string.
-        Args:
-            phase_ciphertext (str): The encrypted message to decrypt.
-        Returns:
-            str: The decrypted plaintext as a string. Returns `None` if an error occurs.
-        Raises:
-            ValueError: If the ciphertext is not in the expected format (e.g. wrong prefix, wrong number of fields).
-        """
-        try:
-            [prefix, version, client_pub_key_hex, ct,
-                tag] = phase_ciphertext.split(':')
-            if prefix != 'ph' or len(phase_ciphertext.split(':')) != 5:
-                raise ValueError('Ciphertext is invalid')
-            client_pub_key = bytes.fromhex(client_pub_key_hex)
-            keyshare1 = fetch_app_key(
-                self._app_secret.app_token, self._app_secret.keyshare1_unwrap_key, self._app_id, len(ct)/2, self._kms_host)
+class GetAllSecretsOptions:
+    env_name: str
+    app_name: str
+    tag: Optional[str] = None
+    secret_path: str = "/"
-            app_priv_key = reconstruct_secret(
-                [self._app_secret.keyshare0, keyshare1])
+class CreateSecretsOptions:
+    env_name: str
+    app_name: str
+    key_value_pairs: List[Dict[str, str]]
+    secret_path: str = "/"
-            session_keys = crypto_kx_server_session_keys(bytes.fromhex(
-                self._app_pub_key), bytes.fromhex(app_priv_key), client_pub_key)
+class UpdateSecretOptions:
+    env_name: str
+    app_name: str
+    key: str
+    value: Optional[str] = None
+    secret_path: str = "/"
+    destination_path: Optional[str] = None
+    override: bool = False
+    toggle_override: bool = False
-            plaintext = decrypt_b64(ct, session_keys[0].hex())
+class DeleteSecretOptions:
+    env_name: str
+    app_name: str
+    key_to_delete: str
+    secret_path: str = "/"
-            return plaintext
+class PhaseSecret:
+    key: str
+    value: str
+    comment: str = ""
+    path: str = "/"
+    tags: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
+    overridden: bool = False
-        except ValueError as err:
-            raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {err}")
+class Phase:
+    def __init__(self, init=True, pss=None, host=None):
+        self._phase_io = PhaseIO(init=init, pss=pss, host=host)
+    def get_secret(self, options: GetSecretOptions) -> Optional[PhaseSecret]:
+        secrets = self._phase_io.get(
+            env_name=options.env_name,
+            keys=[options.key_to_find] if options.key_to_find else None,
+            app_name=options.app_name,
+            tag=options.tag,
+            path=options.secret_path
+        )
+        if secrets:
+            secret = secrets[0]
+            return PhaseSecret(
+                key=secret['key'],
+                value=secret['value'],
+                comment=secret.get('comment', ''),
+                path=secret.get('path', '/'),
+                tags=secret.get('tags', []),
+                overridden=secret.get('overridden', False)
+            )
+        return None
+    def get_all_secrets(self, options: GetAllSecretsOptions) -> List[PhaseSecret]:
+        secrets = self._phase_io.get(
+            env_name=options.env_name,
+            app_name=options.app_name,
+            tag=options.tag,
+            path=options.secret_path
+        )
+        return [
+            PhaseSecret(
+                key=secret['key'],
+                value=secret['value'],
+                comment=secret.get('comment', ''),
+                path=secret.get('path', '/'),
+                tags=secret.get('tags', []),
+                overridden=secret.get('overridden', False)
+            )
+            for secret in secrets
+        ]
+    def create_secrets(self, options: CreateSecretsOptions) -> str:
+        # Convert the list of dictionaries to a list of tuples
+        key_value_tuples = [(list(item.keys())[0], list(item.values())[0]) for item in options.key_value_pairs]
+        response = self._phase_io.create(
+            key_value_pairs=key_value_tuples,
+            env_name=options.env_name,
+            app_name=options.app_name,
+            path=options.secret_path
+        )
+        return "Success" if response.status_code == 200 else f"Error: {response.status_code}"
+    def update_secret(self, options: UpdateSecretOptions) -> str:
+        return self._phase_io.update(
+            env_name=options.env_name,
+            key=options.key,
+            value=options.value,
+            app_name=options.app_name,
+            source_path=options.secret_path,
+            destination_path=options.destination_path,
+            override=options.override,
+            toggle_override=options.toggle_override
+        )
+    def delete_secret(self, options: DeleteSecretOptions) -> List[str]:
+        return self._phase_io.delete(
+            env_name=options.env_name,
+            keys_to_delete=[options.key_to_delete],
+            app_name=options.app_name,
+            path=options.secret_path
+        )
+    def resolve_references(self, secrets: List[PhaseSecret], env_name: str, app_name: str) -> List[PhaseSecret]:
+        all_secrets = [
+            {
+                'environment': env_name,
+                'application': app_name,
+                'key': secret.key,
+                'value': secret.value,
+                'path': secret.path
+            }
+            for secret in secrets
+        ]
+        for secret in secrets:
+            resolved_value = resolve_all_secrets(
+                secret.value, 
+                all_secrets, 
+                self._phase_io, 
+                app_name, 
+                env_name
+            )
+            secret.value = resolved_value
+        return secrets
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/phase/utils/const.py b/src/phase/utils/const.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec3c99f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/phase/utils/const.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import os
+import re
+__version__ = "2.0.0"
+__ph_version__ = "v1"
+SECRET_REF_REGEX = re.compile(r'\$\{([^}]+)\}')
+PHASE_CLOUD_API_HOST = "https://console.phase.dev"
+pss_user_pattern = re.compile(r"^pss_user:v(\d+):([a-fA-F0-9]{64}):([a-fA-F0-9]{64}):([a-fA-F0-9]{64}):([a-fA-F0-9]{64})$")
+pss_service_pattern = re.compile(r"^pss_service:v(\d+):([a-fA-F0-9]{64}):([a-fA-F0-9]{64}):([a-fA-F0-9]{64}):([a-fA-F0-9]{64})$")
+cross_env_pattern = re.compile(r"\$\{(.+?)\.(.+?)\}")
+local_ref_pattern = re.compile(r"\$\{([^.]+?)\}")
diff --git a/src/phase/utils/crypto.py b/src/phase/utils/crypto.py
index a70ccd9..a008d95 100644
--- a/src/phase/utils/crypto.py
+++ b/src/phase/utils/crypto.py
@@ -1,161 +1,259 @@
-import requests
-import functools
 import base64
 from typing import Tuple
-from nacl.bindings import crypto_kx_keypair, crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt, crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt, randombytes, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES
-from ..version import __version__
-def xor_bytes(a, b) -> bytes:
-    """
-    Computes the XOR of two byte arrays byte by byte.
-    Args:
-        a (bytes): The first byte array
-        b (bytes): The second byte array.
-    Returns:
-        bytes: A byte array representing the XOR of the two input byte arrays.
-    """
-    return bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(a, b))
-def reconstruct_secret(shares) -> str:
-    """
-    Reconstructs a secret given an array of shares.
-    Args:
-        shares (list): A list of hex-encoded secret shares.
-    Returns:
-        str: The reconstructed secret as a hex-encoded string.
-    """
-    return functools.reduce(xor_bytes, [bytes.fromhex(share) for share in shares]).hex()
-def random_key_pair() -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
-    """
-    Generates a random key exchange keypair.
-    Returns:
-        Tuple[bytes, bytes]: A tuple of two bytes objects representing the public and
-        private keys of the keypair.
-    """
-    keypair = crypto_kx_keypair()
-    return keypair
-def encrypt_raw(plaintext, key) -> bytes:
-    """
-    Encrypts plaintext with the given key and returns the ciphertext with appended nonce
-    Args:
-        plaintext (bytes): Plaintext to be encrypted
-        key (bytes): The encryption key to be used
-    Returns:
-        bytes: ciphertext + nonce
-    """
-    try:
-        nonce = randombytes(crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES)
+import string
+from nacl.secret import SecretBox
+from typing import List
+from nacl.encoding import RawEncoder
+import functools
+import nacl.bindings
+from nacl.encoding import HexEncoder
+from nacl.public import PrivateKey
+from nacl.bindings import (
+    crypto_kx_keypair,
+    crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt,
+    crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt,
+    randombytes,
+    crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES,
+    crypto_kx_server_session_keys,
+    crypto_kx_client_session_keys,
+    crypto_kx_seed_keypair,
+from nacl.hash import blake2b
+from nacl.utils import random
+from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
+from .const import __ph_version__
+class CryptoUtils:
+    VERSION = 1
+    @staticmethod
+    def random_key_pair() -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
+        """
+        Generates a random key exchange keypair.
+        Returns:
+            Tuple[bytes, bytes]: A tuple of two bytes objects representing the public and
+            private keys of the keypair.
+        """
+        keypair = crypto_kx_keypair()
+        return keypair
+    @staticmethod
+    def client_session_keys(ephemeral_key_pair, recipient_pub_key):
+        client_public_key, client_private_key = ephemeral_key_pair
+        return nacl.bindings.crypto_kx_client_session_keys(
+            client_public_key, client_private_key, recipient_pub_key
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def server_session_keys(app_key_pair, data_pub_key):
+        server_public_key, server_private_key = app_key_pair
+        return nacl.bindings.crypto_kx_server_session_keys(
+            server_public_key, server_private_key, data_pub_key
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def encrypt_asymmetric(plaintext, public_key_hex):
+        public_key, private_key = CryptoUtils.random_key_pair()
+        symmetric_keys = CryptoUtils.client_session_keys(
+            (public_key, private_key), bytes.fromhex(public_key_hex)
+        )
+        ciphertext = CryptoUtils.encrypt_string(plaintext, symmetric_keys[1])
+        return f"ph:v{CryptoUtils.VERSION}:{public_key.hex()}:{ciphertext}"
+    @staticmethod
+    def decrypt_asymmetric(ciphertext_string, private_key_hex, public_key_hex):
+        ciphertext_segments = ciphertext_string.split(":")
+        if len(ciphertext_segments) != 4:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid ciphertext")
+        public_key = bytes.fromhex(public_key_hex)
+        private_key = bytes.fromhex(private_key_hex)
+        session_keys = CryptoUtils.server_session_keys(
+            (public_key, private_key), bytes.fromhex(ciphertext_segments[2])
+        )
+        plaintext = CryptoUtils.decrypt_string(ciphertext_segments[3], session_keys[0])
+        return plaintext
+    @staticmethod
+    def digest(input):
+        hash = blake2b(input.encode(), encoder=nacl.encoding.RawEncoder)
+        return base64.b64encode(hash).decode()
+    @staticmethod
+    def encrypt_raw(plaintext, key):
+        nonce = random(nacl.bindings.crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES)
         ciphertext = crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(
-            plaintext, None, nonce, key)
-        return ciphertext + nonce
-    except Exception:
-        raise ValueError('Encryption error')
-def encrypt_b64(plaintext, key_bytes) -> str:
+            plaintext.encode(), None, nonce, key
+        )
+        return bytearray(ciphertext + nonce)
+    @staticmethod
+    def decrypt_raw(ct, key) -> bytes:
+        try:
+            nonce = ct[-24:]
+            ciphertext = ct[:-24]
+            plaintext_bytes = crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(
+                ciphertext, None, nonce, key
+            )
+            return plaintext_bytes
+        except Exception as e:
+            print(f"Exception during decryption: {e}")
+            raise ValueError("Decryption error") from e
+    @staticmethod
+    def encrypt_b64(plaintext, key_bytes) -> str:
+        """
+        Encrypts a string using a key. Returns ciphertext as a base64 string
+        Args:
+            plaintext (str): The plaintext to encrypt.
+            key (bytes): The key to use for encryption.
+        Returns:
+            str: The ciphertext obtained by encrypting the string with the key, encoded with base64.
+        """
+        plaintext_bytes = bytes(plaintext, "utf-8")
+        ciphertext = CryptoUtils.encrypt_raw(plaintext_bytes, key_bytes)
+        return base64.b64encode(ciphertext).decode("utf-8")
+    @staticmethod
+    def decrypt_b64(ct, key) -> bytes:
+        """
+        Decrypts a base64 ciphertext using a key.
+        Args:
+            ct (str): The ciphertext to decrypt, as a base64 string.
+            key (str): The key to use for decryption, as a hexadecimal string.
+        Returns:
+            str: The plaintext obtained by decrypting the ciphertext with the key.
+        """
+        ct_bytes = base64.b64decode(ct)
+        key_bytes = bytes.fromhex(key)
+        plaintext_bytes = CryptoUtils.decrypt_raw(ct_bytes, key_bytes)
+        return plaintext_bytes.decode("utf-8")
+    @staticmethod
+    def encrypt_string(plaintext, key):
+        return base64.b64encode(CryptoUtils.encrypt_raw(plaintext, key)).decode()
+    @staticmethod
+    def decrypt_string(cipherText, key):
+        return CryptoUtils.decrypt_raw(base64.b64decode(cipherText), key).decode()
+    @staticmethod
+    def env_keypair(env_seed: str):
+        """
+        Derives an env keyring from the given seed
+        :param env_seed: Env seed as a hex string
+        :return: A dictionary containing the public and private keys in hex format
+        """
+        # Convert the hex seed to bytes
+        seed_bytes = bytes.fromhex(env_seed)
+        # Generate the key pair
+        public_key, private_key = nacl.bindings.crypto_kx_seed_keypair(seed_bytes)
+        # Convert the keys to hex format
+        public_key_hex = public_key.hex()
+        private_key_hex = private_key.hex()
+        # Return the keys in a dictionary
+        return {"publicKey": public_key_hex, "privateKey": private_key_hex}
+    @staticmethod
+    def blake2b_digest(input_str: str, salt: str) -> str:
+        """
+        Generate a BLAKE2b hash of the input string with a salt.
+        Args:
+            input_str (str): The input string to be hashed.
+            salt (str): The salt (key) used for hashing.
+        Returns:
+            str: The hexadecimal representation of the hash.
+        """
+        hash_size = 32  # 32 bytes (256 bits)
+        hashed = blake2b(
+            input_str.encode("utf-8"),
+            key=salt.encode("utf-8"),
+            encoder=nacl.encoding.RawEncoder,
+            digest_size=hash_size,
+        )
+        hex_encoded = hashed.hex()
+        return hex_encoded
+    @staticmethod
+    def xor_bytes(a, b) -> bytes:
+        """
+        Computes the XOR of two byte arrays byte by byte.
+        Args:
+            a (bytes): The first byte array
+            b (bytes): The second byte array.
+        Returns:
+            bytes: A byte array representing the XOR of the two input byte arrays.
+        """
+        return bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(a, b))
+    @staticmethod
+    def reconstruct_secret(shares) -> str:
+        """
+        Reconstructs a secret given an array of shares.
+        Args:
+            shares (list): A list of hex-encoded secret shares.
+        Returns:
+            str: The reconstructed secret as a hex-encoded string.
+        """
+        return functools.reduce(
+            CryptoUtils.xor_bytes, [bytes.fromhex(share) for share in shares]
+        ).hex()
+def generate_random_secret(type='hex', length=32):
-    Encrypts a string using a key. Returns ciphertext as a base64 string
+    Generates a random secret based on the specified type and length.
-        plaintext (str): The plaintext to encrypt.
-        key (bytes): The key to use for encryption.
+        type (str): Type of secret to generate ('alphanumeric', 'hex', 'base64', 'base64url', 'key128', 'key256').
+        length (int): Length of the secret (1 to 256). For 'key128' and 'key256', length is ignored.
-        str: The ciphertext obtained by encrypting the string with the key, encoded with base64.
+        str: The generated secret.
-    plaintext_bytes = bytes(plaintext, 'utf-8')
-    ciphertext = encrypt_raw(plaintext_bytes, key_bytes)
-    return base64.b64encode(ciphertext).decode('utf-8')
-def decrypt_raw(ct, key) -> bytes:
-    """
-    Decrypts a ciphertext using a key.
-    Args:
-        ct (bytes): The ciphertext to decrypt.
-        key (bytes): The key to use for decryption, as a hexadecimal string.
-    Returns:
-        bytes: The plaintext obtained by decrypting the ciphertext with the key.
-    """
-    try:
-        nonce = ct[-24:]
-        ciphertext = ct[:-24]
-        plaintext_bytes = crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(
-            ciphertext, None, nonce, key)
-        return plaintext_bytes
-    except Exception:
-        raise ValueError('Decryption error')
-def decrypt_b64(ct, key) -> bytes:
-    """
-    Decrypts a base64 ciphertext using a key.
-    Args:
-        ct (str): The ciphertext to decrypt, as a base64 string.
-        key (str): The key to use for decryption, as a hexadecimal string.
-    Returns:
-        str: The plaintext obtained by decrypting the ciphertext with the key.
-    """
-    ct_bytes = base64.b64decode(ct)
-    key_bytes = bytes.fromhex(key)
-    plaintext_bytes = decrypt_raw(ct_bytes, key_bytes)
-    return plaintext_bytes.decode('utf-8')
-def fetch_app_key(appToken, wrapKey, appId, dataSize, host) -> str:
-    """
-    Fetches the application key share from Phase KMS.
-    Args:
-        appToken (str): The token for the application to retrieve the key for.
-        wrapKey (str): The key used to encrypt the wrapped key share.
-        appId (str): The identifier for the application to retrieve the key for.
-        dataSize (int): The size of the data to be decrypted.
-    Returns:
-        str: The unwrapped share obtained by decrypting the wrapped key share.
-    Raises:
-        Exception: If the app token is invalid (HTTP status code 404).
-    """
-    headers = {
-        "Authorization": f"Bearer {appToken}",
-        "EventType": "decrypt",
-        "PhaseNode": f"python:{__version__}",
-        "PhSize": f"{dataSize}"
-    }
-    response = requests.get(f"{host}/{appId}", headers=headers)
-    if response.status_code == 404:
-        raise Exception("Invalid app token")
+    if not 1 <= length <= 256:
+        raise ValueError("Length must be between 1 and 256.")
+    if type == 'alphanumeric':
+        chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
+        return ''.join(chars[byte % len(chars)] for byte in nacl.utils.random(length))
+    elif type == 'hex':
+        return nacl.utils.random(length).hex()
+    elif type == 'base64':
+        return base64.b64encode(nacl.utils.random(length)).decode()
+    elif type == 'base64url':
+        return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(nacl.utils.random(length)).decode()
+    elif type == 'key128':
+        return base64.b64encode(nacl.utils.random(SecretBox.KEY_SIZE // 2)).decode()
+    elif type == 'key256':
+        return base64.b64encode(nacl.utils.random(SecretBox.KEY_SIZE)).decode()
-        json_data = response.json()
-        wrapped_key_share = json_data["wrappedKeyShare"]
-        unwrapped_key = decrypt_raw(bytes.fromhex(
-            wrapped_key_share), bytes.fromhex(wrapKey))
-        return unwrapped_key.decode("utf-8")
+        raise ValueError("Invalid secret type specified.")
diff --git a/src/phase/utils/exceptions.py b/src/phase/utils/exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..128d292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/phase/utils/exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class EnvironmentNotFoundException(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, env_name):
+        super().__init__(f"⚠️\u200A Warning: The environment '{env_name}' either does not exist or you do not have access to it.")
+class OverrideNotFoundException(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, key):
+        super().__init__(f"No override exists for this secret. To set one, run: phase secrets update {key} --override")
diff --git a/src/phase/utils/misc.py b/src/phase/utils/misc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd5c4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/phase/utils/misc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+import os
+import platform
+import subprocess
+import webbrowser
+import getpass
+import json
+from .exceptions import EnvironmentNotFoundException
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+from typing import Union, List
+from .const import __version__, PHASE_CLOUD_API_HOST, cross_env_pattern, local_ref_pattern
+def get_default_user_token() -> str:
+    """
+    Fetch the default user's personal access token from the config file in PHASE_SECRETS_DIR.
+    Returns:
+    - str: The default user's personal access token.
+    Raises:
+    - ValueError: If the config file is not found, the default user's ID is missing, or the token is not set.
+    """
+    config_file_path = os.path.join(PHASE_SECRETS_DIR, 'config.json')
+    if not os.path.exists(config_file_path):
+        raise ValueError("Config file not found. Please login with phase auth or supply a PHASE_SERVICE_TOKEN as an environment variable.")
+    with open(config_file_path, 'r') as f:
+        config_data = json.load(f)
+    default_user_id = config_data.get("default-user")
+    if not default_user_id:
+        raise ValueError("Default user ID is missing in the config file.")
+    for user in config_data.get("phase-users", []):
+        if user['id'] == default_user_id:
+            token = user.get("token")
+            if not token:
+                raise ValueError(f"Token for the default user (ID: {default_user_id}) is not found in the config file.")
+            return token
+    raise ValueError("Default user not found in the config file.")
+def phase_get_context(user_data, app_name=None, env_name=None):
+    """
+    Get the context (ID, name, and publicKey) for a specified application and environment or the default application and environment.
+    Parameters:
+    - user_data (dict): The user data from the API response.
+    - app_name (str, optional): The name (or partial name) of the desired application.
+    - env_name (str, optional): The name (or partial name) of the desired environment.
+    Returns:
+    - tuple: A tuple containing the application's name, application's ID, environment's name, environment's ID, and publicKey.
+    Raises:
+    - ValueError: If no matching application or environment is found.
+    """
+    # 2. If env_name isn't explicitly provided, use the default
+    default_env_name = "Development"
+    app_id = None
+    env_name = env_name or default_env_name
+    # 3. Match the application using app_id or find the best match for partial app_name
+    try:
+        if app_name:
+            matching_apps = [app for app in user_data["apps"] if app_name.lower() in app["name"].lower()]
+            if not matching_apps:
+                raise ValueError(f"🔍 No application found with the name '{app_name}'.")
+            # Sort matching applications by the length of their names, shorter names are likely to be more specific matches
+            matching_apps.sort(key=lambda app: len(app["name"]))
+            application = matching_apps[0]
+        elif app_id:
+            application = next((app for app in user_data["apps"] if app["id"] == app_id), None)
+            if not application:
+                raise ValueError(f"🔍 No application found with the name '{app_name_from_config}' and ID: '{app_id}'.")
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("🤔 No application context provided. Please run 'phase init' or pass the '--app' flag followed by your application name.")
+        # 4. Attempt to match environment with the exact name or a name that contains the env_name string
+        environment = next((env for env in application["environment_keys"] if env_name.lower() in env["environment"]["name"].lower()), None)
+        if not environment:
+            raise EnvironmentNotFoundException(env_name)
+        # Return application name, application ID, environment name, environment ID, and public key
+        return (application["name"], application["id"], environment["environment"]["name"], environment["environment"]["id"], environment["identity_key"])
+    except StopIteration:
+        raise ValueError("🔍 Application or environment not found.")
+def normalize_tag(tag):
+    """
+    Normalize a tag by replacing underscores with spaces.
+    Args:
+        tag (str): The tag to normalize.
+    Returns:
+        str: The normalized tag.
+    """
+    return tag.replace('_', ' ').lower()
+def tag_matches(secret_tags, user_tag):
+    """
+    Check if the user-provided tag partially matches any of the secret tags.
+    Args:
+        secret_tags (list): The list of tags associated with a secret.
+        user_tag (str): The user-provided tag to match.
+    Returns:
+        bool: True if there's a partial match, False otherwise.
+    """
+    normalized_user_tag = normalize_tag(user_tag)
+    for tag in secret_tags:
+        normalized_secret_tag = normalize_tag(tag)
+        if normalized_user_tag in normalized_secret_tag:
+            return True
+    return False
+def get_user_agent():
+    """
+    Constructs a user agent string containing information about the CLI's version, 
+    the operating system, its version, its architecture, and the local username with machine name.
+    Returns:
+        str: The constructed user agent string.
+    """
+    details = []
+    # Get CLI version
+    try:
+        cli_version = f"phase-python-sdk/{__version__}"
+        details.append(cli_version)
+    except:
+        pass
+    # Get OS and version
+    try:
+        os_type = platform.system()  # e.g., Windows, Linux, Darwin (for macOS)
+        os_version = platform.release()
+        details.append(f"{os_type} {os_version}")
+    except:
+        pass
+    # Get architecture
+    try:
+        architecture = platform.machine()
+        details.append(architecture)
+    except:
+        pass
+    # Get username and hostname
+    try:
+        username = getpass.getuser()
+        hostname = platform.node()
+        user_host_string = f"{username}@{hostname}"
+        details.append(user_host_string)
+    except:
+        pass
+    user_agent_str = ' '.join(details)
+    return user_agent_str
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/phase/utils/network.py b/src/phase/utils/network.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e4872b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/phase/utils/network.py
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+import os
+import requests
+from .misc import get_user_agent
+from typing import List
+from typing import Dict
+import json
+# Check if SSL verification should be skipped
+VERIFY_SSL = os.environ.get('PHASE_VERIFY_SSL', 'True').lower() != 'false'
+# Check if debug mode is enabled
+PHASE_DEBUG = os.environ.get('PHASE_DEBUG', 'False').lower() == 'true'
+# Suppress InsecureRequestWarning if SSL verification is skipped
+if not VERIFY_SSL:
+    requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
+def handle_request_errors(response: requests.Response) -> None:
+    """
+    Check the HTTP status code of a response and print the error if the status code is not 200.
+    Args:
+        response (requests.Response): The HTTP response to check.
+    """
+    if response.status_code == 403:
+        print("🚫 Not authorized. Token expired or revoked.")
+        return
+    if response.status_code != 200:
+        try:
+            error_details = json.loads(response.text).get('error', 'Unknown error')
+        except json.JSONDecodeError:
+            error_details = 'Unknown error'
+            if PHASE_DEBUG:
+                error_details += f" (Raw response: {response.text})"
+        error_message = f"🗿 Request failed with status code {response.status_code}: {error_details}"
+        raise Exception(error_message)
+def handle_connection_error(e: Exception) -> None:
+    """
+    Handle ConnectionError exceptions.
+    Args:
+        e (Exception): The exception to handle.
+    """
+    error_message = "🗿 Network error: Please check your internet connection."
+    if PHASE_DEBUG:
+        error_message += f" Detail: {str(e)}"
+    raise Exception(error_message)
+def handle_ssl_error(e: Exception) -> None:
+    """
+    Handle SSLError exceptions.
+    Args:
+        e (Exception): The exception to handle.
+    """
+    error_message = "🗿 SSL error: The Phase Console is using an invalid/expired or a self-signed certificate."
+    if PHASE_DEBUG:
+        error_message += f" Detail: {str(e)}"
+    raise Exception(error_message)
+def construct_http_headers(token_type: str, app_token: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
+    """
+    Construct common headers used for HTTP requests.
+    Args:
+        token_type (str): The type of token being used.
+        app_token (str): The token for the application.
+    Returns:
+        Dict[str, str]: The common headers including User-Agent.
+    """
+    return {
+        "Authorization": f"Bearer {token_type.capitalize()} {app_token}",
+        "User-Agent": get_user_agent()
+    }
+def fetch_phase_user(token_type: str, app_token: str, host: str) -> requests.Response:
+    """
+    Fetch users from the Phase API.
+    Args:
+        app_token (str): The token for the application.
+    Returns:
+        requests.Response: The HTTP response from the Phase API.
+    """
+    headers = construct_http_headers(token_type, app_token)
+    URL =  f"{host}/service/secrets/tokens/"
+    try:
+        response = requests.get(URL, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY_SSL)
+        handle_request_errors(response)
+        return response
+    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
+        handle_connection_error(e)
+    except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
+        handle_ssl_error(e)
+def fetch_app_key(token_type: str, app_token, host) -> str:
+    """
+    Fetches the application key share from Phase API.
+    Args:
+        app_token (str): The token for the application to retrieve the key for.
+        token_type (str): The type of token being used, either "user" or "service". Defaults to "user".
+    Returns:
+        str: The wrapped key share.
+    Raises:
+        Exception: If the app token is invalid (HTTP status code 404).
+    """
+    headers = construct_http_headers(token_type, app_token)
+    URL =  f"{host}/service/secrets/tokens/"
+    response = requests.get(URL, headers=headers)
+    if response.status_code != 200:
+        raise ValueError(f"Request failed with status code {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
+    if not response.text:
+        raise ValueError("The response body is empty!")
+    try:
+        json_data = response.json()
+    except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError:
+        raise ValueError(f"Failed to decode JSON from response: {response.text}")
+    wrapped_key_share = json_data.get("wrapped_key_share")
+    if not wrapped_key_share:
+        raise ValueError("Wrapped key share not found in the response!")
+    return wrapped_key_share
+def fetch_wrapped_key_share(token_type: str, app_token: str, host: str) -> str:
+    """
+    Fetches the wrapped application key share from Phase API.
+    Args:
+        token_type (str): The type of token being used, either "user" or "service".
+        app_token (str): The token for the application to retrieve the key for.
+        host (str): The host for the API call.
+    Returns:
+        str: The wrapped key share.
+    Raises:
+        ValueError: If any errors occur during the fetch operation.
+    """
+    headers = construct_http_headers(token_type, app_token)
+    URL = f"{host}/service/secrets/tokens/"
+    response = requests.get(URL, headers=headers)
+    if response.status_code != 200:
+        raise ValueError(f"Request failed with status code {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
+    if not response.text:
+        raise ValueError("The response body is empty!")
+    try:
+        json_data = response.json()
+    except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError:
+        raise ValueError(f"Failed to decode JSON from response: {response.text}")
+    wrapped_key_share = json_data.get("wrapped_key_share")
+    if not wrapped_key_share:
+        raise ValueError("Wrapped key share not found in the response!")
+    return wrapped_key_share
+def fetch_phase_secrets(token_type: str, app_token: str, id: str, host: str, key_digest: str = '', path: str = '') -> requests.Response:
+    """
+    Fetch a single secret from Phase API based on key digest, with an optional path parameter.
+    Args:
+        token_type (str): The type of the token.
+        app_token (str): The token for the application.
+        id (str): The environment ID.
+        host (str): The host URL.
+        key_digest (str): The digest of the key to fetch.
+        path (str, optional): A specific path to fetch secrets from.
+    Returns:
+        dict: The single secret fetched from the Phase API, or an error message.
+    """
+    headers = {**construct_http_headers(token_type, app_token), "Environment": id, "KeyDigest": key_digest}
+    if path:
+        headers["Path"] = path
+    URL = f"{host}/service/secrets/"
+    try:
+        response = requests.get(URL, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY_SSL)
+        handle_request_errors(response)
+        return response
+    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
+        handle_connection_error(e)
+    except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
+        handle_ssl_error(e)
+def create_phase_secrets(token_type: str, app_token: str, environment_id: str, secrets: List[dict], host: str) -> requests.Response:
+    """
+    Create secrets in Phase API through HTTP POST request.
+    Args:
+        app_token (str): The token for the application.
+        environment_id (str): The environment ID.
+        secrets (List[dict]): The list of secrets to be created.
+    Returns:
+        requests.Response: The HTTP response from the Phase API.
+    """
+    headers = {**construct_http_headers(token_type, app_token), "Environment": environment_id}
+    data = {
+        "secrets": secrets
+    }
+    URL =  f"{host}/service/secrets/"
+    try:
+        response = requests.post(URL, headers=headers, json=data, verify=VERIFY_SSL)
+        handle_request_errors(response)
+        return response
+    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
+        handle_connection_error(e)
+    except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
+        handle_ssl_error(e)
+def update_phase_secrets(token_type: str, app_token: str, environment_id: str, secrets: List[dict], host: str) -> requests.Response:
+    """
+    Update secrets in Phase API through HTTP PUT request.
+    Args:
+        app_token (str): The token for the application.
+        environment_id (str): The environment ID.
+        secrets (List[dict]): The list of secrets to be updated.
+    Returns:
+        requests.Response: The HTTP response from the Phase API.
+    """
+    headers = {**construct_http_headers(token_type, app_token), "Environment": environment_id}
+    data = {
+        "secrets": secrets
+    }
+    URL =  f"{host}/service/secrets/"
+    try:
+        response = requests.put(URL, headers=headers, json=data, verify=VERIFY_SSL)
+        handle_request_errors(response)
+        return response
+    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
+        handle_connection_error(e)
+    except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
+        handle_ssl_error(e)
+def delete_phase_secrets(token_type: str, app_token: str, environment_id: str, secret_ids: List[str], host: str) -> requests.Response:
+    """
+    Delete secrets from Phase API.
+    Args:
+        app_token (str): The token for the application.
+        environment_id (str): The environment ID.
+        secret_ids (List[str]): The list of secret IDs to be deleted.
+    Returns:
+        requests.Response: The HTTP response from the Phase API.
+    """
+    headers = {**construct_http_headers(token_type, app_token), "Environment": environment_id}
+    data = {
+        "secrets": secret_ids
+    }
+    URL =  f"{host}/service/secrets/"
+    try:
+        response = requests.delete(URL, headers=headers, json=data, verify=VERIFY_SSL)
+        handle_request_errors(response)
+        return response
+    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
+        handle_connection_error(e)
+    except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
+        handle_ssl_error(e)
diff --git a/src/phase/utils/phase_io.py b/src/phase/utils/phase_io.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..677b3ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/phase/utils/phase_io.py
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+import requests
+from typing import Tuple
+from typing import List, Dict
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from .network import (
+    fetch_phase_user,
+    fetch_app_key,
+    fetch_wrapped_key_share,
+    fetch_phase_secrets,
+    create_phase_secrets,
+    update_phase_secrets,
+    delete_phase_secrets
+from nacl.bindings import (
+    crypto_kx_server_session_keys, 
+from .crypto import CryptoUtils
+from .const import __ph_version__, pss_user_pattern, pss_service_pattern
+from .misc import phase_get_context, normalize_tag, tag_matches
+from .secret_referencing import resolve_all_secrets
+class AppSecret:
+    prefix: str
+    pes_version: str
+    app_token: str
+    pss_user_public_key: str
+    keyshare0: str
+    keyshare1_unwrap_key: str
+class Phase:
+    _app_pub_key = ''
+    _api_host = ''
+    _app_secret = None
+    def __init__(self, init=True, pss=None, host=None):
+        """
+        Initializes the Phase class with optional parameters.
+        Parameters:
+            - init (bool): Whether to initialize using default methods or use provided parameters.
+            - pss (str): The Phase user token. Used if init is False.
+            - host (str): The host URL. Used if init is False.
+        """
+        app_secret = pss
+        self._api_host = host
+        # Determine the type of the token (service token or user token)
+        self.is_service_token = pss_service_pattern.match(app_secret) is not None
+        self.is_user_token = pss_user_pattern.match(app_secret) is not None
+        # If it's neither a service token nor a user token, raise an error
+        if not self.is_service_token and not self.is_user_token:
+            token_type = "service token" if "pss_service" in app_secret else "user token"
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid Phase {token_type}")
+        # Storing the token type as a string for easier access
+        self._token_type = "service" if self.is_service_token else "user"
+        pss_segments = app_secret.split(':')
+        self._app_secret = AppSecret(*pss_segments)
+    def _find_matching_environment_key(self, user_data, env_id):
+        for app in user_data.get("apps", []):
+            for environment_key in app.get("environment_keys", []):
+                if environment_key["environment"]["id"] == env_id:
+                    return environment_key
+        return None
+    def auth(self):
+        try:
+            key = fetch_app_key(
+                self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, self._api_host)
+            return "Success"
+        except ValueError as err:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid Phase credentials")
+    def init(self):
+        response = fetch_phase_user(self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, self._api_host)
+        # Ensure the response is OK
+        if response.status_code != 200:
+            raise ValueError(f"Request failed with status code {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
+        # Parse and return the JSON content
+        return response.json()
+    def create(self, key_value_pairs: List[Tuple[str, str]], env_name: str, app_name: str, path: str = '/', override_value: str = None) -> requests.Response:
+        """
+        Create secrets in Phase KMS with support for specifying a path and overrides.
+        Args:
+            key_value_pairs (List[Tuple[str, str]]): List of tuples where each tuple contains a key and a value.
+            env_name (str): The name (or partial name) of the desired environment.
+            app_name (str): The name of the application context.
+            path (str, optional): The path under which to store the secrets. Defaults to the root path '/'.
+            override_value (str, optional): The overridden value for the secret. Defaults to None.
+        Returns:
+            requests.Response: The HTTP response from the Phase KMS.
+        """
+        user_response = fetch_phase_user(self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, self._api_host)
+        if user_response.status_code != 200:
+            raise ValueError(f"Request failed with status code {user_response.status_code}: {user_response.text}")
+        user_data = user_response.json()
+        app_name, app_id, env_name, env_id, public_key = phase_get_context(user_data, app_name=app_name, env_name=env_name)
+        environment_key = self._find_matching_environment_key(user_data, env_id)
+        if environment_key is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"No environment found with id: {env_id}")
+        wrapped_salt = environment_key.get("wrapped_salt")
+        decrypted_salt = self.decrypt(wrapped_salt)
+        secrets = []
+        for key, value in key_value_pairs:
+            encrypted_key = CryptoUtils.encrypt_asymmetric(key, public_key)
+            encrypted_value = CryptoUtils.encrypt_asymmetric(value, public_key)
+            key_digest = CryptoUtils.blake2b_digest(key, decrypted_salt)
+            secret = {
+                "key": encrypted_key,
+                "keyDigest": key_digest,
+                "value": encrypted_value,
+                "path": path,
+                "tags": [],  # TODO: Implement tags and comments creation
+                "comment": ""
+            }
+            if override_value:
+                encrypted_override_value = CryptoUtils.encrypt_asymmetric(override_value, public_key)
+                secret["override"] = {
+                    "value": encrypted_override_value,
+                    "isActive": True
+                }
+            secrets.append(secret)
+        return create_phase_secrets(self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, env_id, secrets, self._api_host)
+    def get(self, env_name: str, keys: List[str] = None, app_name: str = None, tag: str = None, path: str = '') -> List[Dict]:
+        """
+        Get secrets from Phase KMS based on key and environment, with support for personal overrides,
+        optional tag matching, decrypting comments, and now including path support and key digest optimization.
+        Args:
+            env_name (str): The name (or partial name) of the desired environment.
+            keys (List[str], optional): The keys for which to retrieve the secret values.
+            app_name (str, optional): The name of the desired application.
+            tag (str, optional): The tag to match against the secrets.
+            path (str, optional): The path under which to fetch secrets, default is root.
+        Returns:
+            List[Dict]: A list of dictionaries for all secrets in the environment that match the criteria, including their paths.
+        """
+        user_response = fetch_phase_user(self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, self._api_host)
+        if user_response.status_code != 200:
+            raise ValueError(f"Request failed with status code {user_response.status_code}: {user_response.text}")
+        user_data = user_response.json()
+        app_name, app_id, env_name, env_id, public_key = phase_get_context(user_data, app_name=app_name, env_name=env_name)
+        environment_key = self._find_matching_environment_key(user_data, env_id)
+        if environment_key is None:
+            raise ValueError("No environment found with id: {}".format(env_id))
+        wrapped_seed = environment_key.get("wrapped_seed")
+        decrypted_seed = self.decrypt(wrapped_seed)
+        key_pair = CryptoUtils.env_keypair(decrypted_seed)
+        env_private_key = key_pair['privateKey']
+        params = {"path": path}
+        if keys and len(keys) == 1:
+            wrapped_salt = environment_key.get("wrapped_salt")
+            decrypted_salt = self.decrypt(wrapped_salt)
+            key_digest = CryptoUtils.blake2b_digest(keys[0], decrypted_salt)
+            params["key_digest"] = key_digest
+        secrets_response = fetch_phase_secrets(self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, env_id, self._api_host, **params)
+        secrets_data = secrets_response.json()
+        results = []
+        for secret in secrets_data:
+            # Check if a tag filter is applied and if the secret has the correct tags.
+            if tag and not tag_matches(secret.get("tags", []), tag):
+                continue
+            secret_id = secret["id"]
+            override = secret.get("override")
+            # Check if the override exists and is active.
+            use_override = override and override.get("is_active")
+            key_to_decrypt = secret["key"]
+            # Select the correct value based on override status.
+            value_to_decrypt = override["value"] if use_override else secret["value"]
+            comment_to_decrypt = secret["comment"]
+            decrypted_key = CryptoUtils.decrypt_asymmetric(key_to_decrypt, env_private_key, public_key)
+            decrypted_value = CryptoUtils.decrypt_asymmetric(value_to_decrypt, env_private_key, public_key)
+            decrypted_comment = CryptoUtils.decrypt_asymmetric(comment_to_decrypt, env_private_key, public_key) if comment_to_decrypt else None
+            result = {
+                "key": decrypted_key,
+                "value": decrypted_value,
+                "overridden": use_override,
+                "tags": secret.get("tags", []),
+                "comment": decrypted_comment,
+                "path": secret.get("path", "/"),
+                "application": app_name,
+                "environment": env_name 
+            }
+            # Only add the secret to results if the requested keys are not specified or the decrypted key is one of the requested keys.
+            if not keys or decrypted_key in keys:
+                results.append(result)
+        return results
+    def update(self, env_name: str, key: str, value: str = None, app_name: str = None, source_path: str = '', destination_path: str = None, override: bool = False, toggle_override: bool = False) -> str:
+        """
+        Update a secret in Phase KMS based on key and environment, with support for source and destination paths.
+        Args:
+            env_name (str): The name (or partial name) of the desired environment.
+            key (str): The key for which to update the secret value.
+            value (str, optional): The new value for the secret. Defaults to None.
+            app_name (str, optional): The name of the desired application.
+            source_path (str, optional): The current path of the secret. Defaults to root path '/'.
+            destination_path (str, optional): The new path for the secret, if changing its location. If not provided, the path is not updated.
+            override (bool, optional): Whether to update an overridden secret value. Defaults to False.
+            toggle_override (bool, optional): Whether to toggle the override state between active and inactive. Defaults to False.
+        Returns:
+            str: A message indicating the outcome of the update operation.
+        """
+        user_response = fetch_phase_user(self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, self._api_host)
+        if user_response.status_code != 200:
+            raise ValueError(f"Request failed with status code {user_response.status_code}: {user_response.text}")
+        user_data = user_response.json()
+        app_name, app_id, env_name, env_id, public_key = phase_get_context(user_data, app_name=app_name, env_name=env_name)
+        environment_key = self._find_matching_environment_key(user_data, env_id)
+        if environment_key is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"No environment found with id: {env_id}")
+        # Fetch secrets from the specified source path
+        secrets_response = fetch_phase_secrets(self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, env_id, self._api_host, path=source_path)
+        secrets_data = secrets_response.json()
+        wrapped_seed = environment_key.get("wrapped_seed")
+        decrypted_seed = self.decrypt(wrapped_seed)
+        key_pair = CryptoUtils.env_keypair(decrypted_seed)
+        env_private_key = key_pair['privateKey']
+        matching_secret = next((secret for secret in secrets_data if CryptoUtils.decrypt_asymmetric(secret["key"], env_private_key, public_key) == key), None)
+        if not matching_secret:
+            return f"Key '{key}' doesn't exist in path '{source_path}'."
+        encrypted_key = CryptoUtils.encrypt_asymmetric(key, public_key)
+        encrypted_value = CryptoUtils.encrypt_asymmetric(value or "", public_key)
+        wrapped_salt = environment_key.get("wrapped_salt")
+        decrypted_salt = self.decrypt(wrapped_salt)
+        key_digest = CryptoUtils.blake2b_digest(key, decrypted_salt)
+        # Determine secret value to be updated -  only update shared value if not overriding or toggling
+        if not override and not toggle_override:
+            payload_value = encrypted_value
+        else:
+            payload_value = matching_secret["value"]
+        secret_update_payload = {
+            "id": matching_secret["id"],
+            "key": encrypted_key,
+            "keyDigest": key_digest,
+            "value": payload_value,
+            "tags": matching_secret.get("tags", []), # TODO: Implement tags and comments updates
+            "comment": matching_secret.get("comment", ""),
+            "path": destination_path if destination_path is not None else matching_secret["path"]
+        }
+        if toggle_override:
+            # Check if the secret has an existing override. If not, raise a custom exception.
+            # This prevents toggling an override on a secret that doesn't have one.
+            if "override" not in matching_secret or matching_secret["override"] is None:
+                raise OverrideNotFoundException(key)
+            # Retrieve the current override state. If the override is not active, it defaults to False.
+            current_override_state = matching_secret["override"].get("is_active", False)
+            # Prepare the payload to update the override status. The value of the override remains unchanged,
+            # but the isActive status is toggled.
+            secret_update_payload["override"] = {
+                "value": matching_secret["override"]["value"],
+                "isActive": not current_override_state  # Toggle the current state.
+            }
+        elif override:
+            # If the override flag is set, check if there is an existing override.
+            if matching_secret["override"] is None:
+                # If no override exists, create a new override entry.
+                # The value for the override is the encrypted value provided by the user,
+                # and the override is activated by default.
+                secret_update_payload["override"] = {
+                    "value": encrypted_value,
+                    "isActive": True
+                }
+            else:
+                # If an override already exists, update its value.
+                # If a new value is provided, use it; otherwise, retain the existing override value.
+                # The isActive status of the override is also retained from the existing override.
+                secret_update_payload["override"] = {
+                    "value": encrypted_value if value is not None else matching_secret["override"]["value"],
+                    "isActive": matching_secret["override"].get("is_active", True)
+                }
+        response = update_phase_secrets(self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, env_id, [secret_update_payload], self._api_host)
+        if response.status_code == 200:
+            return "Success"
+        else:
+            return f"Error: Failed to update secret. HTTP Status Code: {response.status_code}"
+    def delete(self, env_name: str, keys_to_delete: List[str], app_name: str = None, path: str = None) -> List[str]:
+        """
+        Delete secrets in Phase KMS based on keys and environment, with optional path support.
+        Args:
+            env_name (str): The name (or partial name) of the desired environment.
+            keys_to_delete (List[str]): The keys for which to delete the secrets.
+            app_name (str, optional): The name of the desired application.
+            path (str, optional): The path within which to delete the secrets. If specified, only deletes secrets within this path.
+        Returns:
+            List[str]: A list of keys that were not found and could not be deleted.
+        """
+        user_response = fetch_phase_user(self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, self._api_host)
+        if user_response.status_code != 200:
+            raise ValueError(f"Request failed with status code {user_response.status_code}: {user_response.text}")
+        user_data = user_response.json()
+        app_name, app_id, env_name, env_id, public_key = phase_get_context(user_data, app_name=app_name, env_name=env_name)
+        environment_key = self._find_matching_environment_key(user_data, env_id)
+        if environment_key is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"No environment found with id: {env_id}")
+        wrapped_seed = environment_key.get("wrapped_seed")
+        decrypted_seed = self.decrypt(wrapped_seed)
+        key_pair = CryptoUtils.env_keypair(decrypted_seed)
+        env_private_key = key_pair['privateKey']
+        secret_ids_to_delete = []
+        keys_not_found = []
+        secrets_response = fetch_phase_secrets(self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, env_id, self._api_host, path=path)
+        secrets_data = secrets_response.json()
+        for key in keys_to_delete:
+            found = False
+            for secret in secrets_data:
+                if path is not None and secret.get("path", "/") != path:
+                    continue  # Skip secrets not in the specified path
+                decrypted_key = CryptoUtils.decrypt_asymmetric(secret["key"], env_private_key, public_key)
+                if decrypted_key == key:
+                    secret_ids_to_delete.append(secret["id"])
+                    found = True
+                    break
+            if not found:
+                keys_not_found.append(key)
+        if secret_ids_to_delete:
+            delete_phase_secrets(self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, env_id, secret_ids_to_delete, self._api_host)
+        return keys_not_found
+    def decrypt(self, phase_ciphertext) -> str | None:
+        """
+        Decrypts a Phase ciphertext string.
+        Args:
+            phase_ciphertext (str): The encrypted message to decrypt.
+        Returns:
+            str: The decrypted plaintext as a string. Returns `None` if an error occurs.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If the ciphertext is not in the expected format (e.g. wrong prefix, wrong number of fields).
+        """
+        try:
+            [prefix, version, client_pub_key_hex, ct] = phase_ciphertext.split(':')
+            if prefix != 'ph' or len(phase_ciphertext.split(':')) != 4:
+                raise ValueError('Ciphertext is invalid')
+            client_pub_key = bytes.fromhex(client_pub_key_hex)
+            wrapped_key_share = fetch_wrapped_key_share(
+                self._token_type, self._app_secret.app_token, self._api_host)
+            keyshare1 = CryptoUtils.decrypt_raw(bytes.fromhex(wrapped_key_share), bytes.fromhex(self._app_secret.keyshare1_unwrap_key)).decode("utf-8")
+            app_priv_key = CryptoUtils.reconstruct_secret(
+                [self._app_secret.keyshare0, keyshare1])
+            session_keys = crypto_kx_server_session_keys(bytes.fromhex(
+                self._app_secret.pss_user_public_key), bytes.fromhex(app_priv_key), client_pub_key)
+            plaintext = CryptoUtils.decrypt_b64(ct, session_keys[0].hex())
+            return plaintext
+        except ValueError as err:
+            raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {err}")
diff --git a/src/phase/utils/secret_referencing.py b/src/phase/utils/secret_referencing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb7fb12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/phase/utils/secret_referencing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+import re
+from typing import Dict, List
+from .exceptions import EnvironmentNotFoundException
+from .const import SECRET_REF_REGEX
+    Secret Referencing Syntax:
+    This documentation explains the syntax used for referencing secrets within the configuration. 
+    Secrets can be referenced both locally (within the same environment) and across different environments, 
+    with or without specifying a path.
+    Syntax Patterns:
+    1. Local Reference (Root Path):
+        Syntax: `${KEY}`
+        - Environment: Same as the current environment.
+        - Path: Root path (`/`).
+        - Secret Key: `KEY`
+        - Description: References a secret named `KEY` in the root path of the current environment.
+    2. Cross-Environment Reference (Root Path):
+        Syntax: `${staging.DEBUG}`
+        - Environment: Different environment (e.g., `staging`).
+        - Path: Root path (`/`) of the specified environment.
+        - Secret Key: `DEBUG`
+        - Description: References a secret named `DEBUG` in the root path of the `staging` environment.
+    3. Cross-Environment Reference (Specific Path):
+        Syntax: `${prod./frontend/SECRET_KEY}`
+        - Environment: Different environment (e.g., `prod`).
+        - Path: Specifies a path within the environment (`/frontend/`).
+        - Secret Key: `SECRET_KEY`
+        - Description: References a secret named `SECRET_KEY` located at `/frontend/` in the `prod` environment.
+    4. Local Reference (Specified Path):
+        Syntax: `${/backend/payments/STRIPE_KEY}`
+        - Environment: Same as the current environment.
+        - Path: Specifies a path within the environment (`/backend/payments/`).
+        - Secret Key: `STRIPE_KEY`
+        - Description: References a secret named `STRIPE_KEY` located at `/backend/payments/` in the current environment.
+    Note:
+    The syntax allows for flexible secret management, enabling both straightforward local references and more complex cross-environment references.
+def split_path_and_key(ref: str) -> tuple:
+    """
+    Splits a reference string into path and key components.
+    Args:
+        ref (str): The reference string to split.
+    Returns:
+        tuple: A tuple containing the path and key.
+    """
+    last_slash_index = ref.rfind("/")
+    if last_slash_index != -1:
+        path = ref[:last_slash_index]
+        key_name = ref[last_slash_index + 1:]
+    else:
+        path = "/"
+        key_name = ref
+    # Ensure path starts with a slash
+    if not path.startswith("/"):
+        path = "/" + path
+    return path, key_name
+def resolve_secret_reference(ref: str, secrets_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]], phase: 'Phase', current_application_name: str, current_env_name: str) -> str:
+    """
+    Resolves a single secret reference to its actual value by fetching it from the specified environment.
+    The function supports both local and cross-environment secret references, allowing for flexible secret management.
+    Local references are identified by the absence of a dot '.' in the reference string, implying the current environment.
+    Cross-environment references include an environment name, separated by a dot from the rest of the path.
+    Args:
+        ref (str): The secret reference string, which could be a local or cross-environment reference.
+        secrets_dict (Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]): A dictionary containing known secrets.
+        phase ('Phase'): An instance of the Phase class to fetch secrets.
+        current_application_name (str): The name of the current application.
+        current_env_name (str): The current environment name, used for resolving local references.
+    Returns:
+        str: The resolved secret value or the original reference if not resolved.
+    """
+    env_name = current_env_name
+    path = "/"  # Default root path
+    key_name = ref
+    # Parse the reference to identify environment, path, and secret key.
+    if "." in ref:  # Cross-environment references
+        parts = ref.split(".", 1)
+        env_name, rest = parts[0], parts[1]
+        path, key_name = split_path_and_key(rest)
+    else:  # Local reference
+        path, key_name = split_path_and_key(ref)
+    try:
+        # Lookup with environment, path, and key
+        if env_name in secrets_dict:
+            # Try to find the secret in the exact path
+            if path in secrets_dict[env_name] and key_name in secrets_dict[env_name][path]:
+                return secrets_dict[env_name][path][key_name]
+            # For local references, try to find the secret in the root path only if the original path was root
+            if env_name == current_env_name and path == "/" and '/' in secrets_dict[env_name] and key_name in secrets_dict[env_name]['/']:
+                return secrets_dict[env_name]['/'][key_name]
+        # If the secret is not found in secrets_dict, try to fetch it from Phase
+        fetched_secrets = phase.get(env_name=env_name, app_name=current_application_name, keys=[key_name], path=path)
+        for secret in fetched_secrets:
+            if secret["key"] == key_name:
+                return secret["value"]
+    except EnvironmentNotFoundException:
+        pass
+    # Return the reference as is if not resolved
+    return f"${{{ref}}}"
+def resolve_all_secrets(value: str, all_secrets: List[Dict[str, str]], phase: 'Phase', current_application_name: str, current_env_name: str) -> str:
+    """
+    Resolves all secret references within a given string to their actual values.
+    This function is particularly useful for processing configuration strings or entire files that
+    may contain multiple secret references. It iterates through each reference found in the input string,
+    resolves it using `resolve_secret_reference`, and replaces the reference with the resolved value.
+    Args:
+        value (str): The input string containing one or more secret references.
+        all_secrets (List[Dict[str, str]]): A list of all known secrets.
+        phase ('Phase'): An instance of the Phase class to fetch secrets.
+        current_application_name (str): The name of the current application.
+        current_env_name (str): The current environment name for resolving local references.
+    Returns:
+        str: The input string with all secret references resolved to their actual values.
+    """
+    secrets_dict = {}
+    for secret in all_secrets:
+        env_name = secret['environment']
+        path = secret['path']
+        key = secret['key']
+        if env_name not in secrets_dict:
+            secrets_dict[env_name] = {}
+        if path not in secrets_dict[env_name]:
+            secrets_dict[env_name][path] = {}
+        secrets_dict[env_name][path][key] = secret['value']
+    refs = SECRET_REF_REGEX.findall(value)
+    resolved_value = value
+    # Resolve each found reference and replace it with resolved_secret_value.
+    for ref in refs:
+        resolved_secret_value = resolve_secret_reference(ref, secrets_dict, phase, current_application_name, current_env_name)
+        resolved_value = resolved_value.replace(f"${{{ref}}}", resolved_secret_value)
+    return resolved_value
diff --git a/src/phase/version.py b/src/phase/version.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e843230..0000000
--- a/src/phase/version.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-__version__ = "1.1.0"
-__ph_version__ = "v1"
diff --git a/tests/test_crypto.py b/tests/test_crypto.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e435ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_crypto.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+import pytest
+import base64
+import re
+import os
+from src.phase.utils.crypto import CryptoUtils
+from src.phase.utils.crypto import generate_random_secret
+from nacl.secret import SecretBox
+class TestCryptoUtils:
+    def test_random_key_pair(self):
+        # Testing if the generated key pair (public and private keys) are of the correct length (32 bytes each)
+        public_key, private_key = CryptoUtils.random_key_pair()
+        assert len(public_key) == 32
+        assert len(private_key) == 32
+    def test_client_session_keys(self):
+        # Testing client session keys generation by ensuring the keys are of the correct length
+        client_keypair = CryptoUtils.random_key_pair()
+        server_keypair = CryptoUtils.random_key_pair()
+        client_keys = CryptoUtils.client_session_keys(client_keypair, server_keypair[0])
+        assert len(client_keys[0]) == 32 and len(client_keys[1]) == 32
+    def test_server_session_keys(self):
+        # Testing server session keys generation similar to client session keys
+        client_keypair = CryptoUtils.random_key_pair()
+        server_keypair = CryptoUtils.random_key_pair()
+        server_keys = CryptoUtils.server_session_keys(server_keypair, client_keypair[0])
+        assert len(server_keys[0]) == 32 and len(server_keys[1]) == 32
+def test_encrypt_and_decrypt_asymmetric():
+    # Testing asymmetric encryption and decryption to ensure the decrypted text matches the original plaintext
+    test_plaintext = "Saigon, I'm still only in Saigon. Every time I think I'm gonna wake up back in the jungle.."
+    public_key, private_key = CryptoUtils.random_key_pair()
+    encrypted_data = CryptoUtils.encrypt_asymmetric(test_plaintext, public_key.hex())
+    decrypted_data = CryptoUtils.decrypt_asymmetric(encrypted_data, private_key.hex(), public_key.hex())
+    pattern = rf"ph:v{CryptoUtils.VERSION}:[0-9a-fA-F]{{64}}:.+"
+    assert re.match(pattern, encrypted_data) is not None
+    assert decrypted_data == test_plaintext
+class TestGenerateRandomSecret:
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("secret_type, expected_length", [
+        # Testing random secret generation for various types and lengths
+        ('hex', 64), ('alphanumeric', 32), ('base64', 44), ('base64url', 44),
+        ('key128', 24), ('key256', 44)
+    ])
+    def test_generate_random_secret_valid_types(self, secret_type, expected_length):
+        secret = generate_random_secret(secret_type, 32)
+        assert len(secret) == expected_length
+        if secret_type == 'hex':
+            assert re.fullmatch(r'[0-9a-fA-F]+', secret) is not None
+        elif secret_type == 'alphanumeric':
+            assert re.fullmatch(r'[0-9a-zA-Z]+', secret) is not None
+        elif secret_type in ['base64', 'base64url']:
+            base64_bytes = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(secret + '==')
+            assert len(base64_bytes) == 32
+    def test_generate_random_secret_invalid_type(self):
+        # Ensuring that an invalid secret type raises a ValueError
+        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+            generate_random_secret('invalid', 32)
+    def test_generate_random_secret_invalid_length(self):
+        # Ensuring that an invalid length (e.g., zero) raises a ValueError
+        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+            generate_random_secret('hex', 0)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("key_type", ['key256'])
+    def test_encrypt_decrypt_with_generated_keys(self, key_type):
+        # Testing encryption and decryption with XChaCha20-Poly1305 using a generated key
+        key = generate_random_secret(key_type)
+        key_bytes = base64.b64decode(key)
+        test_plaintext = "Test message for encryption and decryption."
+        encrypted_text = CryptoUtils.encrypt_string(test_plaintext, key_bytes)
+        decrypted_plaintext = CryptoUtils.decrypt_string(encrypted_text, key_bytes)
+        assert decrypted_plaintext == test_plaintext
+    # AES 256-bit custom encrypt and decrypt methods
+    @staticmethod
+    def encrypt_aes256(plaintext, key):
+        # Ensuring key length for AES 256 is 32 bytes and performing encryption
+        assert len(key) == 32
+        secret_box = SecretBox(key)
+        return secret_box.encrypt(plaintext.encode())
+    @staticmethod
+    def decrypt_aes256(ciphertext, key):
+        # Ensuring key length for AES 256 is 32 bytes and performing decryption
+        assert len(key) == 32
+        secret_box = SecretBox(key)
+        return secret_box.decrypt(ciphertext).decode()
+    def test_aes256_encryption_decryption(self):
+        # Testing AES 256 encryption and decryption to ensure the decrypted text matches the original plaintext
+        key = generate_random_secret('key256')
+        key_bytes = base64.b64decode(key)
+        test_plaintext = "Test message for AES 256."
+        ciphertext = TestGenerateRandomSecret.encrypt_aes256(test_plaintext, key_bytes)
+        decrypted_plaintext = TestGenerateRandomSecret.decrypt_aes256(ciphertext, key_bytes)
+        assert decrypted_plaintext == test_plaintext
+class TestBlake2bDigest:
+    def test_blake2b_digest_length(self):
+        # Testing the length of the BLAKE2b hash to ensure it's 64 characters (32 bytes hex encoded)
+        input_str = "test string"
+        salt = "salt"
+        result = CryptoUtils.blake2b_digest(input_str, salt)
+        assert len(result) == 64
+    def test_blake2b_digest_consistency(self):
+        # Testing hash consistency for the same input and salt
+        input_str = "consistent input"
+        salt = "consistent salt"
+        hash1 = CryptoUtils.blake2b_digest(input_str, salt)
+        hash2 = CryptoUtils.blake2b_digest(input_str, salt)
+        assert hash1 == hash2
+    def test_blake2b_digest_unique_with_different_inputs(self):
+        # Ensuring different inputs with the same salt produce different hashes
+        salt = "salt"
+        hash1 = CryptoUtils.blake2b_digest("input1", salt)
+        hash2 = CryptoUtils.blake2b_digest("input2", salt)
+        assert hash1 != hash2
+    def test_blake2b_digest_unique_with_different_salts(self):
+        # Ensuring the same input with different salts produces different hashes
+        input_str = "input"
+        hash1 = CryptoUtils.blake2b_digest(input_str, "salt1")
+        hash2 = CryptoUtils.blake2b_digest(input_str, "salt2")
+        assert hash1 != hash2
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("input_str, salt, expected_hash", [
+        # Testing known hash values for specific inputs and salts
+        ("hello", "world", "38010cfe3a8e684cb17e6d049525e71d4e9dc3be173fc05bf5c5ca1c7e7c25e7"),
+        ("another test", "another salt", "5afad949edcfb22bd24baeed4e75b0aeca41731b8dff78f989a5a4c0564f211f")
+    ])
+    def test_blake2b_digest_known_values(self, input_str, salt, expected_hash):
+        # Testing that the calculated hash matches the expected known hash
+        result = CryptoUtils.blake2b_digest(input_str, salt)
+        assert result == expected_hash
+class TestSecretSplitting:
+    def test_xor_secret_splitting_and_reconstruction(self):
+        # Testing XOR-based secret splitting and reconstruction
+        original_secret_hex = "6eed8a70ac9e75ab1894b06d4a5e21d1072649529753f3244316c6d9e4c9c951"
+        original_secret_bytes = bytes.fromhex(original_secret_hex)
+        random_share = os.urandom(len(original_secret_bytes))
+        second_share = CryptoUtils.xor_bytes(original_secret_bytes, random_share)
+        reconstructed_secret_hex = CryptoUtils.reconstruct_secret([random_share.hex(), second_share.hex()])
+        assert reconstructed_secret_hex == original_secret_hex
diff --git a/tests/test_decrypt.py b/tests/test_decrypt.py
deleted file mode 100644
index added1e..0000000
--- a/tests/test_decrypt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import pytest
-from src.phase.phase import Phase
-APP_ID = "phApp:v1:e0e50cb9a1953c610126b4092093b1beca51d08d91fc3d9f8d90482a32853215"
-APP_SECRET = "pss:v1:d261abecb6708c18bebdb8b2748ee574e2b0bdeaf19b081a5f10006cc83d48d0:d146c8c6d326a7842ff9b2da0da455b3f7f568a70808e2eb0cfc5143d4fe170f:59e413612e06d75d251e3416361d0743345a9c9eda1cbcf2b1ef16e3077c011c"
-APP_SECRET_INVALID = "pss:v1:d251abecb6708c18bebdb8b2748ee574e2b0bdeaf19b081a5f10006cc83d48d0:d146c8c6d326a7842ff9b2da0da455b3f7f568a70808e2eb0cfc5143d4fe170d:59e413612e06d75d251e3416361d0743345a9c9eda1cbcf2b1ef16e3077c012d"
-def phase_instance():
-    return Phase(APP_ID, APP_SECRET)
-def mock_fetch_app_key(appToken, wrapKey, appId, dataSize, custom_kms_host=None):
-    return "e35ae9560207c90fa3dd68a8715e13a1ef988bffa284db73f04328df17f37cfe"
-def test_phase_decrypt_returns_correct_plaintext(phase_instance, monkeypatch):
-    data = "Signal"
-    monkeypatch.setattr("src.phase.phase.fetch_app_key", mock_fetch_app_key)
-    ciphertext = phase_instance.encrypt(data)
-    plaintext = phase_instance.decrypt(ciphertext)
-    assert plaintext is not None
-    assert plaintext == data
-def test_phase_decrypt_fails_with_incorrect_app_secret(monkeypatch):
-    phase = Phase(APP_ID, APP_SECRET_INVALID)
-    monkeypatch.setattr("src.phase.phase.fetch_app_key", mock_fetch_app_key)
-    data = "Signal"
-    ciphertext = phase.encrypt(data)
-    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Something went wrong"):
-        phase.decrypt(ciphertext)
diff --git a/tests/test_encrypt.py b/tests/test_encrypt.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e45cefe..0000000
--- a/tests/test_encrypt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-import pytest
-import re
-from src.phase import Phase
-APP_ID = "phApp:v1:cd2d579490fd794f1640590220de86a3676fa7979d419056bc631741b320b701"
-APP_SECRET = "pss:v1:a7a0822aa4a4e4d37919009264200ba6ab978d92c8b4f7db5ae9ce0dfaf604fe:801605dfb89822ff52957abe39949bcfc44b9058ad81de58dd54fb0b110037b4b2bbde5a1143d31bbb3895f72e4ee52f5bd:625d395987f52c37022063eaf9b6260cad9ca03c99609213f899cae7f1bb04e7"
-def phase_instance():
-    return Phase(APP_ID, APP_SECRET)
-def test_phase_encrypt_returns_valid_ph(phase_instance):
-    plaintext = "Signal"
-    tag = "Phase Tag"
-    PH_VERSION = "v1"
-    ciphertext = phase_instance.encrypt(plaintext, tag)
-    assert ciphertext is not None
-    segments = ciphertext.split(":")
-    assert len(segments) == 5
-    assert segments[0] == "ph"
-    assert segments[1] == PH_VERSION
-    assert segments[4] == tag
-    assert re.match("^[0-9a-f]+$", segments[2]) is not None
-    assert re.match(
-        "^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=$)", segments[3]) is not None
-def test_phase_encrypt_produces_same_length_ciphertexts(phase_instance):
-    data = "hello world"
-    num_of_trials = 10
-    ciphertext_lengths = set()
-    for _ in range(num_of_trials):
-        ciphertext = phase_instance.encrypt(data)
-        ciphertext_lengths.add(len(ciphertext))
-    assert len(ciphertext_lengths) == 1
diff --git a/tests/test_init.py b/tests/test_init.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 37bb02b..0000000
--- a/tests/test_init.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-from src.phase import Phase
-import pytest
-APP_ID_INVALID = "phApp:v1:cd2d579490fd794f1640590220de86a3676fa7979d419056bc631741b320b701"
-APP_SECRET_INVALID = "pss:v1:a7a0822aa4a4e4d37919009264200ba6ab978d92c8b4f7db5ae9ce0dfaf604fe:801605dfb89822ff52957abe39949bcfc44b9058ad81de58dd54fb0b110037b4b2bbde5a1143d31bbb3895f72e4ee52f5bd:625d395987f52c37022063eaf9b6260cad9ca03c99609213f899cae7f1bb04e7"
-def phase_instance():
-def test_init_fails_with_invalid_app_id(phase_instance):
-    invalid_app_id = "phApp:version:cd2d579490fd794f1640590220de86a3676fa7979d419056bc631741b320b701"
-    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid Phase APP_ID"):
-        Phase(invalid_app_id, APP_SECRET_INVALID)
-def test_test_init_fails_with_invalid_app_secret(phase_instance):
-    invalid_app_secret = "pss:v1:00000000000000000000000000000000:00000000000000000000000000000000:00000000000000000000000000000000"
-    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid Phase APP_SECRET"):
-        Phase(APP_ID_INVALID, invalid_app_secret)
diff --git a/tests/test_secret_referencing.py b/tests/test_secret_referencing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efd6a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_secret_referencing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+import pytest
+from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
+from src.phase.utils.secret_referencing import resolve_secret_reference, resolve_all_secrets
+from src.phase.utils.exceptions import EnvironmentNotFoundException
+from src.phase.utils.const import SECRET_REF_REGEX
+# Mock data for secrets
+secrets_dict = {
+    "current": {
+        "/": {
+            "KEY": "value1"
+        },
+        "/backend/payments": {
+            "STRIPE_KEY": "stripe_value"
+        }
+    },
+    "staging": {
+        "/": {
+            "DEBUG": "staging_debug_value"
+        }
+    },
+    "prod": {
+        "/frontend": {
+            "SECRET_KEY": "prod_secret_value"
+        }
+    }
+# Mock Phase class
+class MockPhase:
+    def get(self, env_name, app_name, keys, path):
+        if env_name == "prod" and path == "/frontend":
+            return [{"key": "SECRET_KEY", "value": "prod_secret_value"}]
+        raise EnvironmentNotFoundException(env_name=env_name)
+def phase():
+    return MockPhase()
+def current_env_name():
+    return "current"
+def current_application_name():
+    return "test_app"
+def test_resolve_local_reference_root(phase, current_application_name, current_env_name):
+    ref = "KEY"
+    resolved_value = resolve_secret_reference(ref, secrets_dict, phase, current_application_name, current_env_name)
+    assert resolved_value == "value1"
+def test_resolve_local_reference_path(phase, current_application_name, current_env_name):
+    ref = "/backend/payments/STRIPE_KEY"
+    resolved_value = resolve_secret_reference(ref, secrets_dict, phase, current_application_name, current_env_name)
+    assert resolved_value == "stripe_value"
+def test_resolve_cross_environment_root(phase, current_application_name, current_env_name):
+    ref = "staging.DEBUG"
+    resolved_value = resolve_secret_reference(ref, secrets_dict, phase, current_application_name, current_env_name)
+    assert resolved_value == "staging_debug_value"
+def test_resolve_cross_environment_path(phase, current_application_name, current_env_name):
+    ref = "prod./frontend/SECRET_KEY"
+    resolved_value = resolve_secret_reference(ref, secrets_dict, phase, current_application_name, current_env_name)
+    assert resolved_value == "prod_secret_value"
+def test_resolve_all_secrets(phase, current_application_name, current_env_name):
+    value = "Use this key: ${KEY}, and this staging key: ${staging.DEBUG}, and this path key: ${/backend/payments/STRIPE_KEY}"
+    all_secrets = [
+        {"environment": "current", "path": "/", "key": "KEY", "value": "value1"},
+        {"environment": "staging", "path": "/", "key": "DEBUG", "value": "staging_debug_value"},
+        {"environment": "current", "path": "/backend/payments", "key": "STRIPE_KEY", "value": "stripe_value"}
+    ]
+    resolved_value = resolve_all_secrets(value, all_secrets, phase, current_application_name, current_env_name)
+    expected_value = "Use this key: value1, and this staging key: staging_debug_value, and this path key: stripe_value"
+    assert resolved_value == expected_value
+# Edge Case: Missing key in the current environment
+def test_resolve_missing_local_key(phase, current_application_name, current_env_name):
+    ref = "MISSING_KEY"
+    resolved_value = resolve_secret_reference(ref, secrets_dict, phase, current_application_name, current_env_name)
+    assert resolved_value == "${MISSING_KEY}"
+# Edge Case: Missing key in a cross environment reference
+def test_resolve_missing_cross_env_key(phase, current_application_name, current_env_name):
+    ref = "prod.MISSING_KEY"
+    resolved_value = resolve_secret_reference(ref, secrets_dict, phase, current_application_name, current_env_name)
+    assert resolved_value == "${prod.MISSING_KEY}"
+# Edge Case: Missing path in a cross environment reference
+def test_resolve_missing_cross_env_path(phase, current_application_name, current_env_name):
+    ref = "prod./missing_path/SECRET_KEY"
+    resolved_value = resolve_secret_reference(ref, secrets_dict, phase, current_application_name, current_env_name)
+    assert resolved_value == "${prod./missing_path/SECRET_KEY}"
+# Complex Case: Mixed references with missing values
+def test_resolve_mixed_references_with_missing(phase, current_application_name, current_env_name):
+    value = "Local: ${KEY}, Missing Local: ${MISSING_KEY}, Cross: ${staging.DEBUG}, Missing Cross: ${prod.MISSING_KEY}"
+    all_secrets = [
+        {"environment": "current", "path": "/", "key": "KEY", "value": "value1"},
+        {"environment": "staging", "path": "/", "key": "DEBUG", "value": "staging_debug_value"}
+    ]
+    resolved_value = resolve_all_secrets(value, all_secrets, phase, current_application_name, current_env_name)
+    expected_value = "Local: value1, Missing Local: ${MISSING_KEY}, Cross: staging_debug_value, Missing Cross: ${prod.MISSING_KEY}"
+    assert resolved_value == expected_value
+# Edge Case: Local reference with missing path
+def test_resolve_local_reference_missing_path(phase, current_application_name, current_env_name):
+    ref = "/missing_path/KEY"
+    resolved_value = resolve_secret_reference(ref, secrets_dict, phase, current_application_name, current_env_name)
+    assert resolved_value == "${/missing_path/KEY}"
+# Edge Case: Invalid reference format
+def test_resolve_invalid_reference_format(phase, current_application_name, current_env_name):
+    ref = "invalid_format"
+    resolved_value = resolve_secret_reference(ref, secrets_dict, phase, current_application_name, current_env_name)
+    assert resolved_value == "${invalid_format}"
\ No newline at end of file