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Our POC is currently functional, but since Prolog 7.6.4 does not include the PCRE library, and the http library does not include an HTTP server in 7.6.4, the regex matching and the REST API features of our POC are not provided for 7.6.4 (but if you test with Prolog 8.0+, these will work as expected). These are not the main elements of our POC, so details about these features are found in the appendix.


Software development is consistently on the leading edge of occupational innovation and process improvement. Advancements in machine learning and prediction are helping development environments save developers time and effort by anticipating their intentions and offering suggestions. FastFuncs is a tool that allows users to quickly find functions and automate function composition.

This project is in fulfillment of the CPSC 312 2021W1 project requirements.

Team Members

Our team is:

  • Philippe Solodov (25117292): SoloDev
  • Sam Ko (98263569): K-O
  • Scott Banducci (80557069): Bandersnatch
  • Luis Victoria (78827979): Tor

We call ourselves: Pattern Match This.

Product Pitch

The software development industry continues to grow and with it so does the demand for programmers. Many companies require their software developers to work harder and longer in order to increase productivity. This mismanagement can lead to overbearing crunch times, lowering workers' quality of life. Fortunately this industry is populated by adapters, innovators and outside the box thinkers who are ready to learn new technologies to make their workflows easier and more efficient. Modern IDEs already provide simple auto-complete as users type, and services like GitHub's Copilot try to help programmers quickly complete their programs by predicting their intent. FastFuncs is an evolution of these technologies, which gives programmers highly customizable, feature-rich code discovery and autocompletion tools, which avoid many of the pitfalls of existing tools.

FastFuncs is a next generation programming assistant that helps users quickly find and compose functions to perform particular tasks, using state-of-the-art natural language processing techniques to interpret intent and search databases of functions, returning only the most relevant results. Users can quickly import their codebases into FastFuncs, with a variety of easy-to-use interfaces which can be adapted to any user's particular needs. Once this is done, they can:

  1. Search their entire codebase with FastFuncs' own predicates, and with their own predicates, with minimal effort
  2. Use a natural language description to automatically generate a sequence of functions to accomplish a particular task
  3. Provide code-completion which can take into account the surrounding context, including functions and documentation

FastFuncs not only makes it easy to quickly design novel functions, but also makes it possible to improve programs by finding better ways to transform inputs into outputs. Programmers can use this functionality to simplify their programs, or make them more efficient, reducing maintenance burden and costly software bugs.

Investing in your employees' tools with the addition of FastFuncs will allow your employees to maximize their efficiency and, most importantly, their quality of life.

Minimal Viable Project

Our MVP will deliver 3 core features necessary to build the product above:

  1. Consolidation of all functions available given imported and standard libraries into a single knowledge-base.
  2. Processing of natural language descriptions to identify suitable functions to satisfy said description
  3. A scoring feature which will sort the possible approaches by what is most likely the best option

Our MVP omits a GUI, but provides a command line UI and a REST API, which makes it easy for users to build their own interfaces for their language or IDE, and they could either extend the CLI with a language specific module, or use the REST API to provide the required features. A full implementation of our product pitch would also incorporate powerful NLP models to work with complex user descriptions, and utilize NLP to improve the quality of searches - for example, by automatically detecting synonyms and allowing these to be incorporated into queries. Our MVP does not incorporate these, but will make it easy to add these through a simple constraint interface, which can easily be extended to allow this functionality.

Prolog is very suitable for representing a codebases' API, and performing searches over it, as it is possible to use simple predicates to compose a complete description of a function or path you want to discover - for example, the user could compose an input constraint, an output constraint, and a regex constraint on the function name to find a function which takes a particular input, produces a particular output, and matches the given regex. Our constraint API also makes it possible to assign scores to particular constraints being satisfied, which makes it possible for users to prioritize a particular feature when performing searches.

By building systems of constraints, we have already begun to learn the necessary techniques to effectively use Prolog for implementing search algorithms, and have learned about features such as cut, and where they can be used to avoid repeating or producing unexpected results. We have also learned more about Prolog's module system in order to effectively organize all of the individual components for easy discovery. Additionally, we can make use of Prolog's definite clause grammars to make it possible for users to specify their functions in whichever programming style they prefer - the default style we will use is reminiscent of Haskell - a few examples follow:

print is a function which takes an int, and produces nothing:

print :: [int] -> []

increment is a function which takes an int, and produces another int:

increment :: [int] -> [int]

add is a generic function which takes two instances of Add, and produces another instance of Add:

add<X: Add> :: [x, x] -> [x]

Documentation can optionally be appended, by using | Documentation at the end of a function signature:

add<X: Add> :: [x, x] -> [x] | Adds two items.

We also anticipate that building functions for scoring paths can be used to train machine learning models to more intelligently explore the space of user defined functions, which would help in the development of the full product.

Proof of Concept

Our POC demonstrates our ability to define and search a knowledge-base of sample functions (such as print()), create a chain or path of functions and use scoring algorithms in conjunction with search algorithms to prioritize the most relevant search results. It also demonstrates the usage of DCGs to parse user input and subsequently define functions and options via the CLI.

It allows the user to:

  1. Define functions (with documentation), types, and traits (eg. Haskell typeclasses), via JSON files, a REST API, or command line input. Functions and types support generic arguments, allowing for the definition of complex type systems.
  2. Test that individual functions have a particular set of features, and sort said functions with a computed score.
  3. Generate a sequence of functions which can transform a provided set of inputs into a provided set of outputs, and satisfy a provided set of path-specific constraints.

File Overview contains details about all of the Prolog files in this project.

This represents the core functionality our product aims to provide:

  1. a user interface where users can easily define new functions, types, and traits, and perform searches over the knowledge base, using constraints to find the most appropriate functions
  2. A REST API, which allows any IDE or any language to easily provide powerful search functionality over any codebase with minimal effort

We were already confident that Prolog's search features and easy to extend knowledge base would make it very easy to define functions and search them. Implementing this POC demonstrates that our belief is indeed correct. The core of our POC is built on a very flexible search system, which makes use of composable function and path constraints which we (and potential users) can easily define and extend. This search system provides a variety of search methods - depth-first, breadth-first, and best-first, which allows choosing between time/space availability and quality of results. On top of this core, we have implemented two interfaces - a powerful terminal interface CLI which is designed to be user-facing, with easily discoverable interactions, and a REST API, which allows IDEs or programming languages to add, define, and search for functions.

Since our searches already make use of parameterized constraints, we are confident that we could incorportable constraints built on top of natural language processing, using tokenization or sentence similarity techniques to direct searches. We do not currently assign weights to any of the constraints used during searches, so best-first search will weigh them equally, but given our experience building "generic" functions in Prolog, we believe this should be relatively simple to implement.

We have also used definite clause grammars to parse simple function signatures - so far, this has not been overly difficult, and we believe that we could add additional DCGs for syntax from languages such as Python or Java, which would make it easy for IDEs or end-users to use this as their code search engine.

During development, we found that the execution of Prolog programs can be counter-intuitive at first - for example, "N-1" is lazily evaluated, which can be quite surprising when implementing recursive functions, and it is necessary to use somewhat frequently use prolog's cut - !.

We believe that our proof of concept goes well above-and-beyond the requirements, and could be considered an MVP. How to test and run the code: Prolog covers searching, defining, and generating function paths via the CLI. Additional functionality provided by the CLI appears in Appendix. Since the REST API does not provide new features over the CLI, it also appears in the appendix, at REST API Overview.

File Overview

  • - This file is used to check if the currently running version of Prolog includes the necessary libraries for specific functionality to be available.
  •, These files contain function and path constraints, as well as functionality for defining and composing said constraints. Constraints can be used both for rejecting candidate functions and paths, and for scoring them, allowing us to order search results.
  • This file contains a set of sample function definitions, and a primitive type system with generic functions and a limited implementation of typeclasses.
  • function/ functionality for serializing/deserializing functions from/to JSON.
  • function/ functionality for parsing Haskell-style function signatures, trait declarations (eg. typeclasses) and types with optional generics.
  • This file provides a REPL, where users can enter commands and view output. It also provides functionality for finding misspelled commands using Levenshtein distance, and allows users to easily list commands and find instructions for how particular commands are used.
  • This file provides func_path, func_path_no_cycles, find_func, and find_funcs. These functions allow finding individual functions, or generating chains of functions that transform inputs into outputs. All of these functions accept constraints to filter functions and paths.
  • This file provides a basic REST API, where users can define, find, and delete functions. Responses are currently served as a formatted line of text. Please note that this requires a recent version of SWIPL, as the http library in 7.6.4 does not provide an HTTP server.
  • This file provides functions for common sequence operations, including subsequence detection, substring matching, Levenshtien distance, joining lists of strings, and checking for subsets.
  • A small client, written in Prolog, which sends a series of requests to the REST API implemented in and tests for correct responses.
  • Tests for core functionality related to generating paths, defining functions, serializing and deserializing them to/from JSON, and constraints.

How to test and run the code: Haskell

Replace this section with instructions to us for how to test and run your code.

As it is currently set up, editing works best if you first cd into the haskell subdirectory and open VS Code on that directory (code .). There is a Makefile with some helpful aliases, but you can also just use stack as normal.

Note: We expect to be able to test your code by running stack test. Included among your tests should be some that demonstrate the core functionality of your code. (We will be running make haskell-eval from the project root.)

We should be able to further explore your code's functionality by running stack ghci, and you should instruct us on some interesting cases to try.

If you include instructions different from these, be absolutely sure that they will work well for us in whatever environment we run your code and that they will be as easy to use as the instructions above!

How to test and run the code: Prolog

NOTE: The REST API does not work on the department computers, as the http library does not include an HTTP server in Prolog 7.6.4.

In this section, we cover testing, and usage of the CLI to define functions and types, and performing various queries over them. Additonal features, including the REST API, are described in the appendix.

In the prolog directory, you can run make test to run the unit tests. You can also load the test file into the swipl repl with make test-repl and in that repl you can run run_tests. to run those tests.

The project uses the http, pcre, and dcg libraries. If it is run with SWIPL 8.+, all functionality will be available. If not, then the pcre library will not be imported, and only the JSON capabilities of the http library will be used. This has been tested on the department computers using SWIPL 7.6.4, and using SWIPL 8.4 locally, and all tests pass.

Please note that using make prolog-eval or make test will only test the REST API if run on Prolog 8+. For more details, go to REST API Overview.

CLI Overview

This program provides a REPL, which can be initialized by running swipl

user:~/cpsc312-project/prolog$ swipl

Use swipl --help for help information:

user:~/cpsc312-project/prolog$ swipl --help
Use `help command` for help with a particular command
Available commands: 

and swipl --help COMMAND for instructions for a particular command:

user:~/cpsc312-project/prolog$ swipl --help define
Defines a function from user input.
Example: define fnName :: [arg1, arg2] -> [output1, output2] | doc 

CLI Examples

In this section, we go over the most important commands in the FastFunc CLI interface, which cover the core elements our POC hopes to demonstrate. This includes defining functions, searching for them, and being able to use generic types and functions.

The primary path composition and search functionality has settings which can be set using --KEY=VALUE style arguments, and accepts the same syntax for defining function signatures as described in the MVP, though function names and documentation are omitted, as these are optional, which can be seen in the following examples.

If you want to find at most 3 function paths, which accept an int, and produce an int:

user:~/cpsc312-project/prolog$ swipl
>>> path [int] -> [int] --limit=3
Found 3 solutions:

If you want to find a function whose name contains the subsequence pant2 (other keys and options are described at CLI, REST API Parameters):

user:~/cpsc312-project/prolog$ swipl
>>> search [str] -> [int] --name=pant2 --name_cmp=subseq
Found 1 solutions:
Function: parseInt2

You can define new functions, and then search for them:

user:~/cpsc312-project/prolog$ swipl
>>> define pow :: [int, int] -> [int] | Raises x to the power of e
Adding function: pow
>>> search [int] -> [int] --docs=power --doc_cmp=substr
Found 1 solutions:
Function: pow
>>> path [int] -> [int]
Found 5 solutions:
decrement -> increment

In this example, we show the usage of define type impls Trait, where you can specify that a particular type implements a trait. The knowledge base contains the function add, which takes two instances of Add and adds them, and sum, which does the same, but with a List. listify takes any item, and produces a list containing the item. When we specify that str impls Add, str can be used as an argument to add, and listify allows creating a list which is then summed, as we see below:

user:~/cpsc312-project/prolog$ swipl
>>> path [str] -> [str]
Found 0 solutions:
>>> define str impls Add
Adding impls for str: [Add]
>>> path [str] -> [str] --strategy=dfs
Found 4 solutions:
listify -> sum
listify -> sum -> add
add -> listify -> sum

More examples of other features not explored here are covered in More CLI Examples.


This section provides additional examples of using the CLI, which demonstrate additional features. We also cover the REST API and how it is tested, and provide an overview of all the parameters which can be used in both the CLI and REST API.

More CLI Examples

If you misspell a command, the CLI will offer to correct it and run the corrected version:

user:~/cpsc312-project/prolog$ swipl
>>> pxth [int] -> [int]
Did you mean path? Type y or n: path [int] -> [int]
Found 5 solutions:
decrement -> increment
add -> increment

You can store the current knowledge base and then load it from disk for later usage. In this example, we also show the clear command, which will clear the knowledge base, and the usage of --strategy=dfs, which will make the path command generate paths using depth-first search.

user:~/cpsc312-project/prolog$ swipl
>>> store ./funcs.json
>>> clear
Database has been erased.
>>> path [int] -> [int]
Found 0 solutions:
>>> load ./funcs.json
>>> path [int] -> [int] --strategy=dfs
Found 5 solutions:
increment -> decrement
increment -> decrement -> listify -> sum
increment -> decrement -> listify -> sum -> add
increment -> decrement -> add

In this final example, we demonstrate a few other features. In particular, os will print out the current operating system, and quit will shut the program down. define trait ... provides a mechanism for defining type classes, but this feature is not complete:

user:~/cpsc312-project/prolog$ swipl
>>> define trait Example: Bounds
User tried to define trait: trait(Example,[Bounds])
>>> os
>>> quit

REST API Overview

NOTE: The REST API does not work on the department computers, as the http library does not include an HTTP server in SWIPL 7.6.4. This should be available in SWIPL 8.2.4 (http server was added to SWIPL on Nov 13 2020, and SWIPL 8.2.4 was released in Jan 2021).

If testing on a supported version of SWIPL, it is possible to launch the server for the REST API via the CLI:

user:~/cpsc312-project/prolog$ swipl launch 5000
% Started server at http://localhost:5000/

You can test the REST API by running swipl -g run_tests -t halt (these tests are only run if SWIPL 8+ is detected). This will launch unique instances of the server for each test, and perform a series of http queries. Each test will automatically select free ports on the machine.

The table below describes all endpoints and supported methods.

Endpoint/Method Description Parameters Errors Output
func/get Get one or more functions with the described features name, name_cmp, docs, doc_cmp, inputs, outputs (all optional) 404 if nothing found All functions in JSON format
func/post Add one function with the described features name, inputs, outputs, docs (docs optional) N/A Uuid in JSON format
func/delete Delete one function with the given uuid uuid 404 if uuid not found, 405 if uuid belongs to specialized function Uuid in JSON format

Due to the behaviour of Prolog's http library, specifying that a function has no arguments/output requires using boolean parameters "no_inputs" and "no_outputs", respectively.

CLI, REST API Parameters

Below is a table which describes support for each key/value pair in the CLI and REST API, as well as a description of the inputs to each key:

Key Description CLI Support REST API Support
name Search for a particular name
docs Search for documentation
name_cmp Comparison method when comparing the string specified by name to a particular function name
doc_cmp Comparison method when comparing the string specified by docs to specific documentation
strategy Strategy used when generating sequences of functions
no_inputs Used in the REST API to specify lack of inputs. In CLI, use [].
no_outputs Used in the REST API to specify lack of outputs. In CLI, use [].

name/docs: Any string. If you want to use a string containing whitespace, wrap the string with double quotes and use backslashes to escape backslashes and double quotes.

strategy options:

  • dfs: Search for a path using depth-first search
  • bfs: Search for a path using breadth-first search
  • bestfs: Search for a path using best-first search.

*_cmp options:

  • lev: Levenshtein
  • subseq: Subsequence matching (all letters in source appear in same order in target)
  • substr: Substring matching (all letters in source appear in same order and adjacent in target).
  • eq: Equality
  • re: Regex match (NOT SUPPORTED FOR VERSIONS < 8.0)