1.3.0 (2023-01-27)
1.3.0-beta.1 (2023-01-26)
- core/menu: remove text decoration (#321) (f45ac44)
- core/theme-switcher: correct typo for MutationObserver (#320) (fce302c)
- core/tree: initializing tree (#319) (7d9b373)
1.3.0-beta.0 (2023-01-23)
- aggrid: remove clip from ag-radiobutton (#260) (7536529)
- core/button: apply correct disable state (#286) (11f97cc)
- core/category-filter, core/expanding-search: adjust clear button (#303) (87574a6)
- core/chip: implement inactive state (#302) (ea0381e)
- core/icon-button: prevent events during disable state (#262) (56d0f3a)
- core/map-navigation: overlay close functionality (#269) (014b7ca)
- core/menu: update overlay animation (#282) (1feb147)
- core/modal: backdrop static only dismisses modal on actual backdrop (#285) (6d55b93)
- core/modal: set max-height (#283) (066b356)
- core/select: replace mutation observer with dom events (#300) (c9ec1ff)
- core: chip alignment (#259) (1b490dd)
- core: pill alignment (#255) (1e0fa2f)
- echarts: update theme colors (#281) (8a0cbff)
- aggrid: add pagination theme support (#261) (8496a00)
- angular/modal: support modal content by component class (#256) (d7479d9)
- core/dropdown-button: add dropdown-button (#229) (8d6ae8b)
1.2.1 (2022-12-14)
- aggrid: set theme font colors (#238) (2f0aeda)
- html-test-app/modal: create web component in example (1ab58b5)
1.2.0 (2022-12-12)
- angular/modal-service: pass config object to modal function (#200) (8b5f163)
- angular: downgrade @angular/compiler to v13-lts (#194) (cb3c15b)
- core/checkbox, core/radiobutton: hide native intput (#235) (c481a6b)
- core/group: show context-menu based on dropdown (#222) (2bffcb7)
- core/icon-button: adjust styling of smaller buttons (#218) (e29271b)
- core/menu-avatar: show avatar icon (#201) (dee02b8)
- core/modal: update header alignment (#217) (83391ba)
- core/select: handle overflow of pills (#224) (81aca1f)
- core: radio button indeterminate (#213) (dbc0124)
- documentation: fix buttons responsiveness (#203) (ff1b946)
- angular/dropdown: add trigger directive (#223) (e698bc9)
- angular/modal-service: add property to pass data into context (#206) (0408cd4)
- core/modal: return modal instance when opening a new modal (#215) (097acfc)
- core/radiobutton, core/checkbox: align text if line break occurs (#214) (354db6c)
- core: activate additional compiler features (#219) (90363be)
1.1.1 (2022-11-30)
- core/button: remove border from ghost button (#184) (a11bf31)
- core/event-list-item: use correct custom properties (#180) (a1fe4c9)
- core/event-list: prevent event list from hiding chevron (#185) (ca937a2)
- core/map-navigation: use ix-application-header for header part (#169) (de31afa)
- core/select: observer child label change (#181) (f968e34)
- core/select: prevent string to be spread by '...' operator (#166) (ec6744a)
- core: button group borders (#170) (07f34ae)
- core: checkbox changes to match design (#187) (61deb8c)
- core: radiobutton corrected design spec (#186) (f79e099)
- documentation: add deprecated tag to api table (#189) (eddc41b)
- update @siemens/ix-icons to v1.0.2 (#196) (1816654)
1.1.0 (2022-11-22)
- core, documentation: add missing autogenerated files (4c861b4)
- core/button: add space between leading icon and text (#149) (8392ef6)
- core/datepicker: date picker months and years (#145) (e42cae2)
- core/datepicker: remove luxon typing from component interface (#135) (0cafe03)
- core/datetime-picker: remove box-shadow (09c760f)
- core/dropdown: show scrollbar (#129) (d801ddd)
- core/event-list-item: replace generic hover values with event-list hover values (385f12f)
- core/expanding-seach: change to a inline style (7e7bd94)
- core/map-nav-overlay: prevent overlay from blocking DOM when hidden (#156) (4a7a5b4)
- core/map-navigation: adjust styling of sidepanel (#150) (ae79b20)
- core/menu-item: deprecate bottom property in favor of slot based implementation (#147) (6873415)
- core/menu: close overlays if menu item is clicked (59b5fe4)
- core/menu: use container to collapse overlay (dc9e692)
- core/styles: lint (aaa034c)
- core/toast: set default icon to info (de4a2a1)
- core/tree-item: replace with tree-item custom properties (cbda870)
- core: build fix (2a98ae9)
- core: bump stencil to current version (#139) (0e0e669)
- core: changed focus to focus-visible (f0bade4)
- core: changed to MouseEvent (e000263)
- core: close overlays (6e1ede3)
- core: datepicker timepicker shadows (417a5a8)
- core: datetimepicker fix heigh & center (313c26f)
- core: eol uniformization (#148) (8088522)
- core: event name changed (efa2019)
- core: expanding search sizing (3f7728a)
- core: fix build error (1ec9c1f)
- core: fixed text color & added box shadows (7f145cf)
- core: update generated files (4bc086e)
- core: updated (39ff691)
- docs: minor typo of dont (af26457)
- documentation/css: fix footer overflow (244a17f)
- documentation/generate-api: fix path to example code (8f55499)
- documentation/preview: fix iframe path (639d40e)
- documentation: added missing files (ef64fbc)
- documentation: fix about and legal (f393f6e)
- documentation: fix the alignment (3e8bc2a)
- documentation: fix typos (d499b41)
- documentation: icon search to case insensitive (b72d999)
- documentation: map navigation (f3dd4e5)
- documentation: map navigation fix changes (3f8fb12)
- html-test-app: add missing dependencies (3fb6c18)
- html-test-app: place public dir inside src folder (081c2ff)
- react/tree: update tree items (5ccf349)
- readme: changed the version to 1.0.0 (963b96e)
- scripts/release: remove not existing export (16190e0)
- angular-test-app: add rounded tabs example (#123) (6a63afe)
- core/date-time-picker: add additional properties to configure pickers (#69) (30a4d1e)
- core/map-navigation: overlay can be configured via slot attribute (#133) (be58975)
- core/map-navigation: remove static about and legal tab (3d84a1b)
- documentation/generate-api: generate docs tags into api table (19f8722)
- documentation/generate-version: replace local assets with cdn links (111bfbb)
- documentation: add baseUrl support (261957e)
- documentation: mobile version (d1bf167)
- documentation: refactor documentation examples to standalone version (2dc75aa)
- html-test-app: add default index file (a9a0608)
- html-test-app: migrate examples to test app (3a4a5f2)
1.0.0 (2022-10-07)
- core: drawer click button to close & open (0315d74)
- documentation/theme-switcher: use label as selection name (6ef8983)
- core/appliaction-header: load optional application logo (89ecb72)
1.0.0-beta.5 (2022-10-06)
- core/menu-item: prevent text selection (548fe2d)
- core/postinstall: add post install script (6eeb7bd)
1.0.0-beta.4 (2022-10-05)
- core/application-header: align logo in center position (74be7a1)
- docs: fix resolutions changes (d410ad7)
- docs: resolutions fix (12327ce)
- docs: updated resolutions & text changes (838fbab)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2022-09-30)
- aggrid/style: use theme variables in filter (79a1e87)
- angular-test-app: remove path overwrite (606f2e4)
- build & assets (df0a03b)
- core/breadcrumb: fix color and alignment of button (1564fd8), closes #14
- core/button: add default button height (51218e6)
- core/button: update styling (df71647)
- core/drawer: update vrt snapshots (678a719)
- core/dropdown: migrate to shadowdom (8a52d17)
- core/group: fix focus visual and behavior (ecaa4ba)
- core/group: prevent null pointer exception (d22abe0)
- core/input: fix border radius (13efded)
- core/modal: add branch for missing 'beforeDismiss' callback' (4904c9d)
- core/modal: update styling (922fc01)
- core/scss: fix import path of shadow (dd25727)
- core/style: remove siemens logo from classic theme (646a920)
- core/style: update theme variables with latest zeplin export (e1fb195)
- core/toast: update styling (080c511)
- core: fix url in bug property of root package.json (9613f43)
- core: removed & ignored build file from git (1b69172)
- docs: added missing dependency & unix paths fix (abe7f0c)
- docs: warning normalized (036a100)
- documentation/generate-api: fix licence header generation (e430e14)
- documentation: change baseUrl to / (3484e0d)
- documentation: copy brand-theme without node_modules (c86c841)
- react-test-app: add modal preview route (2567cd3)
- theme/color: put static colors in seperate object hast to prevent zombie theme file generation (0eab266)
- aggrid: add theming support for aggrid (d397cb1)
- aggrid: added missing dev dependency (147b201)
- aggrid: init aggrid theming (3ed2698)
- angular/modal: add angular framework integration for modal (dfa4001)
- angular/toast: add framework integration for custom toast message (7f31f9b)
- angular/tree: add framework integration for tree (4b810ef)
- angular: update to angular 14.2.0 (156cd9f)
- brand-theme: remove brand theme from core (a333448)
- core/colors: update colors and generate theme (e195c81)
- core/date-time-picker: migrate date-time-picker from core-ui (2c67cad)
- core/expanding-search: update styling for brand and classic themes (13d74f2)
- core/kpi: add kpi web component (dfc8f2c)
- core/menu: toggle between light and dark variant of current theme (acd08f9)
- core/style: add html table (07d32ce)
- core/tabs: add oval tab headers (0e32dca)
- core/toggle: add v7 styling, keyboard access and indeterminate state (7602def)
- core/upload: add i18n for disabled state (69a940f)
- core/upload: add multiline support and v7 styling (f2c13e2)
- core/validation-tooltip: add validation tooltip (3f196ac)
- core/workflow-steps: add web component implementation (dcc2bc8)
- core: merge latest changes from core-ui repo (73d7e33)
- core: remove legacy core ui styles, configurations and component prefix (26647ec)
- docs: add new landing page (60d25e1)
- docs: updated package.json (ca90333)
- documentation: code cleanup & improvements (ad382d9)
- documentation: prepare documentation for github release (74358ef)
- echarts: add echarts theme as standalone package (0a13952)
- fulfill open source checklist (20ec7e4)
- global: added yarn & turbo (d7ff5db)
- react-test-app: migrated webpack to vite (9cf50b5)
- react/tree: add wrapper component for tree component (7609876)
- root: improve ci cache (80ff193)
- root: update ci (e85a34e)
- root: updated CI for yarn (cdd7879)
- root: updated lock file (c3de9f9)
- root: updated readme (353efe5)
- root: updated readme & package.json (310de98)
- use brand-theme optional in core and docs (8978d3d)