Code tidying re std:: prefixing / namespace issues, API/functionality unchanged
BUGFIX client name not getting correctly set - would revert to default generated name in certain cases
Major release requiring additional libraries, having breaking API changes and additional features. While regrettable, these are the result of continuing to move away from the illogical, inefficient, unnecessarily complex and just plain wrong API of "another library" that PangolinMQTT was written to replace. In earlier versions, full API compatibility was preserved to ease transition. Users were warned at the the time that the API would change: to fix obvious errors and arrant nonsense in "the other library". Version 3 is the final stage of that transition and the API is unlikely to change henceforth. Your patience and understanding is appreciated.
Closer 3.1.1 compliance:
- Multiple topics in single subscribe call
- Multiple topics in single unsubscribe call
Many API changes and renaming. Refer to main API docs.
- Forked AsyncTCP ( For ESP32 builds only, but see below for ESP8266)
- PMB Tools
- AardvarkTCP
Which you will need to install from scratch
- Forked ESPAsyncTCP (ESP8266 builds)
Meaning you will need to upgrade your existing copy
I am always grateful for any $upport on Patreon :)
(C) 2021 Phil Bowles