registers a handler function with a selected set of events, which are saved to sent to a remote url as POST
request with application/x-www-form-urlencoded
data fields.
For information on how to use this plugin, see Everything is an event: Listeners, Emitters and Handlers
The data fields' names will need to be known by the remote server's POST handler.
- device
- type
- source
- msg
H4P_RemoteLogger myLL(...
This plugin is a "singleton" - there may be only one single instance of it in the app. It may be instantiated as any name the user chooses.
/ start
have no effect
/* constructor
// url remote server format "http://host:port/path/?a=b..." can start https://. port, path, query all optional
// e.g. "http://myserver.local:1883"
filter; // Name of the event (or combination of events) to be written to the log
H4P_RemoteLogger(const string& url,uint32_t filter=H4PE_ALL);
See also MySQL event logger github repo for a NodeJS / Express demo webserver which will process the events sent by H4P_RemoteLogger
and store them in a MySQL database
(c) 2021 Phil Bowles [email protected]