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This page encapsulates the most relevant aspects on development with phase4
phase4 currently consists of the following submodules:
- phase4-lib - basic data structures for AS4 handling, sending and receiving
phase4-profile-... - AS4 profile for
as well as the PMode and the respective validation - phase4-test - integration test project
- phase4-server-webapp - Standalone AS4 server for demo purposes
- phase4-dynamic-discovery - a shared library that contains common stuff for dynamic discovery using SML and SMP
phase4-...-client - a specific client to send messages using the
profile - phase4-peppol-servlet - a specific servlet that can be used to receive messages from Peppol
- phase4-peppol-server-webapp - a simple standalone Peppol AS4 server for demo purposes
- phase4-spring-boot-demo - an example how to integrate phase4 with Spring Boot
If you want to use phase4 with Maven I suggest the following way:
- add the BOM into your
section and - add the main artefacts without version in the
block to have a consistent versioning:
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<!-- step 1 -->
<!-- step 2 -->
Apache Maven needed v3.6 or later and Java JDK 11 or later is required. The solution is developed with Adoptium formerly known as AdoptOpenJDK.
To build the whole package on the commandline use mvn clean install -U
If you are importing this into your IDE and you get build errors, it maybe necessary to run mvn process-sources
once in the phase4-lib
Afterwards the folder target/generated-sources/xjc
must be added to the source build path.
When building only on the commandline, this is done automatically.
The following tables show the runtime dependencies of the different submodules. The order is alphabetical by the artefact name. Dependencies only needed for testing are NOT shown (e.g. JUnit).
The phase4-lib
depends at runtime on the following libraries:
Artefact | Vendor |
org.eclipse.angus:angus-activation | Eclipse Foundation AISBL |
org.eclipse.angus:angus-mail | Eclipse Foundation AISBL |
org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk18on | The Legion of the Bouncy Castle |
org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk18on | The Legion of the Bouncy Castle |
org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk18on | The Legion of the Bouncy Castle |
org.bouncycastle:bcutil-jdk18on | The Legion of the Bouncy Castle |
commons-codec:commons-codec | Apache Software Foundation |
org.cryptacular:cryptacular | Virginia Tech |
org.apache.httpcomponents:client5 | Apache Software Foundation |
org.apache.httpcomponents.core5:httpcore5 | Apache Software Foundation |
org.apache.httpcomponents.core5:httpcore5-h2 | Apache Software Foundation |
jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api | Eclipse Foundation AISBL |
jakarta.mail:jakarta.mail-api | Eclipse Foundation AISBL |
jakarta.servlet:jakarta.servlet-api | Eclipse Foundation AISBL |
jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api | Eclipse Foundation AISBL |
org.jasypt:jasypt | jasypt Team |
org.sl4j:jcl-over-slf4j | QOS.ch |
com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305 | Findbugs team |
org.sl4j:jul-to-slf4j | QOS.ch |
com.helger.commons:ph-bc | Philip Helger |
com.helger.commons:ph-collection | Philip Helger |
com.helger.commons:ph-commons | Philip Helger |
com.helger.commons:ph-config | Philip Helger |
com.helger.commons:ph-dao | Philip Helger |
com.helger.commons:ph-datetime | Philip Helger |
com.helger.web:ph-http | Philip Helger |
com.helger.web:ph-httpclient | Philip Helger |
com.helger.commons:ph-jaxb | Philip Helger |
com.helger.commons:ph-jaxb-adapter | Philip Helger |
com.helger.commons:ph-json | Philip Helger |
com.helger.web:ph-mail | Philip Helger |
com.helger.masterdata:ph-masterdata | Philip Helger |
com.helger.schedule:ph-mini-quartz | Philip Helger |
com.helger.web:ph-network | Philip Helger |
com.helger.photon:ph-oton-audit | Philip Helger |
com.helger.photon:ph-oton-io | Philip Helger |
com.helger.photon:ph-oton-security | Philip Helger |
com.helger.schedule:ph-schedule | Philip Helger |
com.helger.commons:ph-scopes | Philip Helger |
com.helger.commons:ph-security | Philip Helger |
com.helger.web:ph-servlet | Philip Helger |
com.helger.masterdata:ph-tenancy | Philip Helger |
com.helger.web:ph-useragent | Philip Helger |
com.helger.web:ph-web | Philip Helger |
com.helger.commons:ph-xml | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-xlink | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-xml | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-xmldsig | Philip Helger |
com.helger.web:ph-xservlet | Philip Helger |
org.sl4j:slf4j-api | QOS.ch |
com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations | Spotbugs Team |
org.apache.wss4j:wss4j-ws-security-common | Apache Software Foundation |
org.apache.wss4j:wss4j-ws-security-dom | Apache Software Foundation |
org.apache.santuario:xmlsec | Apache Software Foundation |
The submodule phase4-peppol-client
adds the following libraries compared to phase4-lib
Artefact | Vendor |
dnsjava:dnsjava | dnsjava Team |
jakarta.xml.soap:jakarta.xml.soap-api | Eclipse Foundation AISBL |
jakarta.xml.ws:jakarta.xml.ws-api | Eclipse Foundation AISBL |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-commons | Philip Helger |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-id | Philip Helger |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-id-datatypes | Philip Helger |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-reporting-api | Philip Helger |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-sbdh | Philip Helger |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-smp-client | Philip Helger |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-smp-datatypes | Philip Helger |
com.helger.cii:ph-cii-d16b | Philip Helger |
com.helger.diver:ph-diver-api | Philip Helger |
com.helger.web:ph-dns | Philip Helger |
com.helger.phive:phive-api | Philip Helger |
com.helger.phive.rules:phive-rules-peppol | Philip Helger |
com.helger.phive:phive-xml | Philip Helger |
com.helger:ph-sbdh | Philip Helger |
com.helger.schematron:ph-schematron-api | Philip Helger |
com.helger.schematron:ph-schematron-pure | Philip Helger |
com.helger.schematron:ph-schematron-schxslt | Philip Helger |
com.helger.schematron:ph-schematron-xslt | Philip Helger |
com.helger.ubl:ph-ubl21 | Philip Helger |
com.helger.ubl:ph-ubl23 | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-bdxr-smp1 | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-bdxr-smp2 | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-ccts-cct-schemamodule | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-wsaddr | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-xades132 | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-xades141 | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-xmldsig11 | Philip Helger |
net.sf.saxon:Saxon-HE | Saxonica |
name.dmaus.schxslt:schxslt | David Maus |
org.xmlresolver:xmlresolver | Norman Walsh |
The submodule phase4-peppol-servlet
adds the following libraries compared to phase4-lib
Artefact | Vendor |
dnsjava:dnsjava | dnsjava Team |
jakarta.xml.soap:jakarta.xml.soap-api | Eclipse Foundation AISBL |
jakarta.xml.ws:jakarta.xml.ws-api | Eclipse Foundation AISBL |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-commons | Philip Helger |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-id | Philip Helger |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-id-datatypes | Philip Helger |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-reporting-api | Philip Helger |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-sbdh | Philip Helger |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-smp-client | Philip Helger |
com.helger.peppol:peppol-smp-datatypes | Philip Helger |
com.helger.web:ph-dns | Philip Helger |
com.helger:ph-sbdh | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-bdxr-smp1 | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-bdxr-smp2 | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-ccts-cct-schemamodule | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-wsaddr | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-xades132 | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-xades141 | Philip Helger |
com.helger.xsd:ph-xsds-xmldsig11 | Philip Helger |
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