You need to be familiar with the terminology used by these Plugins, you must read Things and Switches first.
H4_USE_PLUGINS(115200,20,false) // Serial baud rate, Q size, SerialCmd autostop
H4P_BinarySwitch h4onof(...
// OR H4P_BinaryThing h4onof(...
// OR H4P_ConditionalThing h4onof(...
// OR H4P_ConditionalSwitch h4onof(...
Only one of the above may exist in the app. The result of using more than one is undefined / unsupported
H4P_PinMachine - must be declared before the ...Switch / ...Thing
H4P_Wifi - adds "Big red switch" and autoOff input field. If The
variants are used it also add a boolean LED to the webUI to denote the current condition. -
H4P_AsyncMQTT - publishes
on change
(automatic off time T milliseconds)h4/off
(payload N = 1 or 0)h4/toggle
(invert current state)h4/state
(report state) [ if LOG_MESSAGES is defined in config_plugins.h ]
/ start
have no effect
Common parameters:
H4BS_FN_SWITCH f; // "Thing" function => void myThing(bool onoroff);
H4_FN_CPRED predicate // function whose return value defines whether the device should accept / reject commands. bool predicateFunction()
bool initial; // initial internal state ON or OFF
uint32_t auto; // auto-off timer (milliseconds) 0 = never
H4P_BinaryThing(H4P_FN_VB thingFunction,bool initial=OFF,uint32_t timer=0);
H4P_ConditionalThing(H4P_FN_VB thingFunction,H4_FN_CPRED predicate,bool initial=OFF,uint32_t timer=0):
parameters for switches
uint8_t pin; // GPIO pin number
H4GM_SENSE sense; // whether this GPIO is ON when ACTIVE_HIGH or ACTIVE_LOW
color = the color of the condition bool LED in the webUI
H4P_BinarySwitch(uint8_t pin,H4PM_SENSE sense,uint8_t color=H4P_UILED_BI,uint32_t initial=OFF,uint32_t timer=0);
H4P_ConditionalSwitch(H4_FN_CPRED predicate,uint8_t pin,H4PM_SENSE sense,uint8_t color=H4P_UILED_BI,uint32_t initial=OFF,uint32_t timer=0):
void autoOff(uint32_t T);
Sets auto-off timer to T milliseconds. 0 = Never.
uint32_t getAutoOff();
Returns current value of auto-off timer;
bool state();
Return current internal state
void turnOff();
Set internal state to OFF and emit H4P__OFF
void turnOn();
Set internal state to ON and emit H4P__ON
void turn(bool onoroff)
Set internal state to ON or OFF and emit H4P__ON or H4P__OFF
( Conditional...
variants only)
(Only when Conditional...
variant used)
void syncCondition();
Synchronise webUI view of "Condition" with its true state.
This should be called whenever the value returned by the predicate function changes. Only the user can know what criteria constitute the condition, and thus when its state on the webUI needs to be updated. It is essential therefore, that the user calls this function at the relevant time in the life of the Conditional...
plugin to keep the webUI "in sync".
- BinarySwitch
- BinarySwitch with Multifunction button
- BinarySwitch with MQTT
- ConditionalSwitch
- Advanced: Real-world ConditionalSwitch (Light-dependent Alarm)
(c) 2021 Phil Bowles [email protected]