Emits H4PE_Q
events at a user-defined frequency. The event message contains the string representation of the size of the H4 task Queue.
For information on how to use this plugin, see 💎Everything is an event: Listeners, Emitters and Handlers
H4P_EmitQ queueEmitter(...
This plugin is a "singleton" - there may be only one single instance of it in the app. It may be instantiated as any name the user chooses, prefix all API calls below with than name.
/ start
have no effect
uint32_t f; event frequency in milliseconds
uint32_t scale; multiply the actual value by this amount - this makes the graph trace much more visible if graphed at the same time as e.g. heap with is usually 5 digits
H4P_EmitQ(uint32_t f=1000,uint32_t scale=1)
(c) 2021 Phil Bowles [email protected]